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Messages - Compynerd255

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Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:27:09 am »
Okay, that menu looks freakin' sweet. I believe it will be a robust framework for whatever you decide to do with it. When you post this to, remember to ask the staff to feature you.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: February 27, 2011, 08:31:45 pm »
Okay, thank you DJ. Next time I do an update, I'll add a screenshot. (or two)

I'm trying to understand why this would be useful. An Axe program is no different than any other assembly program, except for the way it is generated. If you wanted to dissassemble the code on the computer and check, by all means, check. But it isn't really useful on a calculator, unless you have a personal vendetta against Axe programs or non-Axe programs.

Also, ztrumpet, how can I get me one of those cool banners on my signature?

EDIT: Also, Xeda, what is the Omnimaga Anti-Riot squad?

TI-BASIC / Re: Why never to use Goto.
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:05:59 pm »
And, in Axe, there is virtually no reason for Goto statements at all.

I think you meant to say
And, in Axe, there is virtually every reason for Goto statements.
No, I actually meant to say that. True, every reason for a Goto statement exists in Axe, and I can even see using it to break out of loops. But for the most part, I don't use them. I come from a C# programming background, and it is more trouble to program a Goto statement in C# than it is to use something else, such as a Break or Continue statement (That would actually be a cool feature request for Axe!). But in Axe, a Goto statement can serve the same purpose.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:01:51 pm »
Hey, DJ, are you the only one who posts to this forum? I have just noticed that the last user to post here other than me and you was Builderboy, and he didn't even know what was going on. (No offense, Builderboy). Do you think it would be rude to PM everybody and say "Hey, play my game?" or do something similar?

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:38:46 am »
Hmmm it could be possible, but wouldn't I need a backup of both the buffer *and* the backbuffer if i had a greyscale map?
Not if you code smart. ;)  You should be able to do three level, as long as the character sprites were not greyscale. :D

Steal 768 bytes of user RAM in the form of an Appvar. All Basic games do it, and so does my game EITRIX. I wouldn't mind having it for Portal X as well.

EDIT: Look at my source code for Eitrix for an explanation of how to do it.

TI-BASIC / Re: Why never to use Goto.
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:34:51 am »
I'm going to throw in my own two cents.

Goto-Lbl statements are only good when no workable alternative exists. (e.g. subroutines or loops don't exist in the language) For example, While loops in Applesoft BASIC have to be created by IF x THEN GOTO y statements at the end of the loop. Fortunately, this does not create a memory leak, unless you happen to be inside a For loop.

As for TI-BASIC, While loops and If statements can create the effect of a subroutine, but that solution is only for people who want to keep all their code in one program. My game DIE FIEND used this Goto pattern to create subroutines and program branching, but I realized how leaky that code was.
Another alternative is to store your game in multiple subprograms, use an ASM lib to unarchive them (or tell people not to) then ship the game as a group file. That's what I did with Morale, my xLib war game.
And, in Axe, there is virtually no reason for Goto statements at all.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:26:32 am »
Great news! Eitrix 0.4.999 has been released!

- Title Menu!
   - Select from Play, Link, or Quit on the title screen
   - Return to the menu after you die
- A preliminary version of Linkplay!
   - When you select Link, the calculator will wait for an opponent to do the same
   - Once that happens, a link game will begin
   - The attack items that you used to get randomly in single player are now the form of Special Blocks. When you clear them, your opponent feels the pain...
   - Currently buggy (which is why this isn't Version 0.5 yet): Regardless of what attack special you clear, your opponent only gets The Wall. Also, the game doesn't end when your opponent dies
- Two new attacks: Speed Up and Jumble
- Escalator has been changed to Bullet Holes
- Attacks will not be active while a row is clearing

Please play and tell me what you think!

Other Calculators / Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:37:56 am »
Okay, these are my programs:

TI-83 Plus Games
BOP-IT: No need to explain
DIE, FIEND: A long time ago in my older brother's Health class, he learned about defending yourself from a bully, and shared what he learned with me. Since he likes to joke around a lot, he said: "Be assertive. DIE, FIEND!" He doesn't remember doing that, but I did when I created this battle RPG (which is really fun, BTW, you should try it.)
RELOAD: The name of the rhythmic hand game that I was recreating. It derives from the dynamic of using a gun.
MORALE: This turn-based strategy game made with xLib relies on army morale, which determines the number of reinforcements that you get every turn.
Axe Zombie: A top-down zombie shooter. Need I say more?
Eitrix: This game is a port of my dad's game, Eitrix, which is a remake of a game he made called Eittris, which in turn is a revamp of Tetris.

PC/XBox Games
SPIN: A remake of another game my dad made, which was called SPIN because the ship SPUN around.
Furball: This is a military term for a really bad dogfight.
7Larn: This game is a port of an open-source PC game called Larn for Windows 7 Phone.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: axe progs that do funny things to your calc.
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:25:01 am »
Okay, now that sounds cool, Deep Thought. I'd like to see a screenshot of that.

Someone should also make the Cookie Monster Virus: It was a virus for old computers that would say "GIVE ME A COOKIE" and relentlessly ask until you typed "COOKIE" at the prompt. Maybe, for that devastating X-1 virus, it could do that instead of crashing your calc.

General Calculator Help / Re: Opening a calc?
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:18:03 am »
Don't use plain water. Plain water is electrically conductive if it has any impurites at all, a recipe for disaster. Isopropyl alcohol can be purchased in the form of Iso-HEET, an antifreeze available at any gas station. I don't believe it conducts electricity, but I do know it is flammable (I know about this product because we burned it by the bottle at Scout Camp. :) )

The Axe Parser Project / Re: axe progs that do funny things to your calc.
« on: February 16, 2011, 10:39:37 am »
Someone should recreate this for 83 Plus:

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: February 16, 2011, 10:30:21 am »
I compiled an Axe program so it would output an Application, but I didn't had enough archive. Naturally, it error'd. Then I found out with Calcsys it created an unnamed, 0xC6050500 byte (3 GB?) application in the archive. Now the Arc Free counter in 2nd+MEM is stuck to 0 bytes left. And I can't see it there and delete it, due of its lack of a name.

Is it a bug? If not, feel free to move this post somewhere else. Anyway, it's freaking weird.
Yeah, this is a serious bug. Having insufficient space should not destroy your calculator's memory. Axe should check the amount of space required to write the app, and then refuse to write it if space was insufficent.
In the meantime, to get your memory back, try a Garbage Collect. If that doesn't work, do a Mem Clear.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: February 16, 2011, 10:25:48 am »
And now that I think of it, when would you use SET and RES in an Axe program, then? Especially considering the way Axe does math.
You would use it to store multiple booleans inside one 8-bit number, in order to save space. I personally use bit checking for Eitrix, using individual bits to store the grid. Similar tricks can be used to store 2, 4, and 8 bit numbers inside larger number structures.

General Calculator Help / Re: Opening a calc?
« on: February 16, 2011, 10:22:36 am »
What are these "clips" on the side of the case that you speak of? My 83+BE has been having problems with it turning off inexplicably and me having to bang the bottom of the calculator against a desk to turn it on again. I tried to take it apart before, but my dad looked at the screws on the back and found that they weren't screws: they were rivets, which are impossible to take apart.

Also, how do you preform a RAM restore using DoorsCS7? I didn't know that it could do that.

And additionally, regarding DCS7's size, does anyone think it would be a good idea for Kerm to provide an "abbreviated" version with the Basic libs removed, so that it only takes up 32K? I don't have much space for apps.

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