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Messages - Eeems

Pages: 1 ... 256 257 [258] 259 260 ... 370
The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: February 22, 2010, 07:59:20 pm »
It's about 1.5x the speed of straight asm, and you won't have to worry about scrapping it, all new versions do is add new commands, so at most you will have to modify it a bit or update a command if there is a change in syntax, which hasn't happened yet.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:40:07 pm »
nice ztrumpet! hmm, could you use pictures to store the screen?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:37:30 pm »
I was wondering, how hard would it be to let people name their labels with more then two letters?
hmm, it would be nice to have a secondary buffer that you could store too, but that would be easy to do with pictures...

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:34:47 pm »
@ProphetsDementia: actually you could just make your own macro for drawshape you know...but it would be nice to have it supported...
and [ON] is already toggled off, so you don't need to worry about it...but it would be nice if you could use the [ON] key for something...I've also already requested the Celtic III commands, which I think would be a must :P. I'm also sure you could do the scrolling hex sprite background yourself as well...

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Your Projects - Post and Critique
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:26:35 pm »
ok, well I built this with 0.0.4a so it has no good sprites, but it has a working menu and the gameplay is ok. let me know what you think!
also the menu is glitchy on 0.0.5a as well as the score screen :/

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:43:58 pm »
No they can't, this isn't anything like standard BASIC, it's got it's own command set.

TI Z80 / Re: [ADE] Assembly Development Enviroment
« on: February 21, 2010, 09:50:24 pm »
@Galandros: ah, yeah, it's just a filter.
@DJ Omnimaga: ah, well the only rendered I can use is xulrunner, so firefox's gecko.

TI Z80 / Re: Dev Screenshots
« on: February 21, 2010, 03:51:34 pm »
Don't worry I'll upload the source to today. And I'll build a nightly so everybody else can use it :)
also the images require an Internet connection, otherwise you will have just text.

EDIT: Here is one of the source tab.

TI Z80 / Re: [ADE] Assembly Development Enviroment
« on: February 21, 2010, 03:48:49 pm »
No it will will just be a simple browser with a URL bar, back/forward stop and refresh. I don't have enough knowledge on how to get favorites and such.

@galandros: do you mean that you can't see them? If so click on the drop down menu that says assembly files and change it to all files. I'll add a section for includes later.

EDIT: ok I have uploaded a new nightly and the source is on the account

TI Z80 / Re: [ADE] Assembly Development Enviroment
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:40:09 pm »
Ok, so I have added support to multiple files open at once, but I haven't been able to build a nightly yet. I will also be adding support to all the menus to open a tab.
I will also most likely be adding a browser tab that you can open so you can search up documentation directly from it.

TI Z80 / Re: Lemonade Tycoon... in 48 hours.
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:28:08 pm »
Try hosting it somewhere else and then linking to it or using img tags.

TI Z80 / Re: Dev Screenshots
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:39:55 pm »
yeah I'm adding shortcuts, but ctrl-T is for a new file, ctrl-N replaces the current tab with a new file

TI Z80 / Re: Dev Screenshots
« on: February 20, 2010, 06:50:04 pm »
here is a screenshot showing how it will open a new tab. I'm currently working on adding support for opening a file per tab.

TI Z80 / Re: Dev Screenshots
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:25:20 pm »
I think there will be no limit to the amount of tabs open...unless I can't do what I want...
yeah I was wondering when someone would notice that :P

TI Z80 / Re: Dev Screenshots
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:04:04 pm »
here is one of me working on the tabs more...I'm currently deciding on adding all the menu's that i would normally pop up and adding them into tabs.

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