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Messages - Compynerd255

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TI Z80 / Re: Contest Entry - Kirby
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:33:14 am »
This looks great so far! I like the sprites, and it's great that you already have jumping and walking. Remember to turn off the run indicator, though. I can't wait to see what's next!
Oh, and if you want to beat the Explosive Contest entry, be sure to add explosions and special effects to the game.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:23:43 am »
Hi I merged your auto topic with this one. I'll have to check the new version soon, I've been busy lately. It looks promising :D

It will also definitviely need a news.
Thanks, DJ.

BTW, I tried Crabcake this morning and could not get it to work (immediate crash). I think that if I wanted to add more features to Eitrix, I'll want to compile as an APP, and maybe get the code for CALCnet2.2 if that is being distributed at all.

Miscellaneous / Re: What's your status?
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:18:45 am »
Not sure what to vote...

I am single and of the "forever alone" variety. I'm not exactly aggressive on the dating scene and don't exactly enjoy the company of people IRL, but I still wish I could date and get married. Hnnn X_x

TsukasaZX->Life = "Complicated";
Yeah, I remember you talking about this on that "We're Pregnant" thread on Cemetech. While being married is truly awesome, there are many people who are still successful and happy even if they cannot. In the case of this thread, you should probably vote "Prefer not to answer" so that we can get accurate proportions for those surveyed.

Oh, and remember to change your votes if your relationship status changes. :D

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What is wrong with my Axiom?
« on: May 19, 2011, 07:09:09 pm »
Use the gcd( token (Greatest Common Denominator, found in MATH, RIGHT, 9).

Also, out of curiosity, how far down "" are the token equates defined? I can never find them.

Axe / Re: Anyone have an easy tilemapper for AXE?
« on: May 19, 2011, 05:44:52 pm »
Someone should write an Axiom that does per-pixel collisions. Basically, it would act like drawing the sprite, but instead of modifying the buffer, it would AND the sprite with the buffer and keep an accumulating total of the number of pixels both sprites share, or even a pixelmap of the collisions.

TI Z80 / Re: [Axe Parser Shoot'em up] Devrays
« on: May 19, 2011, 05:41:24 pm »
This looks really good! I like how you have the different types of bullets and the R-Type feel (I am refering to the original arcade and gameboy game, NOT the dodge-asteroids game).

If I could improve the game at all, I would make the game scroll slightly faster than it does right now. At this point, it seems to lumber along, too slow to have meaningful progress in an acceptable amount of time.

Also, have you tried Crabcake? It's an ASM utility/axiom that is designed to overcome the 8811 byte limit, allowing you to create Axe games as large as RAM will allow. I'm looking into it myself.

Art / Other Side
« on: May 19, 2011, 03:30:34 pm »
This is some concept art for a video game / movie / graphic novel idea that my friend had. I've been working with him for the past several months on designing the world of Other Side. To picture Other Side, think of this:
- So, the world has an outward curvature, correct?
- Now imagine: instead of being on the outside of a ball, you are on the inside of a hollow ball. That is Other Side.
Other Side is also kind of an "opposite" world as opposed to the surface world (Outside). While the surface is based on physics and reality, Other Side is based on magic and imagination. However, human dynamics on both sides are much the same, including human nature and war.
Whenever a rainbow is energized by a lightning strike, a temporary portal is created on both sides, allowing passage between Outside and Other Side. Many civilizations (such as Atlantis, El Dorado, and the Mayans) have disappeared inexplicably because they were transported to Other Side.
Perfect rainbows (rainbows created from white light, such as that of the Sun) are capable of transporting people. However, imperfect rainbows (those created from non-white light) created and energized in Other Side are used to preform magic and summon creatures. Summoners are people that can create lightning and thus use magic in this way.

These concept drawings here are drawings of the soldiers and Summoners for two of many civilizations: Atlantis (the surface world civilization that was transported to Other Side) and Atlas (the Atlantis of Other Side that was forced to retreat). There will be many more civilizations here, as well as different creatures.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: May 19, 2011, 03:11:32 pm »

TI Z80 / Eitrix
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:54:42 pm »

Eitrix: Tetris with a multiplayer twist! Eitrix is a fun and innovative game in the style of Tetris, with an important twist: Occassionally, one of the blocks in your grid will become energized with a Special Power. Clear the row the block is in, and the Special Power will be unleased, either helping you or harming your opponent. Eitrix is a game that "is different every time" (Collin Hudson), something you will want to "play every day" (Dillon Johnson). Have fun, and download today!

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:34:45 am »
I'll look into Crabcake.

Oh, yes, and I just uploaded to the omni downloads section and I'll add links when the files are approved.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:35:51 am »

Eitrix Version 1.0 is complete! Here are the changes from 1.0 beta:

- Bug with Speed Up (the rabbit) has been fixed, where the rabbit would continue to work long
  after it expired. It now works much like the Flip attack, in that the icon appears to warn you,
  then the effect hits.
- When a block is on the ground, press ALPHA to set it. (Before, it would reset the drop timer,
  letting it sit there perpetually as long as you held the button down...)
- Flipped the rotation keys. Now UP is actually clockwise and 2ND is actually counterclockwise
- Stats screen added! Your total wins and losses in both modes are recorded, both for all time
  and for that program execution.
   - Stats are kept in the 31-byte appvar Eitrix.
   - The Appvar is kept in archive when the program is not running. You will only lose your
     stats to a RAM clear if Eitrix happens to be running at the time.
- Because no new features are planned (other than patches and bug fixes) the Upcoming Features
  section has been replaced with a Testimonials section.

I hope you enjoy it!

Miscellaneous / Re: What's your status?
« on: May 18, 2011, 05:22:38 pm »
I want to know what "other" is too lol...
And yeah, "bachelor" means you're single and looking
Yes, bachelor means you are single and looking. This includes if you have your eye on a specific person.
"Other" would be any social status that doesn't fit any of those social norms up here. Use your imaginations.

Miscellaneous / What's your status?
« on: May 18, 2011, 10:38:57 am »
You know, your social status? I'm just wondering if being a computer nerd has any bearing on this.
(If you don't want to answer, please mark Prefer Not to Answer so we can get a better percentage.)

TI Z80 / Re: My explosive contest entry
« on: May 18, 2011, 10:33:40 am »
Okay, now that is cool. I especially love the explosions, and the big gun.

If you could add smoke, then that would be EPIC.

Would it be possible to have normal and full compilation modes. So if a program runs at normal by default the code for changing the clock to normal at every dispgraph wouldn't be needed. Also this could be used by 83+ owners so that when they compile a program, full commands are ignored.
Full commands are already ignored in 83 Plus mode. In fact, if a Full command is run on an 83 Plus, HL returns zero and nothing happens. But I have seen the size of the Full command, and yes, I think it would be a good idea to have some option where Full and Normal are skipped.

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