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Messages - Darl181

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Pretty much you alternate multiple notes really fast, and the sound kind of blurs together.

For something other than simple beeps is really complicated to do, tho :/

News / Re: Five new Coders of Tomorrow hired
« on: July 19, 2011, 05:58:25 pm »
Thanks for this! ;D

Omnimaga is the first forum I've been on (other than ticalc), so it's great to be able to help out around here :)

And yeah, when the buttons first popped up for me I was like "wait, what?" before I realized what was going on :P
* SirCmpwn BUTTONS!

Other Calculators / Re: USB / Sound Devices with TI 83/84 + (SE)
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:23:21 pm »
There's a MIDI converter for Axe (link) and it seems like it's maintained.
Also squidgetx made a guitar-like program, I think it was called Axesynth.

As for playing, there's multiple ways--Trusound, DCS, and a few more I can't recall atm :P

Idk if there's a real song maker, sounds like a good project idea to me :)

Other Calculators / Re: USB / Sound Devices with TI 83/84 + (SE)
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:41:07 pm »
Headphones are normally 3.5mm.  The calc's port is 2.5mm.

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:40:34 pm »
1780: You have more than one toothbrush: one for you and one for each of your calcs.
1781: The calc's tooth keybrush is better than yours.
1782: You brush your calc's keys twice a day.  Every day.

I actually did this the other day, and it worked pretty well.  Even brushed out the msd8x adapter :P

1783: You've put glow-in-the-dark paint on your calc's keys so you can code easier at night (so it looks something like

EDIT: fixed numbering

Other Calculators / Re: USB Devices with TI 83/84 + (SE)
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:33:55 pm »
For the record, I wouldn't strip the USB cable.  I just bought a mini-A to A female.  It was pretty cheep, IIRC.

I use something like this most of the time.  Just not many people have access to that sort of thing ;)
For the record, I'm using a converted adapter from this kit and it's great, tho there are definitely cheaper alternatives out there.
imo it's a good thing to have a kit like this anyway =P

Other Calculators / Re: USB Devices with TI 83/84 + (SE)
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:24:34 pm »
Basically you just find a female a and a male mini-b or a (either will work atm, preferably mini-a b/c there's less work for later (and yes I know in the end it has to be mini-a but I dealt with that ??)), cut the cables, strip off some of the outside shell.  Keep the mesh-like stuff on.
Strip the colored wires on both sites, twist like colors together and wrap with electrical tape.
Kind of twist together or whatever the meshy part, tape together.  Wrap whole assembly in electrical tape.

Now, look at the smaller plug.

Which one does it look like?
If it's A, you're done and ready to use it.
If it's B, read this
or get yourself familiar with a soldering gun :P

You'll need to link pins 4 and x somehow to make it work.

As for the omni link, it's supposedly a "temporary" way to do it but I've had it that way with mine for quite a while now and it works..

[wikiti]msd8x[/wikiti] [wikiti]usb8x[/wikiti]
Useful info and stuff.  Good idea to browse through for a while.

EDIT: there's also [wikiti]USBtools[/wikiti], which allows you to do stuff like use a keyboard or mouse.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask ;)

TI Z80 / Re: YAMGT
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:23:48 pm »
Apparently I've had this on my msd8x drive since 1/1/01 for a few months now...about the same time as spacerun and such.
Going with the super-creative titles, "DotRun" and a newer variant: "DotRun2".

Basically you try to get to a spot as 10 other dots are trying to do so as well.  All those random circles (the static ones at least) are the places there's an AI dot headed.  You go for the square.  Get hit by another dot and you lose.  Sit still for too long and get rushed by all the dots at once for some reason.

The newer variant is basically the same thing, but with Tag-esque physics.  (No, not leafiness' Tag)  Pretty much everything else is the same.

EDIT: btw "YAMGT" stands for "Yet Another MiniGames Thread"

EDIT2: I plan on adding a sort of scoring thing, kind of like the recon one.  Prolly some sort of thing where the more times you reach the target in a shorter amount of time, the score is higher.

TI Z80 / Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:06:47 pm »
How do these point vector things work exactly?  Afaict they're just line segments...?

Bump.  With the contest over, hopefully there's more time for someone to do something like this. ;D

Got a working multimeter today and was able to test it.
The sleeves (labeled as 1) are connected.
The tip (3) is connected to the ring (2) on the other side.  Same both ways.
Looks to me like the 'data lines' are swapped...
EDIT: ndless to say I don't have a TI cable to do the same test with...but I'm suspecting that with TI cables, the tip on one side is connected to the other and the ring is connected to the ring.  w00t.

And yes, I'm aware of ↓↓
I think, what might make it work, would be some sort of hook that intercepts the stuff sent to/received from the link port, and virtually swap the tip and ring.
You can't cause the input from port 0 to change, though. That's how the OS gets the state of the link lines, after all. And also, you would have to switch the inputs/outputs on exactly one of the calculators.

* Darl181 ponts frey to

I"m not sure if i asked for this least in this thread
Something to simulate TIOS linking (compatible with the normal linking on the other end) but with an option to switch the data lines.  This would allow casio cables to work with Ti cables ;D

EDIT: see bumped thread.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Speed
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:06:54 am »
Just as a tip, you don't have to store getkey to a var unless you want to save it.  Something like X+(getKey(3))-(getKey(2))→X is valid as well ;)

inb4 someone pops up with some hyper-optimized routine... :P

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Speed
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:01:50 am »
Yes it is.  Like eeems said, your code will only be fast if it's coded well.

* Darl181 actually did the same thing :P
I remember there were pictures on datamath of some calc, showing the different ribbons going to the display but I can't find it now :P

EDIT: some interesting stuff at , old data is old but still..

I think with certain hardware revisions or something, the fix is needed b/c of bad lcd drivers.

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