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Messages - Compynerd255

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Forum Arcade Games / Re: Amira
« on: June 01, 2011, 10:28:18 am »
I played it, it's pretty fun.

I noticed that when you walk through bushes, you are still slowed down for a few seconds even after you leave.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Hardest NES Game?
« on: June 01, 2011, 10:17:28 am »
I personally can't give an honest opinion on the subject, since I haven't played too many NES games. However, you should also add an "Other" option for those people who think some other game is harder.

Art / Re: Other Side
« on: May 31, 2011, 10:38:37 am »
I'm posting more pictures, now of the four main characters. I realize that I should have posted more of the basics before I posted more advanced stuff, like the civilization ideas. These are the main characters:
- Gil (Gilorand): The hero, and main Player Character. He started out on the surface, but was taken to Other Side in a freak accident. He is a long lost descendant of an Atlantean King. He is also a Summoner.
- Alena: The girl Gil goes with on his journey of Other Side, daughter of the Atlantean Head Councilman. She has connections with the Ancients that created the Earth, and is learning the techniques of World Forging (creating and modifying worlds) and Summoning. However, you only know that she is a Summoner at the beginning.
- Josef: A wise sheepherder, and the guide of the party. He is the one who finds Gil after he lands in Other Side. He has no magical powers, instead prefering to use his shepherd's cane to fend off beasties.
- The Dragonbat: The first beastie that Gil summons. Unlike other beasties, Dragonbats will only obey those with royal blood - everyone else who summons a Dragonbat gets creamed. :). Like other beasties, the Dragonbat has both a True Form (the Dragon) and a Harmless Form (the Bat). In the game, you can name the Dragonbat (and anything else you summon) whatever you want.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:36:27 am »
That's really true.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:25:55 am »
I second (or fifth, or whatever) the extra passes. Anything to increase program efficiency. Anyway, in Axe's current form, the second pass is faster than the first.

I know that most of the Axe routines are incompatible with the shell routines, but some of them are not. Because DispGraph is simply Ion's FastCopy, then DispGraph should simple be a CALL iFastCopy when compiling for a shell. I don't know how useful this would be for other commands, however.

Art / Re: Other Side
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:35:21 am »
Thanks for the replies. I'll post more pictures of the idea, such as the other civilizations and the beasties themselves.

Axe / Re: Axe Bullets
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:36:45 am »
You might also want to add another variable indicating which team (player or enemy) shot it. That way, when the bullet is shot, it doesn't affect the player who shot it. Either that, or you could use a time variable indicating how much time the bullet has existed (fresh bullets don't do damage, bullets that have existed too long are destroyed).

Miscellaneous / Re: OmnimagaOS
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:18:18 am »
Greattt :D What's the "Windows" menu for though?
It's all the programs ("windows") running at the time, most likely.

And the OS so far looks really cool. If I had a larger flash drive, I'd use it.

TI-BASIC / Re: How to get the most repeated value in a list?
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:14:45 am »
In English, it's called "mode". I also have no idea how to code it, either. However, there are a few functions that might help:

dim(L1) (found in [2nd] (list), in the second submenu) returns the number of elements in the list. You can also store to this function to set the number of elements in a list.
L1(n) gets the nth element of the list, with 1 being the first element.

Someone should make Plants vs. Zombies. For those of you who don't know, it is an iPhone game where you hide in your house and plant various plants in your yard to fend off zombies. Some plants generate "money", others shoot projectiles, some act as land mines, etc. There are also multiple backyards, such as pure lawns, pools, etc.

EDIT: If no one else takes this project before I finish Eitrix, I call it. :D

I Think you would do an awesome job at it, since your other projects like Eitrix look pretty fantastic ;) go for it! :D
Thanks for the encouragement, Ashbad. I just started working on it. I already have a grid with Sunflowers, generating Sun Points. Next up, I'll add a Planting cursor, then Peashooters, and then Zombies. As soon as you can die, I'll post an alpha version.

Something that would allow daisy-chaining calcs to make >2player games
This has been created by Kerm Martin on Cemetech: CALCnet2.2. It is a linking system that comes with Doors CS 7.1, available on

We should probably talk in some type of cipher so that TI doesn't get any ideas. Maybe we could discuss the cipher in the Spam section.

Humour and Jokes / Re: xkcd comics I agree with
« on: May 23, 2011, 10:59:53 am »
So true.
This one is actually quoted in the Axe documentation. I lol'ed when I read it.

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: WabbitStudio Software Suite
« on: May 23, 2011, 10:36:34 am »
I believe that there is a bug with the COM object. When I tried to reference it in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, it did not show up in the list of registered COM objects (although TI's own link communication devices did). How are you registering the COM object on setup?

BTW, I was wondering about this so that I could add joystick compatiblility via Microsoft DirectInput (which would be a really cool feature besides :)).

News / Re: Crabcake for Axe
« on: May 23, 2011, 10:31:31 am »
This is really great, Hot_Dog! I like how someone has finally set out to fix this.

However, when I tried it on my 83 Plus (OS 1.19), on Eitrix (9100 bytes with Crabcake, 8700 bytes without), the game crashed immediately when it started running, as if it had broken the fourth wall already. Could you please look into this?

I can definitely look into it.  I'm assuming that your game worked perfectly fine before you put crabcake on?  Also, can I see your source?

Both the source and the executable are available for download on To integrate Crabcake, I added AxesOn after the Icon and Axiom lines (making it the first line of actual code), and, in my Quit code, I moved the existing prep code to the end, under a Lbl END:
Code: (Crabcake Axe) [Select]
Goto END
Fix 4
Archive Str9

I don't know, but I have the slight feeling that you did not do extensive testing on code that broke the 8811 byte limit, because the test program that came with Crabcake is a heck of a lot smaller than that.

News / Re: Crabcake for Axe
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:39:01 am »
This is really great, Hot_Dog! I like how someone has finally set out to fix this.

However, when I tried it on my 83 Plus (OS 1.19), on Eitrix (9100 bytes with Crabcake, 8700 bytes without), the game crashed immediately when it started running, as if it had broken the fourth wall already. Could you please look into this?

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