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Messages - E37
« on: November 03, 2015, 08:18:54 pm »
I must be missing something on the >Tok command. When I ask it to display {A} (or {A}r) >Tok, it displays a completely different token.
The OS calls for displaying tokens require a pointer to the token to be displayed. And Axe uses these calls to implement ▶Tok, so the same applies. I presume this decision was made because tokens are almost always displayed as part of a program or string in RAM, and putting the read in the call saves callers from having to do so. Since you're also editing a program in RAM, this decision should actually make your code simpler. Just drop the curly brackets for the memory read.
It works! Since I can use the tokens directly I am definitely using the tokens instead. How would I write tokens back to the program? "token" -> A doesn't work
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:54:13 pm »
For the tokens I have decided to have the program written out in letters so it is easier to display and have it convert each command to token form when the user quits.
As I understand Axe has a limit on the number of named variables (around 150?) and this would bypass that since when it is written to the program it would be written as {L1 +8}
I must be missing something on the >Tok command. When I ask it to display {A} (or {A}r) >Tok, it displays a completely different token. When I tell it to disp If >Tok it outputs Xscl instead (it is reading the if from a program) or a long string of gibberish.
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:07:35 pm »
Does anyone know if writing to archive is bad for the memory? I have heard that repeatedly writing to archive will eventually damage it.
On a different subject, how do programs like Doors find the names of all the programs (and how can I do that in Axe)?
« on: November 03, 2015, 05:58:03 pm »
After ten minutes of searching (probably in all the wrong places) I can't seem to find a keyhook axiom. Do you know of any good ones?
« on: November 03, 2015, 05:29:23 pm »
I have decided to go ahead with the small font program editor. So far I have have figured how to convert back and forth form decimal and tokens (If = 206). I am not sure whether to go with writing out programs by letters (which would be easier to display and make the editor smaller) or by tokens (which would make the editor much bigger but the saved files smaller). It looks like reading and writing the programs will be the hardest part (so I can compile code written in the editor or edit it in the basic editor also).
It would be really cool if it could display code like "{L1 +8}" as "boss1hp" if the user declares the name. That way variables can have really long custom names and there (theoretically) is not a name limit.
Any ideas (or ways to do any of this) would be awesome!
« on: November 01, 2015, 09:15:05 pm »
zStart dosen't cause any ram wipes I meant that zStart would run the restore program. For self modifying code I would like to try to have the program insert a comment when I overflow an array (which I commonly do). I am not sure how to check for an overflow. I know I could just display text to the screen but SMC is way cooler.
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:02:29 pm »
I am writing a program to restore some of my files (after RAM clear thanks to zStart) and I am using the copy command. Does the size command {pointer-2} not work of files? It works fine if I just manually input the size but otherwise it just copy's one bite. On a different subject is there a way to run already compiled programs (including the ability to call subroutines) to bypass the compiled code limit? I know about axioms to circumvent this need but I would like to not have to use them.
For self modifying code what numbers correspond to which command tokens?
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:11:21 pm »
Do you think it would be possible to add keyhook functionality when compiled as an app? getkeyH(key,key state) adding a state feature would let the app test for state like 2nd + mem. It would be a really cool feature (assuming you aren't worried about people creating a bunch of memory protectors)
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:04:13 pm »
On a different subject, I noticed that the Text( command behaved weirdly when performed off screen. Could this just be my bad code or is it something else?
Also, what exactly does #Relloc( do? (I know it moves the location of something, but why would you want to do that?)
« on: October 27, 2015, 06:47:44 pm »
I loaded it in wabbitemu and the version numbers are the same. When I looked through it it was the same.
Also, through the getcalc( command is is possible to create self modifying code assuming you knew what you were doing?
« on: October 27, 2015, 06:37:58 pm »
Yes, I am trying to convert compiled asm code to hex to run in Axe. I just used to power off feature as an example. I am also just trying out different commands. I never know when this knowledge might be useful!
Then you'll want to use this tool to "unsquish" the program into the hex bytes.
Thanks! Do you know how to enable the small font on zStart?
« on: October 27, 2015, 06:28:06 pm »
Yes, I am trying to convert compiled asm code to hex to run in Axe. I just used to power off feature as an example. I am also just trying out different commands. I never know when this knowledge might be useful!
« on: October 27, 2015, 05:57:41 pm »
Thanks! All I was trying to do was enable the small font size editor. I looked through zStart (I already had it installed) and I couldn't find how to enable it. Also, I heard it could let you jump to labels and couldn't find that feature either.
On the subject of reading files, I've tried to convert compiled programs to hex using the >Hex command. I got the program to work but the code doesn't work. Is it possible to convert a compiled program to hex? I want to run some asm commands in Axe that don't exist (like powering the calc off).
Edit (Eeems): Merged double post.
« on: October 27, 2015, 05:16:20 pm »
So... I've been trying to make a program editor with Axe that acts like the default editor but with the small graph screen sized text. The large font has been annoying me lately and I could see more with the smaller font size. My current attempts have lead to multiple RAM wipes and wierd font. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is this really hard or just impossible (maybe I am missing something really obvious).