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Messages - Darl181

Pages: 1 ... 99 100 [101] 102 103 ... 253
Miscellaneous / Re: What is your signature?
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:48:44 am »
Hm I haven't posted here in a while...
Switched out the Nyancalc bar for the gSHUMP bar (tho I've been thinking about changing "gSHUMP" to "Essence")

Also switched the order of the "<calc> user" bars, b/c I've been using the 84 more.

Humour and Jokes / Re: If TI Made a PC OS...
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:27:50 am »
Kind of off-topic, but this has to be the biggest poll in both content and options that I've seen on this whole forum  :crazy:

Original, I think.
Then how did it only get 42 votes? O.O
It was closed at 42 votes..maybe it went inactive for a long time?

Miscellaneous / Re: what flight sims do you own?
« on: September 18, 2011, 12:05:59 am »
I haven't had many problems with the Google Earth one, tho it's easier to use the one that isn't the jet. (the jet's a lot more touchy with the controls)

I actually had some fun with that one, putting the pin thingies around, labeling nearby runways (including but not limited to my high school's field and street :P)

Web Programming and Design / Re: Nyan Cat purified
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:38:25 pm »
Win :D

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Now we just need a rickroll and we're set >:D

Axe / Re: lines/text
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:37:29 pm »
It's under the Matrix menu, under the sub-menu Math.  In the program editor (if and only if it's an axe program) after scrolling down for a bit you'll see both Rect and RectI, options A and B respectively (taking the place of ref/rref)

Axe / Re: lines/text
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:24:14 pm »
Well for a border around the screen, you could do:

It can be optimized but yeah.

You could actually do it a simpler way:
.Rect( token is ref( token, RectI( is rref(

Rect draws a rectangle, RectI inverts a rectangle-shaped area.

Axe / Re: lines/text
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:19:04 pm »
but about my line question...
first of all, what are the x-mins/maxs and y-mins/maxs in axe? the regular line(0,0,10,10) doesn't do anything.
A general rule of thumb for Axe: anything graphscreen-related (with a few exceptions, Text w/o Fix 5 being one of them) is only put on the screen if you do Dispgraph.
Try putting DispGraph after it, then see what happens.

Axe / Re: lines/text
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:57:45 pm »
Axe counts from the top-left corner, the top row being the 0th row (the bottom being the 53rd) and the leftmost column being the 0th column (rightmost is 95th)
If you do Fix 5 before Text() you need a DispGraph after it to write it to the screen.

(btw you can use DiagnosticOff to get rid of the scrolling bar thing)

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: September 17, 2011, 09:30:07 pm »
2199: (You already know that reference.

There's an xkcd for everything, it's kind of creepy 0.o

Other / Re: Why does my calc do this?
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:12:40 pm »
Can you describe what happens a bit more?  It could just be the contrast setting somehow getting turned to the max..

Gaming Discussion / Re: Anyone play Armegetron Advanced?
« on: September 17, 2011, 05:37:41 pm »
Before now, never heard of it so yeah :P

In a nutshell, what is it?  Afaict from [wikipedia]Armagetron Advanced[/wikipedia] it's basically the tron arcade game, prettied up for the computer...

Axe / Re: Axe beginner - n00b tipz?
« on: September 17, 2011, 03:34:33 pm »
That.  One of the better ways to learn it is to read through the documentation and commands list, then start to experiment.  Over time you'll start making little connections here and there, and before you know it...;D

I've tried all thee now, tho I kind of got a bit impatient with PrizmCity about the time it was saying "Adding Gatorade" :P
Wasn't able to glean much from the readme, see if I'll be able to figure out what's there.. Tbh I haven't played the original SimCity or anything like that, so I'm assuming background knowledge comes into play.
* Darl181 wishes saving worked,'s like Super rc pro am in ti-boy, a 2-minute wait just to get to the actual game x.x

I was playing Sequenced at school, it's pretty good. Great stuff for a BASIC thing (nice touch with the menu :))  Tho I haven't played Mastermind before, after checking the in-game instructions I got it :D

And Very Easy Game..I couldn't finish it it was too hard interesting :P (tho it's easier than the original, the original gave you only two years to react while this gives you three)

Miscellaneous / Re: Has this happened in your school?
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:50:14 pm »
Well, generation by generation it seems to get worse.  A few months ago I saw some elementary schoolers cussing each other out from opposite sides of the street, using some pretty vulgar language..
(this is in the SF bay area, btw.  not sure how it is in other parts of the country)

Miscellaneous / Re: Hs this happened in your school?
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:43:54 pm »
Hmm, iirc the football team at my school has to do drug tests b/c some of them were using steroids.  And I hear stories about people bringing water bottles full of vodka, sniffing painkiller in the back of class, etc about once a semester x.x

Not exactly a good atmosphere but it's the best high school in the district somehow so yeah XD

(btw, the topic title: "Hs this happened..." ;))
EDIT: fixed.

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