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Messages - Compynerd255

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TI Z80 / Re: The Mighty Jill Off
« on: April 01, 2011, 10:36:06 am »
The graphics look awesome. I like the sprites a lot.

From a gameplay perspective, it appears that the character walks too slow compared to how fast he jumps.

Axe / Re: Is it Possible?
« on: April 01, 2011, 10:33:55 am »
It has something to do with the OFFSCRPT appvar. When the calculator turns on and encounters this variable, it will run whatever is in it, which will allow you to run a program, app, or whatever. I don't know exactly how it works, though.

This is sad. Just sad. If they are going to destory their user base, they are only destroying themselves.

However, I have two other possible explanations for this:
- It's an April Fool's prank. They posted up that OS to creep the heck out of us.
- It's some madman's last day at work (kind of like with the original cover of The Little Mermaid, where the designer hid porn on it).

However, the other thing to think about is that the 83/84 Plus line was really the only line to include native ASM support. If they remove it in this version, we'll hack the system, just like we did with the 85, 82, 83, and 86.

Axe / Re: Platformer Help!
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:33:34 pm »
Use a modified version of this:

Don't subtract the delay variable when checking the address, and that should result in instantaneous key replies, but only read the key once. The problem with using getKey?K is that you can only read one key at a time. This solution will also add delay so that the character doesn't have automatic machine gun fire.

Also, to shoot more than one bullet at a time, keep your bullets in a table with five variables per bullet:
  • Alive/affiliation (0 for dead bullet, 1 for you, 2 for enemy, this keeps you from shooting yourself)
  • X and Y position
  • X and Y velocity
Then, when you shoot, store the bullet into a dead bullet slot on the table. Then, every frame, update the bullets and draw them.

The Axe Parser Project / Axe Calcnet Library - Testing
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:35:31 am »
I have been working on an Axe Library for CALCnet interfacing. I have made good progress and gotten the concept down. However, the program doesn't work, and I can't figure out why.  :'( Could all you good people in the community please help me?

Humour and Jokes / Re: We Need More Quadratic Solvers!!!
« on: March 30, 2011, 09:49:26 pm »
Hehe, I am putting on the finishing touches to mine... I didn't actually make anything special, though :/ It is just a slow process selecting the coefficients... I plan to make some way where you need to input your values to begin with, then your selected coefficients are used to find the roots and then depending on how accurate your two inputs are will determine how accurate the output result is :D
What you need to do, Xeda, is write yours in Hex, if you haven't already.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Omnimaga Hang-Out
« on: March 30, 2011, 09:45:54 pm »
This sounds like a really cool idea. I probably wouldn't play it, as I don't have all that much time for gaming, but I'd be happy to help out some.

Names we could use:
- Omniroom
- In Lobsters We Trust
- The Peanut Gallery
- OmniLife
- Everywhere Wizards (a literal translation of the latin)

EDIT: ninja'd

EDIT 2: If everyone needs a hint, then I've got one: what if the room slightly pixelated wherever my avatar was located? I plan on using a pixelated profile picture once I'm done with Eitrix.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: March 30, 2011, 05:41:56 pm »
Quote from: \\\"Compynerd255\\\"
That a bug, too. DispGraph should work at either speed.

No, it\\\'s not. See Quigibo\\\'s post. You have to disable full-speed mode before running DispGraph now. Speed gain\\\'s only for 6 MHz mode (that\'s why Quigibo was unwilling to change this earlier).
Okay, that makes sense. Setting and resetting full-speed mode in order to Dispgraph is reasonable, as long as that doesn't cause too much of a slowdown.
Also, why are all your apostrophes preceded by backslashes? Is that on purpose, or is that a bug?

And speaking of bugs, on the New Topic or Reply page, once your post gets beyond a certain length, the scroll bar will not scroll past a certain point, jumping back to the top of the post every time you write a character, making post writing in that GUI nearly impossible.

True, the Xres trick works, and I have used it on multiple occasions to speed up graphing, but that destroys graph quality. Asking TI to limit its screen updates, even in an upcoming OS update, is a legitimate request.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: March 30, 2011, 04:07:54 pm »
Do you run your program at 15MHz? Because the new DispGraph command currently only works at 6MHz.
That a bug, too. DispGraph should work at either speed.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 30, 2011, 04:06:39 pm »
Doesn\'t it already do that? It also precalculates things like +L1-8 by adding (L1-8) together.

If it doesn\'t do this in the new version, it\'s a bug.
I should probably look at dissassembled code before I make guesses of that. But if it doesn't have that in there, that would still be super nice.

Humour and Jokes / Re: We Need More Quadratic Solvers!!!
« on: March 30, 2011, 10:33:17 am »
I plan to :D I am trying to figure out how to combine a tunnel game and quadratic solver, though :D
Here's an idea: ask for the coefficients, and the program will find the roots. You will then be required to GUESS the roots that it solved, and if you get it wrong, you will have to survive in the tunnel for 10 seconds. Oh, and to be even more evil: to guess the number, the tunnel will expand and split into the digits, and you have to travel through the hole that corresponds to the digit you want to guess.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 30, 2011, 10:27:38 am »
I have a feature request that would significantly reduce the size of Axe programs: automatically calculate constants. For example, L1+4 is a constant, but when Axe encounters it, it loads L1, then adds 4, instead of simply loading the end value. So, when Axe encounters a string of constants in the program, it actually runs through the operations of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing until a variable is encountered. For example,
Code: (Axe) [Select]
should parse as:
Code: (ASM) [Select]
ld hl,saveScreen+5
sto hl,appBackupScreen+2

Axe / Re: How do I use calcnet for Axe?
« on: March 29, 2011, 07:57:05 pm »
I've made good progress this afternoon on a CALCnet library. What's cool about it is that not only does it send and recieve frames, but will also keep track of the 5-byte addresses of all the online players in any location you choose, up to the number you dictate. I still need to test it and tweak it, but expect something next week, if not sooner.

EDIT: And I just found out that the code I put up doesn't actually work very well: messages only get to one calc while the other suffers. And I also found out that when the Disp command scrolls the homescreen, the CALCnet signal values are tampered with.

Axe / Re: How do I use calcnet for Axe?
« on: March 29, 2011, 04:24:54 pm »
The documents tell it all, but I'll give the rundown:
- In CALCnet, data transmission takes place in frames (the equivalent of packets). A frame contains a size word, the unique 5-byte address of the sender, and up to 255 bytes of data. To send a frame, one clears the send buffer, then stores the recipient, the data, and then the size, with the high bit of the MSB set.
- Each calculator has a unique 5-byte address that is assigned to it when CALCnet is initialized. When you send a message, you may either store their address to send a message only to them, or send a message to 0x0000000000 to send a message to all the calculators connected to the network (a broadcast frame).
- Because of CALCnet's nature, you could theoretically connect every single calc that TI has ever minted. :)

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