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Messages - Darl181

Pages: 1 ... 247 248 [249] 250 251 ... 253
News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:30:40 am »
well I've only had my calc for about a year, and less time than I've had my calc than that programming, but I could imagine that happening.

Wow, just about this entire page has been off topic.
Randomness board/area/thread/thing, perhaps?
wow, I'm looking at the top and suddenly there's like five people here now.

again, red font is clarification.

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:21:18 am »
Have you seen the first survey in Ticalc?  About the number of calcs you have?
That looks like fun.

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:16:07 am »
Hmm... on a dull day I might look through the news archive. had some pretty amusing ones.
That's actually how I first heard of Axe Parser, when it was featured in June.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:10:11 am »
I clarified it--see the red text.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:04:39 am »
My turn to ask, "what do you mean?"
The bar already depletes.  Do you mean it should deplete faster?
As before, you can modify the source to deplete faster/slower, start with X fuel, and get X fuel from each bar.

Oh, you mean the bars you aim for.  That could be a possibility...
Or the ship can speed up...or both...
I guess I know what I'll be doing while the rest of the class learns how to use the school-issue 83+'s--[teacher speaking]"So this is the GRAPH key, class.  Does anybody know what it does?"
"yeah, you go to the right."

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:32:05 am »
One would hope they wouldn't do more than one fake news at a short interval.
I see what you mean, though.

red font is clarification

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:30:00 am »
While cleaning out my calc's archive for the umpteenth time, I found something that actually works.
Remember Spacerun? Apparently, I got bored sometime in the early summer and spent some time on it.  I'm not sure if there are any bugs or whatnot, but I remember being kind of addicted to it myself, as I played it a lot.  I don't remember any problems.
There's a GIF in the zip file.
Controls are the same, though now you can use a more finger-friendly scheme of [Y=] and [GRAPH].
Oh, and the three buttons in between pause it.  And MODE.
Press the [^] key to disable the drawinv commands, thus making it run faster (and look weird).
As for the winning screen, just think of something cliché.
It runs a lot faster than in the screenshot.

What's supposed to be added in axe version 1.0.0?

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:18:16 am »
Some have big potential to get featured on
With a port of WFRNG?
"Axe Parser has shown its "can-do" attitude and can now be counted as an equal in the TI calculator family"
I could almost imagine that red border already...

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: September 16, 2010, 08:26:38 pm »
Haven't demoed much yet...
I'm waiting until I get a MSD8X adapter in the mail. The calc memory's too full :(
Great programs though.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:52:19 pm »
Archiving and Unarchiving worked fine in themselves, it was just something it caused.  I've found Unarchiving to work fine, no problems, so I've narrowed down the problem to either something caused by the checks or the Archiving process.
Simplified it, got it working, posted it.  This one is stable.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: September 14, 2010, 11:22:43 pm »
I doubt it's an Axe bug.  It (enemy editing, not archiving/unarchiving) worked fine before.
The code.  That's close to what I did, but it has some extra details such as a level map if it's in RAM or it says "Level Archived" or "No Level".
I guess archiving/unarchiving can wait for V2.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:23:28 pm »
I was just wondering...
What's the new equivelant for the posts/critique thread?
And/or bug diagnostics "Why is it crashing every other minute when it worked half an hour ago?!!?"

The question is, is there a way to just check if something is in archive and not try to create a file.

Level editor.  RAM clear when you press MATH, which is the enemy edit mode.
This worked perfectly until I added the ability to archive/unarchive.
A level appvar is included.
It won't compile in it's current form, just delete the first line.

The name, by the way, is a very compressed "CoRruPTeD EDiTor".  CRPDEDT.

I'm not sure what the rules are about helping with code...
Try reading through some of the old forums. Something like June, in the posts/critique thread someone said something that has really helped me.

Blazing fast or not, it looks good already.
Unless there's still a ton more stuff to add, it doesn't look like you'll have much of a problem with speed.

Kind of confusing, reading two conversations at once.
Anyways, it wasn't frozen, it would just turn off after it recieved the legitimate password which wasn't the same as the corrupted password.
Problem solved.

Uhmm, back on topic...
I already have it storing it in appvars, such as WHGLVL1, WHGLVL2, etc.  Up to nine levels.
Notice--level editor.  Level's too hard?  Make it easier.  Done.

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