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Topics - Eeems

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12]
Humour and Jokes / wow, this map fails
« on: June 24, 2009, 05:15:50 pm »
just look at where I am on...
EDIT and again...

Humour and Jokes / Falcon Kick!
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:00:12 pm »

TI Z80 / Map Editor Code
« on: June 19, 2009, 03:54:12 pm »
ok here is the code I am using for my map editor, after this project is done I will try to make it better, right now it only supports 22*16 maps, but it can easily be customized to support more. The mapmaker also includes a converter to convert your map to a binstring so you can use it with the stringtile command in Celtic III, and it also will display a minimap of the current map from a hex string (0h format not 00h) which I am going to cut from the final version because it is unnecessary. and doesn't work with the output by the program. The reason I am posting this is because I want people to take a look and tell me of any optimizations they can see. I also want to post this code so people can use it as a reference on how to make quick map editors for their own projects.
The code also is commented so it is easier to understand
Code: [Select]
:ClrHome //
:Disp "1=CONVERT","2=DISPLAY","3=MAPEDIT","0=QUIT //menu
:Input "□",A //
:If Ans=3:Then //if map edit
:DelVar K
:Disp "1=NEW","0=KEEP //map menu
:Input "□",S //
:If S:Then //if new map
:{16,22→dim([A] //reset map
:Fill 5,[A] //fill it with the default background tile
:For(A,0,33) //start loading map
:Pxl-On(A,45 //draw map outline
:Pxl-On(A,0 //
:End //
:For(B,0,44) //draw map outline
:Pxl-On(33,B //
:Pxl-On(0,B //
:End //
:For(A,‾1,1) //
:Pxl-On(38+A,0 //draw loading bar left edge
:End //
:For(A,‾1,1) //
:Pxl-On(38+A,17 //draw loading bar right edge
:End //
:For(B,1,17) //
:Pxl-On(39,B //draw loading bar
:Pxl-On(37,B //
:End //
:For(A,1,16) //start loading map
:Pxl-On(38,A //
:For(B,1,22) //
:[A](A,B→S //
:If 3=S //display default hard tile
:Then //
:Pxl-On(A+40,B //display on minimap
:For(θ,0,1) //
:For(Z,0,1) //
:Pxl-On(2A-Z,2B-θ //display on building map
:End:End //
:Else //
:If 6=S //display spike tile
:Then //
:Pxl-On(2A,2B //display on building map
:Else //
:If 10=S //display ladder tile
:Then //display on building map
:Pxl-On(A2,B2 //
:Pxl-On(A2,B2-1 //
:Else //
:If 11=S:Then //display water tile
:Pxl-On(A2-1,B2 //display on building map
:Pxl-On(A2,2B-1 //
:End:End:End:End:End:End //
:For(B,0,17) //
:For(A,‾1,1) //clear loading bar
:Pxl-Off(38+A,B //
:End:End //end loading map
:While K≠105 //loop until user presses enter
:DelVar K //clear keyvalue
:Repeat K //loop until keyvalue
:For(Z,0,1) //
:For(θ,0,1) //change the current tile to negative
:Pxl-Change(2A-θ,2B-Z //
:End:End //
:getKey→K //getkey to keyvalue
:For(θ,0,1) //
:For(Z,0,1) //change current tile back
:Pxl-Change(2A-θ,2B-Z //
:End:End //
:A-(K=25 and A≠1)+(K=34 and A≠16→A //change Y of current tile
:B-(K=24 and B≠1)+(K=26 and B≠22→B //change X of current tile
:If K=31:Then //if keyvalue is Alpha
:Pxl-On(A2,B2 //change pixels to spike tile
:Pxl-Off(A2-1,B2-1 //
:Pxl-Off(A2,2B-1 //
:Pxl-Off(A2-1,B2 //change matrix value to spike tile
:If K=22:Then //if keyvalue is mode
:Pxl-On(2A,2B-1 //change pixels to ladder tile
:Pxl-On(A2,B2 //
:Pxl-Off(2A-1,2B-1 //
:Pxl-Off(2A-1,2B //
:10→[A](A,B //change matrix value to ladder tile
:If K=32:Then //if keyvalue is X,T,theta,n
:Pxl-On(2A-1,B2 //change pixels to water tile
:Pxl-On(A2,2B-1 //
:Pxl-Off(A2,B2 //
:Pxl-Off(A2-1,B2-1 //
:11→[A](A,B //change matrix to water tile
:If K=21:Then //if keyvalue is 2nd
:[A](A,B→S //get matrix value
:If S≠3 and S≠4 and S≠9:Then //if matrix value is not a solid tile
:Pxl-On(A+40,B //turn on pixel on minimap
:Pxl-Off(A+40,B //else turn it off
:For(θ,0,1) //
:For(Z,0,1) //
:If S=5:Then //display tile on buildermap
:Pxl-On(2A-θ,2B-Z //
:Else //
:Pxl-Off(2A-θ,2B-Z //
:End:End:End //
:If S≠5:Then //if not solid
:5→T //make solid
:3→T //otherwise make it the default solid
:T→[A](A,B //insert value to matrix
:ClrDraw //this is the converter portion of the program
:If Ans=1:Then
:"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000→Str1 //this is the initial setup of the String
:1+[A](A,B→S //grabs teh tile value+1 from the matrix
:Str1+"0"+sub("0123456789ABCDEF",S,1→Str1 //inserts a "0" and the right value into the string
:If S=3 or S=4 or S=9 //if tile is solid
:Pxl-On(A-1,B-1 //turn on the pixel for the minimap
:det(17,Str1→Str1 //convert string to bin
:If Ans=2:Then //this is the display minimap
:For(A,1,16) //it requires a hex string (0h not 00h format)
:If inString("349",sub(Str1,22A-22+B,1 //if solid tile
:Pxl-On(A-1,B-1 //turn on minimap

The Blue Platform / The Blue Platform: updates
« on: June 19, 2009, 02:00:21 pm »

magics 9/9
AI collision detection
Character collisions detection
sprites possibility of more to be added
maps 3/9
maps converted 2/9
npc text
group use
install file
multiple saves
partially done

The Blue Platform / The Blue Platform: Screenshots
« on: June 18, 2009, 11:08:54 pm »
well this is where I will post all the screenshots, when I get back to my comp which has them all...
EDIT: ok, here they are:



Other Calculators / Hmm, interesting
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:20:03 am »
what do you guys think?
I'm pretty impressed with it's speed

Humour and Jokes / Strike of the IE cookie!
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:24:28 am »
btw, there is no virus on this one (not that there was one before)

General Discussion / Aircraft
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:15:57 pm »
ok, so this isn't really music, but I think that it fits into this category better then any other. It's the sound of a aircraft flight during WWII that I made with Live 3, I included the analysis file in case you have Live 3.
The file is only 23% uploaded right now, so wait for the edit
(grr, I wish I had a faster upload)

Humour and Jokes / OMG! amazing
« on: June 04, 2009, 04:29:09 pm »
check out *link removed* page if you use IE

Humour and Jokes / ultamate Rick Astley collage
« on: May 20, 2009, 11:50:56 am »
^^, had to make it for school

Computer Projects and Ideas / Illusiat movie project
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:43:55 pm »
I had an idea! :o what if we make a movie of the whole Illusiat series?? we could play all the was through it (a little bit at a time of course) and record it, then we could add voices and sound effects on top of it (we might have to edit it though to get rid of the unneccisarry parts).

Site Feedback and Questions / little error when posting new topic
« on: May 11, 2009, 11:23:23 pm »
when I tried posting a new topic it kept on erroring on me until finally it worked and let me post. it kept on telling me that I already had posted this post, but I hadn't. the same thing has happened to me once when I was replying to another post

The Blue Platform / The Blue Platform
« on: May 11, 2009, 11:15:17 pm »
ok, this was part of the topic "Side Project #2: DUNGEON" until now. Basically this is a Platform game engine of a sorts. it currently has powerups, items, enemies, rope/monkeybars, spikes, health, and magic. It uses dual layer text sprites for the map. It runs moderately fast on a TI-83+.

Currently in the attachments: screenies of the game in action, and the current files

current code
Code: [Select]
main engine::

:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:DelVar M
:DelVar JText(‾1,0,90,H
:If S:Then
:If G=3:Then
:If T:Then
:While A≠1 and A≠9 and B≠0 and B≠16 and H
:If E:Then
:If not(E
:If M
:If K:Then
:If B≠D
:If B and B≠16 and ""=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If A≠1 and A≠9
:If not(J) and ""≠sub(Str1,15(A+1)-15+B,1) and ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-15+B,1
:If S and K=21:Then
:If T and K=31:Then
:J+G(K=25 and not(J→J
:If J:Then
:If ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-15+B,1
:If (A≠C or B≠D) and B and B≠16
:If ""=sub(Str1,15C-15+B,1
:If 2=M
:DelVar M
:If " "≠sub(Str1,15A-15+B,1
:If Z:Then

special tiles (prgmZIT)

:If "o"=sub(Str1,15A-15+B,1
:sub(Str2,1,15A-16+B)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "!"=sub(Str1,15A-15+B,1
:sub(Str1,1,15A-16+B)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "Δ"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If 9<H
:sub(Str1,1,15A-16+B)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If ""=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:sub(Str1,1,15A-14+B-2)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "Î"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1

sword animation (prgmZAT)

:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:If (A=Y and (B-1=X or B+1=X)) or (A-1=Y and (B-1=X or B=X or B+1=X
:DelVar Z

magic animation (prgmZSH)

:H+2(X=B or X=B+1 or X=B-1→H
:If H>9:Then
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2

enemy movement and action handler (prgmZEN)

:H+2(X=B or X=B+1 or X=B-1→H
:If H>9:Then
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
please give me your optimizations :)

Other Calculators / UnSS Contest
« on: May 07, 2009, 11:29:38 am »
I hope nobody minds, but UnSS is having a puzzle contest that started today, and I was just wondering if anybody wanted to join
here is the link to the topic if you want to learn more
EDIT:we have extended the contest end date by one week, just so you know.

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