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Messages - Eeems

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News / Re: OmnomIRC will be down for unspecified time
« on: September 22, 2012, 07:15:05 pm »
Until omnomIRC is back can an admin put this where omnom used to be?

Code: [Select]
<iframe src="">
That would be unreliable due to every time you switch pages it disconnects. Just have a dedicated tab for it, or use an irc client for now.

News / Re: OmnomIRC will be down for unspecified time
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:32:40 am »
I guess for the time being, colors wouldn't be that necessary except maybe Runer112's sprite converter bot (which Omnom itself doesn't support properly due to lack of white background support anyway), although moderator features might be a good idea to have eventually in case. Most people use Omnom to chat, anyway, not play Doom :P
Well if someone wants to pick up the source and get it working let me know. I can even supply source for my node.js irc bots so you can figure out how to link to that side of things as well ;P

News / Re: OmnomIRC will be down for unspecified time
« on: September 22, 2012, 01:37:04 am »
I assume it would require a lot of work though? THat said, for the multi channel support issue, I guess you could just eliminate some channels that are rarely ever used, such as #omnimaga-radio, since juju's bot is almost never working, along with the extra 3rd-party channels such as #prizm, #nspire-lua and #irp.
Multichannel is easy to support with which is what I'm using on top of Node.js
Integrating in a lot of the other features of omnom would probably be harder.

News / Re: OmnomIRC will be down for unspecified time
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:54:13 pm »
(For reference, Eeem's nodejs chat server uses only 1.1% of 1034452 KBs = 11.378 MBs of memory, which isn't bad, especially since nodejs is interpreted and whatnot. It might actually work! But I'll let the powers-that-is decide :P)
I would use a lot more if I started logging or supported multiple channels. Still though, it's snappy and doesn't use that much RAM.

News / Re: OmnomIRC will be down for unspecified time
« on: September 20, 2012, 10:44:38 pm »
He hasn't been responding to emails and stuff. I haven't texted him very recently though. Last I heard he had just gotten a job so he could be really busy with that.

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 19, 2012, 02:35:13 pm »
@Eeems I doubt the threading on B2G will be any different than current firefox. But on the Tab memory wasting point, keep in mind that RAM is currently very cheap, computation-wise. The extra ~100 MB I might use, max, is made up for by the advantages, like allowing one tab to crash while the others live on, and I don't mind because I have another 6 GB of RAM free either way.
I have 8GB and I don't like anything filling up more then 1GB of it. While I know ram is cheap, I have regularly filled up all my ram due to things I work on ( VM's etc ) so having a separate process per tab taking up extra ram, and filling up my task manager. No not ok with it. I'd rather it was a separate thread per tab, which makes more sense in my mind. I very rarely have Fx crash on me and when it does I just restart it and get back to where I was.

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:51:49 pm »
Free and open source software FTW!

Miscellaneous / Re: A note about Googling.
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:15:47 pm »
I usually will tell them to google it and provide some links I found while googling their problem.
On IRC I usually will ask if they googled it first and most often they will shamefully say no and then proceed to google it :P
Just saying google it on omnimaga is not providing anything to the discussion so if someone asks something that is easily answered by google, post the link to what you found with the answer and then tell them to google it next time ( although more tactfully ).

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 17, 2012, 07:23:19 pm »
looks awesome. I dont have a smartphone tho. (nor any other 'smart' device except calc lol)
You can test it on your computer :)

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 17, 2012, 02:18:24 pm »
Do they make use of enough threads ? :P
That's actually one of the reasons I use Chromium on my computer, because (my computer is not that fast) pages regularly freeze and that causes the entire browser to hang.
I think having a different process for each tab is a waste of RAM. That's why I don't use Chromium or Chrome.
I have no idea how they structure threads etc on Fx OS

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 17, 2012, 12:27:42 am »
That is good. My Samsung Galaxy 551 takes like 20 seconds to boot and 12-15 seconds to shut down >.<
I have the exact same phone. Is it released yet? If so, I wonder if you can test it on an emulator already (like how you can with the Android SDK) and/or someone will provide a way to replace our Android roms with it, like Cyanogenmod and stuff like that. Anyway that looks pretty nice.
For the nexus s there have been a few roms packaged. It's not always up to date though.
As for the market, they already have experience with their addon site, I guess they'll use the same technology.

EDIT: After reading the blog posts, I'm like, omg can't wait installing that thing on my device, then telling DJ_O about it how it runs faster and everything.

EDIT2: It's all there:
Thanks, I completely missed that lol.

I'm going to put all the links into the first post

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:25:19 pm »
Hopefully as time goes by its startup speed will not become as bad as Firefox on anything lower than a dual core system with 8 GB of RAM (about one minute more than IE, Chrome and Opera) and it will not crash every 30 second like Firefox 1 through 3 (I think I had crashes on more recent versions of Firefox browser too) when a site uses Flash or Javascript.
Startup speed is 12 seconds for a cold boot on older phones. 8 seconds on newer ones. Shutdown is instant.

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 16, 2012, 08:14:19 pm »
i havent seen it when browsing through but I may have just missed it but how do they control what apps have what permissions? I'd hate for a random web page to be able to access my camera and call people.
They are in the middle of changing how that is done to something that follows html5 standards or something right now. I'm not entirely sure what it's being changed to, I haven't really read up on it.
I'd suggest that if you are really interested in this project that you should follow @Boot2Gecko on twitter. That's how I actually know stuff like this lol :P

EDIT: This might answer your question:

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:11:44 pm »
Looking pretty good.  I just hope it doesn't have the same problem as the browser with the random freezing. the that's fixable if you have the patience I guess? :P
I use Fx nightly, the random freezing hardly happens. Usually it only happens with downloads. I've also noticed that the random freezing only happens on windows.
Seems nice. Hopefully it offers as much freedom in terms of app downloads as Android, if not more. Unlike Apple <.<
It offers more freedom, see:
I've been following this ever since it was first announced.
Looks nice though I have to wonder how good is its support for hardware? Also if they make a phone how would they distribute apps or would everything be online?
They have a marketplace that is completely open, so from what I understand about it, no gatekeepers.
Looking very nice! But how would cam and so on work then?
They have created a api for handling it. The first link I give in my post is where you can find out about all that. The camera api is actually suppose to become a standard in all browsers too.

Other / Re: Firefox OS / Boot 2 Gecko
« on: September 16, 2012, 02:00:34 am »
I've been following this ever since it was first announced.
Looks nice though I have to wonder how good is its support for hardware? Also if they make a phone how would they distribute apps or would everything be online?
They have a marketplace that is completely open, so from what I understand about it, no gatekeepers. Hardware support is it will run on anything that can run android. They use a custom android kernel. Take a look here for more information on that.
You might also want to take a look at for more information on the more detailed parts of things.
If you just want a quick overview of things that aren't so technical take a peek here:

so, who's excited?
Well, I am obviously :P

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