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Messages - Compynerd255

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TI Z80 / Re: Chess
« on: April 11, 2011, 05:46:44 pm »
Personally, I think it'd be awesome if you defaulted the first move to e4/d4. As the program is right now, I still can't show it to my chess buddies without them mocking it for it's opening. As a temporary solution, I don't imagine programming this in would be particularly difficult (what do I know, though), and it would make the AI "presentable" for the duration where center-priority AI is still not there. I know how hard it can be to motivate yourself to program (I've got a whole bucketload of assets for a "Every Day the Same Dream" port, but I have no motivation to make it), but if you could set a date to have center-prioritizing AI done, I think all of us would really like it...

Although taking the center is what you usually want to do, there are several openings that are useful that don't take the center, such as the Grob. Although your chess buddies might decide that not moving the king's pawn is a terrible idea, the AI's opening might surprise them.

Axe / Re: Constants in an Axiom
« on: April 11, 2011, 05:38:16 pm »
You can define a token to be an immediate value load by making the full code ld hl,constant, but that's about as close as you're going to get to constants. When used in an expression it won't have any special constant optimizations, it will just be treated like a value in parentheses.
Phew... I was afraid that I'd have to write in all of the constant expressions. However, all I would really need to write in is load and add, since that's all you're going to use a pointer for.
CALCnet Axiom, here I come.

Axe / Constants in an Axiom
« on: April 11, 2011, 04:22:46 pm »
I'm working on a simple CALCnet axiom (I'm not really an ASM programmer, but all CALCnet needs is four subroutines and a few memory pointers). Because CALCnet relies so much on pointers, how do you define a constant in Axe, like how L1-L6 function?
Can I just define the constant as a replacement routine,
Code: [Select]
or do I need to define all of the things you can do with the constant (load, add, subtract, multiply, divide...)?
Code: [Select]
ld hl, $8800
add hl, $8800
sub hl, $8800

I do have Internet at home, but its restricted to only two computers. Other people need to use those computers as well, so I can't really do Omnimaga stuff. I have, however, worked a little on Eitrix (as much as I could).

Spring Break. I really only post at school unless its really important (like a project update).

* Compynerd255 feels so stupid that he believed that 2.71 was real.

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitStudio Software Suite
« on: April 11, 2011, 10:16:42 am »
I think I may have just found a bug on WabbitEmu.

I made a program (Basic with BatLib) that changes the contrast of the screen as in an animation (it gets darker and then lighter again).

Such program can be found here.

Here's the GIF:

When I ran it on Wabbit, I was happy I could see the contrast changing :D

However, the GIF I recorded doesn't save that contrast change.
I think the reason contrast doesn't affect screenshots is because of the limitations of GIF palettes. You'd have to include a much larger palette to accommodate all the different possible contrasts.

News / Re: A patch to fix 2.71MP
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:08:46 pm »
Great work, thepenguin! You should release a version of the OS with these patches applied. While you're at it, you could also mod the OS to include super-optimized routines, such as FastCopy instead of the slow routine. But that's another day. For now, fix that crummy OS!

Why change the version to 2.71? Once you take out all the updates, it is 2.55.
Well then people can't fool teachers making them think they got 2.71MP. That way they don't get told to upgrade. :P
Do teachers really have the right to fail you if you choose not to upgrade your OS? 2.43 and 2.55 work just fine.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:00:40 pm »

Nothing new to download yet, but I do have some much needed features coded in:
- A few more new specials
- You can now see the opponent's grid height in multiplayer!
- In single player, that grid height gauge changes to a "screwed-o-meter" gauge that slowly increments as time progresses. The Wall special is available to rocket that up. When the gauge hits the top, you win!

I'm not releasing yet because their are some strange bugs where the game crashes when linkplay is attempted. I'm wondering why this doesn't work.

This is  the  funniest  April  Fool's  Day  joke I've seen  in  a  while!

I can't believe you  all  are  believing  this.
But the thing is, it was posted, and it was real, at least for a few minutes. What we are unsure of is if they are actually going to release this OS, since TI killing ASM support is not out of the question.

They also added pointless loops to the display command, and now it's slower than a snail.  (and I thought that MP was slow)
* Compynerd255 simply stares in amazement at how stupid TI could be.

Axe / Re: Is it Possible?
« on: April 01, 2011, 06:42:29 pm »
Yeah, MirageOS, DoorsCS, zStart, StartUp, and a few other programs employ this method. Ask their authors.

EDIT: Or better yet, dissassemble the OFFSCRPT appvar after creating one with any of those programs.

My personal opinion is that we should just do away with the spam section altogether. I don't think it really adds much to the site.
But it lets us talk about other things, other than calcs. I doubt that anyone here has a one track mind: we have schooling, work, parties, and maybe even significant others. The Misc and Randomness sections let us do that. Also, no new posts are allowed on Randomness if it takes up more than 10% of the total post count.

I certainly hope that this was a joke. The OS was, however, posted two days ago, not today, so I have my doubts. But I certainly hope, hope, hope that this is a joke.

Let's not forget the other possiblity that I mentioned: This might have been some guy's last day at work, and he decided to take out all of his rage before he got fired by changing the text and tearing out the Asm support. It has happened before, in other cases, such as with the original Little Mermaid cover art.

That Randomness actually sounds like a good idea. It would help to define Misc. talk as a serious subject. I think that some people post in Randomness, however, because its invisible to guests, like JustCause's RPG. It would be nice if there were an "invisible to guests" subforum. Also, hiding or ignoring certain new posts sounds like a good idea as well, like "Don't remind me of new posts on this subforum" kind of thing.

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