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TI-BASIC / Re: SNAKE GAME ti basic
« on: April 13, 2016, 06:01:27 pm »
Code: [Select]
randInt(5,90 -> A
randInt(5,60 -> B
SetUpEditor LSNY
SetUpEditor LSNX
5 -> W
W -> dim(LSNX
W -> dim(LSNY
26 -> U:U -> K:1 -> C
Repeat K=45
getkey -> K
If K:Then
K -> U
A-(k=24)+(K=26) -> A
B-(k=25)+(K=34) -> B
If A>93:1 -> A
If A<1:93 -> A
If B>62:1 -> B
If B<1:62 -> B
C+1 -> C
1 -> C

That's all!
It is adapted from my snake code (with food and growth) so some code might seem odd.
-> is the sto key
In LSNX/Y the starting L is the list character (small capital L)
Changing the code that sets the value of W will change the length of the snake. (changing it to 15 -> W would set the length to 15)
I don't have time unfortunately to add a full explanation, but here is a list of what each variable represents;
A: snake's head's current x location (in pixels)
B: snake's head's current y location (in pixels)
LSNX list of the snakes's body's x coords
LSNY list of the snakes's body's y coords
C keeps track of which body slot should be modified
K is the key pressed
U is the last key pressed (assuming no key was pressed)
W sets the starting length of the snake (changing it doesn't do anything once the game has started)

Let me know if it doesn't work I may have messed up typing it in.

By the way, welcome!  ;D

TI-BASIC / Re: Augmented Home screen
« on: April 10, 2016, 05:18:41 pm »
The program runs a basic program inside of it to do all of the math. Is there a way for it to just create temporary variables to modify?
I know generally what OP1-7 are but have no idea how to use them.

Vertical lines? What do you mean? It can graph x = 5 if that is what you were thinking.
I hope to get the download posted today. Sorry about the wait.  :-[

TI-BASIC / Augmented Home screen
« on: April 04, 2016, 06:02:52 pm »
This is more of a basic program in an Axe wrapper with a good bit of Asm.
It is an application that when you run it it installs a home screen hook that adds extra functions to the home screen.
For example you can type in:
and it will output:
On the standard screen!
It has a lot of different functions such as an experimental non Y= grapher (it will take any function with x and y and an "=" and graph it in about a minute).
Other commands include a timer, the ability to turn axes off and on by typing "XON", "XOFF", and a "mysterious" command, "PING".
That is all it does for now. (there are a couple more minor features)
It is very easy to change and I would gladly accept any routines (basic or otherwise) and will probably add them.
The program has an error handler so any programs it runs don't throw an error.
The program does modify basic variables when it runs! Is there any way to back up all basic variables (letters, strings y='s ect...) that can be restored later?

Bugs:  :(
Equation solver isn't perfect (sometimes outputs 3.00000016 for 3 ect...)
If DoorsCS7 has its home-run hook installed several of the commands will error (including solver) and Doors will ask you if you want to edit the program.
Grapher is still experimental and might not give an accurate graph! (it still will give you a good idea of what it looks like)

Unfortunately, my calc is throwing a fit and won't transfer any files (it does this quite often) so it might be a couple days until I can upload the actual file. :-[

Let me know if this is a good idea or if you have anything to contribute! (even ideas for commands)

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 25, 2016, 01:17:39 pm »
It works! How do I disable it from displaying done?
(it runs a basic program)

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:15:26 am »
Maybe I came over as knowing more than I do.
What would the hex code be? Can I put it anywhere or just at the end?

TI Z80 / Re: This is the Only Level
« on: March 22, 2016, 06:15:06 pm »
Those are VERY important and must be included!
No theme song? You should be ashamed of yourself!
You need to get to work!
(please note the sarcasm)

I have already tried it out and it is really well done!  :thumbsup:

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:20:06 pm »
Thanks! it worked!
After the hook is finished, it then evaluates the OS's interpratation of the expression.
How do I return the nz flag?

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 21, 2016, 08:07:04 pm »
That makes me feel like an idiot. I should have realized that!  :-\
It works now but the basic part runs a lot slower any reason why?

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:39:52 pm »
GetCalc([0523]) can't get the address of the entry
Sometimes if I look for the file (Y1) instead, it works but other times it fails.
Do I need to do something else?
Also the error handlers from RUNPRGM always crashes it.
It does run when the enter key is pressed though!
Thanks for your help!

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 20, 2016, 04:16:29 pm »
So, if I write about 30000 bytes to archive a day, I have nothing to worry about?
Is there a hook that or way to run a program when the enter key is pressed instead of the OS evaluating it?
Thanks for your help!  :thumbsup:

Axe / Re: Running Basic Programs in Axe
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:28:58 pm »
I haven't tried the code but it has an odd number of characters.
Don't all hex codes need to have an even number?

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:13:30 pm »
I figured out what prgm! does, all I am trying to do is when the user presses on and enter at the same time that instead of the OS evaluating the expression that instead it jumps to a program that does something different to it.
My goal is to create a multi-variable equation solver on the home screen.
Also, when you delete an app it defragements, is defragmenting small apps just as bad for the archive as big ones?

Axe / Re: [Tutorial] Key hooks in Axe
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:18:19 am »
Hey! Sorry for the necro-post but I don't feel like my question deserves a new topic.
Whenever I try to do any memory commands GetCalc(ptr,NUMBER) to create a new program or even run one it throws ERR:MEMORY
I am trying to use a homescreen hook and have already successfully done other commands like Disp when a key set is pressed.

TI Z80 / Re: AxeIDE
« on: March 17, 2016, 03:07:23 pm »
I will write it in Axe but I don't care if parts of it are in asm.

TI Z80 / AxeIDE
« on: March 16, 2016, 07:05:43 pm »
Looking through the archives, I have seen seen several failed attempts at an Axe IDE.
I an not quite sure how far some of them got but I decided to add to the list of attempts.
I would like to go about it in a different way though. Rather than one person try to create a full program by themselves, the project would be much more likely to succeed if different people contributed different methods.
I am just throwing this out there, if no one is interested or there is a great existing one out there...
Here is a list of features that I think would be cool:
Small font editor
input from the VAT (including editing appvars)  -- done
character list with decimal and hex values -- done
jump to labels
search (and replace) in program
jump to line number
math without leaving the program (possibly inline)
settings including customizable keys and menus
a nice menu subroutine that takes a list of strings and returns the number of the option chosen
8x8 sprite editor
copy and paste code
That is all I thought of, any other ideas? If anyone is interested in doing one, tell me and I will update what is being done by who.
If there are multiple of the same routines I will take the best but keep the other in case someone likes that one better.
(maybe I am being too optimistic thinking that anyone will help)

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