Personally I haven't had any of those problems, except maybe youtube acting up but that's b/c of garbage wifi, and flash turning into depreciated garbage "Page not found" errors pop up almost instantly for me, and I even have errorzilla installed.
The dotted line is what happens when alt-text is involved.
And yeah, they prolly won't all get finished Hopefully after this summer class ends I can at least get a few of the better minigames on ticalc and that tba taken care of.
/* this'll have to work until the track gets an id =P */ body > *:nth-child(16) { background-color: #cacaca; border: 1px solid #999; border-top: none; width: 6px;
/* top and height, ideally, is lined up with mboxcont (chat content), guessing that would be part of js goes for the functioning height as well, atm scrollbar goes through entire frame */ top: 38px;
/* js changed so track is three pixels to the left of current position */ /* left: 1139px; */
Draw with sand. Yay? The Game light post color is #dfefff dark post color is #cae4ff quote box color is #6699ff transparent color is...transparent 0.o
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