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Topics - Eeems

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TI Z80 / BASIC Shell
« on: September 20, 2009, 06:34:03 pm »
ok, I've had this idea for a BASIC yeah

list of features
  • folders
  • icons
  • support for DCS (BASIC) Icons
  • Appvar savefile (settings, passwords, folders)
  • Text files
  • grouped file running
  • un/archiving
  • un/hiding
  • un/locking
  • deleting
  • un/grouping (all or specific)
  • program creation

  • Appvar setup:
Code: [Select]
  • If file is not found in list; it is added to the root
  • A special hidden folder is created for system/app files (smart recognize with Manuel additions
I still have more features to document, I'll add them later

tell me what you think

Other Calculators / "Physics" program
« on: September 19, 2009, 11:26:40 am »
just some physics I was playing around with, the ball bounces!
and you can change the distance it has to fall by pressing the arrow keys, and 2nd resets it, and puts it at the top of the screen, and graph quits.
also it will quit after a while due to the fact that it records stuff to lists, so it has to keep from having the mem error
also, requires the pic and celtic III or xLib

The Blue Platform / The Blue Platform: Looking For A Map Making Team
« on: September 15, 2009, 07:06:57 pm »
so yeah, I don't have the patience anymore to do all the map making for myself, so if anybody wants to
here are my rules for map design
   1.   must be themed after the platform (yellow green brown purple grey or blue)
   2.   must have ceiling hanging tiles of some sort (can re-use old ones or have new ones)
   3.   must have a boss battle with progressivly harder bosses/areas to battle them in
   4.   must have npc's/events
   5.   must have enemies
   6.   must be run by me first (so like a drawn one or something like that...or a image of every map pasted together (lots of work for that :P))
I may come up with more later

Miscellaneous / General Apology
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:56:00 pm »
It has come to my attention that people have seen rudeness and/or intolerence or things like that in some of my posts/irc yeah...
I'm apolagizing to anybody who has taken offence to any of my posts and or irc discusions...I don't try to be rude or any of yeah...I'm sorry if you saw it that way, and I realize that I need to think a little more when I post to make sure that I don't acidentally have a "hidden meaning" in yeah...once again I'm sorry if you have seen it that way....
if you have and you don't think that this apology is enough, please PM me about it....if you see something like that in a post I made to somebody else please talk to me about it too...I don't intend to be like that...I just think differently then most people, so I don't always remember that people don't always understand what I say exactly how I mean it
so yeah....

Humour and Jokes / I Found You Calc84maniac :P
« on: September 03, 2009, 07:06:37 pm »

step 1: double click the group to open it
step 2: click and drag the hacked pics from the group to the folder you want to store them
step 3: try to transfer the pics to wabbit or your calc
step 4: if step 3 fails, then rename the picture to pic(pic#-1) (note, this is the picture number that it is on xLib/Celtic III)

note: this only works on Vista and has been tested on XP and it failed...

TI-BASIC / Celtic III app smart program run
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:48:31 pm »
this is a small little piece of code I made that saves RAM/ROM wear by smartly running the prog
Code: [Select]
det(9                                     //loads the program list into Ans
if inString(Ans,"<progname>              //checks to see if program exists
if inString(det(0,"<progname>",7),"A       //checks to see if program is archived
"<progname>                            //saves the program name into Ans
real(10,0,1                            //creates temp file
If ("BB6D"=det(14,"XTEMP001",0,2)) or ("BB6C"=det(14,"XTEMP001",0,2
Asm(prgmXTEMP001                    //runs temp file
real(10,1,1                        //deletes temp file
If ("BB6D"=det(14,"XTEMP001",0,2)) or ("BB6C"=det(14,"XTEMP001",0,2
Asm(prgm<progname>              //if program is not archived, it will run it directly
det(0,"<progname>",0              //and then archive it
[getkey]                            //just clears the last keypress and loads it into Ans
anything in [ ] is optional

EDIT: I have added Iambian's suggestion, with the Then command :P
hmm, I had also worked out a way to run a program that would run more without using the same temporary program, so you could have a huge tree of programs that would run each other without using the same temp program...of course it wasn't perfect, if you had another program run another, you wouldn't delete the last one you where on...I'll have to post the code when I remember it, so you guys can look at it

TI Z80 / Small arcade games
« on: August 22, 2009, 02:17:34 pm »
ok, these are a few arcade style games I made during my trip. one requires xlib ('stroids), and the other doesn't (Slide).

controls for 'stroid: arrows move, second fire, graph quit
controls for slide: arrows move, graph quit

Music Showcase / Some Songs/Free-Verse Poems
« on: August 21, 2009, 06:50:11 pm »
hmm, I don't know if we have a topic for this type of thing, your songs that you have written and/or Free-verse poems
here is my first one :P tell me what you think
Quote from: Our Existance
I have found myself lost,
lost inside this sick culture
wanting more to be shown
more to be given
more to be taken
this ever beating heart
growing faster and faster
wanting more and more
this ever increasing need
we've lost our morality
continual loss of life
yet we laugh
"It will never be us
we are invisible"
this mindset is bringing us to defeat
never have I believed so strongly
and cried so softly
Do we not see?
do we not know?
our sick perverted minds
we feed them continually
bringing us farther into this laughable life
lies! deceit!
we fill our minds with them
never aware of the consequences
closing off our hearts
dehumanizing others because of our close mindedness
falling farther and farther
sinking in
all around us our society is failing
yet we laugh
rejecting the truth
instead taking hold
of the gluttony of the lies
that whisper in our ear
it's not of the truth
slowly we are being sweet talked
into eternal suffering
life that was ours
slowly being stripped away
never has such a crime been tolerated
yet humankind tolerates it well

some of us don't
some of us cry out in distress
but those around us
they supress our shouts
closing off our rebellion to evil
accusing us of doing the same
who ever said the world was fair?
but then who said we couldn't make it that way?
we seem good at making eternal judgment on those around us
now I will discriminate against us all
by calling us all prejudice

A world of hate
that we have brought upon ourselves
yet we refuse to believe

TI-BASIC / Streaming Method (Celtic III)
« on: July 18, 2009, 10:01:59 pm »
so the basics behind streaming is to take one line at a time from a program and run it. streaming is good for keeping a lot of ram free, because you don't need the whole program on it. what it gains in RAM saving it loses in speed though...due to it having to take from the archive and copy into the ram every line a major speed lose is created.
so to stream a piece of code you need to know how many lines there are in the code, so you can either install a simple check in the code to only run the line if it exists and if it doesn't to end. or you can add a check at the start of the code too see how many lines there are.
Code: [Select]
det(0,"ZZ",5 //create the program ZZ
det(5,"rowswap("+Str1,1  //copy the first line from the appvar named in Str1
det(6,"ZZ",Ans,1  //copy the first line into program ZZ
prgmZZ  //run program ZZ to get the answer in the first line
Ans->U  //store the amount of lines to run to the real U
det(0,"ZZ",4  //delete the program ZZ
For(V,1,U)  //loop for the amount of lines specified in the first line of the appvar
det(0,"ZZ",5  //create the program ZZ
det(5,"rowswap("+Str1,V+1  //get the line specified in the real V
det(6,"ZZ",Ans,1  //store the line to program ZZ
prgmZZ  //run the program ZZ to execute the code we just grabbed
det(0,"ZZ",4  //delete the program ZZ
End  //end the loop
now I know I could have used the errorhandle function to save time in the running, but then programmers could not troubleshoot while using this, and I can't seem to get it to work all the time....

Miscellaneous / vacation
« on: July 17, 2009, 04:08:41 pm »
ok, I'm going on vacation starting on either sunday or monday, so I'll be gone for a few weeks starting then. I'll try to check back in when I can, but I probably won't be able to that much...
just so you guys know, I'm not gone or anything

TI-BASIC / Text Wrapper
« on: July 08, 2009, 09:49:29 pm »
well since I haven't really done much except release this on ticalc, I'll release this here, this is one of my past projects, a text wrapper for the graphscreen
I'll post the code later, and maybe add it to the downloads later, but I just wanted some people to test this and let me know how good they think it is

Miscellaneous / hmm, guess what today is....
« on: July 08, 2009, 05:24:22 pm »

Humour and Jokes / Next Gen Rick Roll
« on: June 27, 2009, 09:30:16 pm »

TI-BASIC / Macro code
« on: June 26, 2009, 10:50:52 pm »
Ok this is the code I made for my macro subroutine that I plan to use for making exact screenshots so I don't have to redo them over and over again due to the fact that wabbit dislikes me....ok Optimizations are welcome :) tell me what you think, us it if you want
atm I only can convert the keycodes to a string, but I will finish the second part soon
Code: [Select]
If Ans:Then
If Ans=1:Then
T-10(K<U and theta>=(U-10)/10->T
Str9+sub(" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZthetaeeL1L2L3L4L5L6uvw box small+ point ^2 ^-1 () ^+-*/",T,1->Str9
inString("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZthetaeeL1L2L3L4L5L6uvw box small+ point ^2 ^-1 ()i^+-*/",sub(Str9,P,1->T
If T:Then
K+5(T>theta and T!=11)-(T>11 and theta=5 and T<16->K
the string it calls from could be any you want, just as long as you take into account that the number is increased by one so no keypress would equal 1, and you also must remember that [on] also takes up a keycode space so you have to put the same symbol in it's spot as well just as a placeholder.

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