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Messages - Compynerd255

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The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Calcnet Library - Testing
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:02:03 pm »

I created the source for a CALCnet Axiom. In my current situation, I cannot compile, but I have the source here:

Code: (CALCnet axiom) [Select]
.dw $C0DE

;Start Cn2.2
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$3C ;"CoordOn"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
call 04206h

;Stop Cn2.2
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$3D ;"CoordOff"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
call 04212h

;Send address pointer
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$0A ;"Xmin"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, 087FAh

;Send data pointer
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$0B ;"Xmax"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, 08801h

;Send size pointer
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$02 ;"Xscl"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, 087FFh

;Store Send Go
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$27 ;"Delta X"
.db %00010000 ;store command
.db 0
ld (08800h), hl

;Retreive Send Go
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$27 ;"Delta X"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, (08800h)

;Recieve address pointer
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$0C ;"Ymin"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, 086F3h

;Recieve data pointer
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$0D ;"Ymax"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, 086FAh

;Recieve size pointer
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$03 ;"Yscl"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, 086F8h

;Store Recieve Go
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$28 ;"Delta Y"
.db %00010000 ;store command
.db 0
ld (086F9h), hl

;Retreive Recieve Go
.dw $0003
.db %00010000
.db $63,$28 ;"Delta Y"
.db %00000000 ;replacement
.db 0
ld hl, (086F9h)

;End Axiom
.dw $0000
Would someone please look this over and make sure it works?

Art / Re: The Knight splash screen
« on: April 12, 2011, 10:28:27 pm »
Do you mean 96x64? Because that's the size of the screen. Unless, of course, you are doing some sort of scrolling or clipping action.

EDIT: And do you want the whole screen filled up with stuff, or do you want space for a menu?

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 12, 2011, 09:59:09 pm »
Can't help but wonder tho...will it eventually be possible to use gCn/calcnet without the 3-or-4-page app DCS?  It's kind of a turnoff even for me...esp. when you consider the limited app slots in the 83 :P

Nothing against dcs, it's just kind of big
Yeah, that is something I would like to see. It would be nice if there were multiple versions of DCS that have any number of these features removed: BASIC libs, CALCnet2.2, the GUI, and the Homerun hook. In these versions, the commands would simply be replaced with an EXEC ERR:NOT SUPPORTED, allowing us to have smaller versions of the app.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 12, 2011, 05:32:05 pm »
the way Compynerd255 described it, that would be pretty bad.  I just say go straight from ticalc.  That's easiest.
Why would it be bad? Is it because of bad files being transfered, or simply server overhaul?
The way I described it, ticalc's archives could also pretend to be another calc on the network, doing the same thing as another central server. You would probably tell it to specifically send to the server in order for it to upload. Also, if the number of available files becomes too large, we can add a search option to narrow down to the files we want.

Forum Arcade Games / Re: Militarysnow
« on: April 12, 2011, 02:55:24 pm »
I played it just now. I wish the guy you hit bounced more.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 12, 2011, 02:52:10 pm »
No, you wouldn't need a server. It would be more like P2P. A custom version of the gCn client could also be attached to the server, so you could download anything there.
Hum, let's say I want to transfer file A.8xp to you, both of us have to be online? Ok, then, but a server would be nice too, and Kerm has made that before so he could explain us.
Yes. To transfer files:
1. Calc A designates one of his files as transferable, either to everyone or to a specific person
2. Calc B checks what files are available.
3. One by one, each calc on the network (including Calc A) sends Calc B a list of the files available to him
4. Calc B selects the file that Calc A wants to transfer.
5. Calc A sends the file, 128 bytes at a time, to Calc B

The server is simply a computer program pretending to be a calculator connected to a gCn client. When Calc A decides to make his file open to anyone, the server picks it up and stores it for later download.

As well as a P2P file sharing service, this could also be used as an alternative to [2nd]-[LINK].

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:03:57 am »
And you wouldn't even have to leave Doors CS to transfer files!

That's a long run project...

At first, we'd have to create the download and upload system, but we need a server, right? And then we need people to take care of the server *forever*.
No, you wouldn't need a server. It would be more like P2P. A custom version of the gCn client could also be attached to the server, so you could download anything there.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:00:21 am »
And you wouldn't even have to leave Doors CS to transfer files! You could just use it as your entire OS and ignore the outside world (unless you use APPS).

Ah ok I see. Hopefully you get more computer access eventually. At one point I remember having to share the computer with my bro and mom and it was annoying X.x
Fortunately, I'm applying for an internship to Microsoft, which means that if I get it, not only will I be able to post here often during the summer, but also, after I set aside cash for my mission and college, I'll be able to buy myself a netbook or laptop.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 12, 2011, 10:47:32 am »
A good point that Scout made is that a gCn MNORPG doesn't seem very possible. A community project needs to be something that can only be done feasibly as a team, and have a large user base.

I had an idea for a project: a fileshare system over CALCnet. Basically, calcs would connect, say which files they are willing to send, and then calcs can pull the files off the other calcs for themselves.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 11, 2011, 10:36:42 pm »
So, I can see that there are two ideas cycling around: a gCn compatible MMO game and a multi-platform programming language. Both ideas sound really cool, so I think we should add a poll to decide which one we are actually going to do (or just do both).

For the gCn MMO, the one thing to keep in mind is that CALCnet is so constructed that you can only send one frame of information at a time over the network. Thus, a place like a hangout location, where hundreds of players are seen simultaneously, is simply not plausible. You would need to have several smaller hubs to create that effect. However, the gCn whitepaper does tell us how the gCn client works and exactly what needs to be sent to the central server, so a custom computer-side program could be used to switch between virtual hubs in order to create different rooms/games.

For the multi-platform programming language (I assume this is for PC, game systems, and TI calculators), we have to be aware that a lot of these technologies work very differently. So, if we want that to work, we will probably have to settle for lowest common denominator (TI calculator level).

TI Z80 / Re: Chess
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:39:30 pm »
I'd like to see variable strength AI that you can set, so that this game wouldn't be limited to 2-player setups or chess players of a certain strength. It would also be cool if the game adapted to your strengths and fought you where it knew you were weak.

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitStudio Software Suite
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:36:21 pm »
Is WabbitEmu being developed right now? If so, what features are being planned? I would like to see both the screenshot bug and the linking bug fixed, as well as anything else that could possibly be wrong.

Other Calculators / Re: Your first programs
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:30:40 pm »
My VERY first project for calc was an unfinished start to another game, when I didn't even understand how the commands even worked (I though Menu set a value).

My first completed project for calc would have to be my Bopit game. It's actually somewhat fun. But that was a little project.

I realize that all of my projects have been pioneering some new technique that I had never used before:
Bopit: First game
DIEFIEND: First game with save files
Reload: First BASIC link game
Morale: First Hybrid BASIC game
Axe Zombie: First Axe game
Eitrix: First multiplayer Axe game

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: A real Community Project
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:21:24 pm »
This sounds like a super cool idea, a community project. One way we could manage this is by using Source Control. Basically, all of the coders upload to a central server, and not only would it let you get the latest version, but would also keep track of every code change since the start of the project. It will let you resolve conflicts between the last update and your working copy, would let you keep track of new and deleted files, and other stuff like that.

TorotiseSVN is a freeware program that integrates SVN Source Control into the Windows IDE. Other SVN programs exist for Mac and Linux, though I'll need to find them. Click on the correct download link for your system, and read the readme to learn how to get started.

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