[13:49:44] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<calc84maniac> lol, I can tell quigibo was pulling all-nighters [13:49:52] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<calc84maniac> "I enforce this restriction because it optimizes your code a lot more optimized."
At this point I haven't had more than one bad flash error for about a week of use, and I tried to compile again just afterwards then it worked so idk. (also I was playing with calcsys a bit the same day so yeah) So, I'd say it's stable for the most part when used normally
Hm, I got into the site without using a proxy at school so success in that
However, some little things.... OmnomIRC doesn't work, albeit my using an old version of chrome (12.0.742.122) while firefox takes its time updating on the USB drive. I can click the chan tabs and they change, clear cookies, etc but the log won't load and the send button doesn't work. Also, the login on the front page goes to the http version of the site, despite going there from the https page. EDIT: the banner on top goes to the http version as well EDIT2: omnomIRC showed in the login page, before I logged in
EDIT3: so I'm trying the https at home, and things seem normal for the most part. Omnom works, the Quick Modify button is there, etc So apparently it's trying to load stuff from the normal omnimaga, not the https, which is blocked so some things don't work :\
2021: You've made numerous userbars, most if not all relating to calcs and omni 2022: You bike home during lunch breaks at school so you can get on omni, even if only for like 5 minutes (b/c the school library's closed) 2023: You converted your spare casio I/O cable into a TI cable. Successfully. 2024: Forget 2000, you know 2024 is the real numbar to shoot for. 2025: You always spell numbar like that, as well as #963 2025: You couldn't find the pink USB cable you were looking for, but you found a white USB cable and drew on that instead. 2026: You understand what #2025 refers to
1982: You have a bar code generator written in BASIC on your calc (true )
1983: You can read bar codes, QR codes and such like so fluently that you lose the instant you see
1984: You can't read them yet you lost anyway 1985: You know what you're losing 1986: Tho the real reason you lost is because it was someone's avatar...
Sorry DT. I was just looking at Darl's post in a new tab. Anyways, Thanx for making the bar transparent. You must be psychic because GIMP had a huge error when I opened it, leaving me Transparentless.
For some reason you have to right-click on the layer and select "add alpha layer".
Yeah, I figured. I also added your supporter bar Darl. Contra soundz awesome.
Thanks, but Darl? Anyway, since I have nothing better to do than this, here's your bar transparent-ized and PNG-ified. (It's really better than as a bitmap since BMP isn't a web-friendly format.)
Contra is by Deep
I'm tempted by the IE bar, but I'm not sure what exactly to put on there to complement it (b/c I would have to put in 2 bars to make the rows even) Maybe TI-108 user? (tho I use an el-w535 for basic math but w/e) idk