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Messages - DrDnar

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 38
Other Calculators / Re: TI-84+ On An External Power Supply - Hardwired
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:18:43 pm »
The only good option for using rechargeables in your calculator are rechargable alkaline batteries. The only other option I can think of would be lithium-based batteries, which operate at around 3 V, and so would either require using specially shaped batteries or dummies.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:17:32 pm »
Feature request: have zStart work with Dr D'nar's Omnicalc
(More information about this version here.
It might be easier just to absorb that functionality in a 2-page version of zStart, not to mention more maintainable. Also, it's been years since I've looked at that.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-84+ On An External Power Supply - Hardwired
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:11:01 pm »
For the record, the TI-84+/SE's maximum current draw without USB is about 30 mA, which happens during flash write/erase operations; the typical current draw is 16 mA max in other circumstances, 5-12 mA typical, and 2 mA on the homescreen with no hooks. For comparison, when a USB device is initially connected, it can draw up to 100 mA, and up to 500 mA if authorized by the computer. The USB port on the TI-84+SE is a USB-On-the-Go port, and supplies a maximum of 100 mA to a connected peripheral.

The TI-83+/SE/84+/SE family of calculators test the batteries by reading the voltage with the CPU in a busy-loop (which raises the current draw). The TI-83+ was originally based on 5.0 V logic, and the CPU specifically tests for voltages around this level. The newer TI-83+s and the SE/84+ series of calculators are based entirely around 3.3 V logic, but the OS still expects at least 5.0 V, even though the hardware (except for the USB port +5 V power rail) technically does not need it.

The calculators use linear voltage regulators, which convert the extra voltage supplied by the batteries into waste heat. Consequently, the calculators are fairly flexible with respect to the voltages they can accept. The maximum voltage you can supply to your calculator is dependent upon the load and design of the regulators TI uses. We experimentally know they will accept up to 9 V; the maximum is probably between 12 to 15 volts. Because the OS specifically looks for around 5.0 V, you should not supply less than 5.0 V. Due to various issues like voltage losses in the USB cable, a USB port might actually supply slightly less than 5.0 V. Alkaline batteries supply 1.5 V for between 250 and 1200 mAh; rechargeable batteries typically supply 1.2 V, with a similar capacity range, though usually lower. Because rechargeables supply a lower voltage, they can easily fail to meet the OS's voltage expectations.

Generally, it is perfectly acceptable to run a calculator from a generic power supply. However, a poor-quality power supply may permit excess AC noise to reach the calculator, causing stability issues. Adding a capacitor may help filter out noise. For a USB port, a capacitor may stabilize the voltage output, as changes in the calculator's load can cause transient voltage drops with a poor-quality USB power supply.

Edit: I created an official power-related Wiki page.

News / Re: Protect your TI-Nspire startup with ZLock
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:28:11 am »
Pff, TI thinks nothing of storing the Push-to-Test mode information in the normally-unerasable certificate; why not make an unerasable password?

ASM / Re: Unrecognized instruction (TASM)
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:52:13 pm »
This isn't the best thing to use though, because it lets you take "shortcuts", such as doing something like xpos = appBackUpScreen instead of xpos .equ appBackUpScreen. It's your choice though.
I didn't even know Mimas allowed equates :o But = is a pretty standard substitute for .equ, and it's defined in many versions of
It's in the readme. Besides, how do you expect to define variables?

General Calculator Help / Re: Problems with GarbageCollect?
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:18:35 am »
So, this mode+batt self-test is different from the mode, alpha+s self-test?
Extremely. The normal self-test won't erase your operating system, for example. The only function of the boot's self-test is to ensure the flash chip is functional. It does not, however, test the certificate or boot code for integrity.

By the way, the boot-code self-test loops forever. Also, after performing it and reinstalling your OS, you'll appear to have an extra 64 K of archive space because there is no swap sector. Do 2nd+Mem>Reset>All Memory before loading any apps or programs or else the next the garbage collect will fail.

General Calculator Help / Re: Problems with GarbageCollect?
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:02:00 am »
No, thepenguin's archive cleaner would fix that. Though it might be worth it to check for a garbage app.

Also, the full memory clear I suggested above can be done using the boot code self-test: remove a battery, hold MODE, replace the battery, and turn the calculator on.

General Calculator Help / Re: Problems with GarbageCollect?
« on: January 10, 2012, 11:48:58 pm »
Ok I feel smart right now...I put in another set of batteries and the issues disappeared.
Does TIOS have problems detecting the battery level of NiMH's, by any chance?
Yes and no. The OS tends to complain about low batteries before the NiMH batteries are actually nearing depletion because NiMH batteries operate at a lower voltage, nominally 1.2 V, which means four of them give a nominal 4.8 V. This is a problem because the original TI-83+ was designed to run on 5.0 V and that's what the OS checks for. However, the TI-84+ family is designed around 3.3 V logic, so the actual hardware will run just fine on 4.8 V; the OS just doesn't know this. In fact, if you write your own operating system or patch the OS, you can see that the calculator will indeed run just fine on less than four volts, including archiving and unarchiving &c. The only thing that won't work is the USB driver, because part of the USB spec requires a 5.0 V bus. Unfortunately, random parts of the OS code check the current voltage and may silently abort if the voltage is low, so you can still get strange behavior.

tl;dr: NiMH batteries supply a lower voltage than what the OS expects. The hardware itself works fine on that voltage, but the OS doesn't know that, so it tends to give up (and fail silently) when it shouldn't.

Also, if you want, thepenguin77 or I could throw together a program that does a true full memory clear (except for the boot code, of course).

ASM / Re: Streamlined Asm routines
« on: January 07, 2012, 05:15:59 pm »
For reference, here are the timings for the routines from Z80 Bits.

Code: [Select]
; Ref Worst Best
ld l, 0 ; 7 7 7
ld d, l ; 4 4 4
sla h ; 8 8 8
jr nc,$+3 ; 12/7 12 7
ld l,e ; 4 4
ld b, 7 ; 7 7 7
_: add hl,hl ; 11 11 11
jr nc,$+3 ; 12/7 7 12
add hl,de ; 11 11
djnz -_ ; 13/8 13 13
; -5 -5
; 327 284

ld hl, 0 ; 10 10 10
ld c, l ; 4 4 4
add a,a ; 4 4 4
jr nc,$+4 ; 12/7 7 12
ld h,d ; 4 4
ld l,e ; 4 4
ld b, 7 ; 7 7 7
_: add hl,hl ; 11 11 11
rla ; 4 4 4
jr nc,$+4 ; 12/7 7 12
add hl,de ; 11 11
adc a,c ; 4 4
djnz -_ ; 13/8 13 13
; -5 -5
; 385 312

Code: [Select]
; L and D must already be 0
sla h ; 8 8 8
jr nc,$+3 ; 12/7 12 7
ld l,e ; 4 4

add hl,hl ; 11 11 11
jr nc,$+3 ; 12/7 7 12
add hl,de ; 11 77
; *7 *7 *7
; 223 180

; HL and C must already be 0
add a,a ; 4 4 4
jr nc,$+4 ; 12/7 7 12
ld h,d ; 4 4
ld l,e ; 4 4

add hl,hl ; 11 11 11
rla ; 4 4 4
jr nc,$+4 ; 12/7 7 12
add hl,de ; 11 11
adc a,c ; 4 4
; *7 *7 *7
; 278 205

Grammer / Re: TI 83/84 Group Files Explanation?
« on: January 06, 2012, 08:09:13 pm »
-The first byte was $FC. I have no clue why.
It's the status flag. See WikiTI for details.

ASM / Re: ASM Command of the Week
« on: December 24, 2011, 01:28:37 am »
Code: [Select]
AND maskmasks out all bits except the two in question. If the remaining two bits are the same, either there will be 8 zeros and no ones, or 2 ones and 6 zeros. Thus, the parity will be even. However, if the remaining two bits are different, 1 will be zero, and 1 will be one. Thus, the parity will be odd.

TI Z80 / Re: TI Real Chipsound engine
« on: December 13, 2011, 03:18:23 pm »
I'm not sure that's entirely true. I suspect you could do it with very, very careful counting of instruction timings, but you'd end up with virtually unmaintainable code.

Other Calculators / Re: Interesting TI-84+ Screen Behavior
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:38:48 am »
My calculator doesn't really show the center of screen fading more wildly than the outside. It could be due to a difference in the driver. However, if it's true that the left is getting only 0s, then it is quite funky that the center columns are somehow lighter. Obviously, there's an unavoidable difference between your update frequency and the driver's. My guess is that the memory isn't properly double-ported or something, so that the driver ends up trying to read data at the same time you're trying to write it, and that's happening for multiple frames.

One thing is for sure, however. Runer112 has created an abomination of assembly, Axe, and hex, and is therefore a mad calculator-scientist.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: December 12, 2011, 07:32:25 pm »
Edit:  Feature Request:
Can you add a screen somewhere that says what is in all of the On + number hooks?  I sometimes am hesitant to use them because I don't want to accidentally think that I'm pushing the wrong thing.  If zStart's out of space you could even make it a standalone program; I'd just find it quite useful.  Thanks!
Out of space? zStart is now so big that there's a negative amount of free space remaining---we've resorted to hacking data into places in the header that aren't supposed to hold application data. (Not that I think you have a bad idea; I'm just saying.)

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:36:58 am »
That's possible on the TI-89T.

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