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Messages - Eeems

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 370
What I mean by projector based is instead of converting from a pixel based computer to a projector, you program directly to the projector.
I don't understand how this is different than current implementations. We send the data directly to the projector to display.

Computer Programming / Re: How to make a IRC bot
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:48:18 pm »
Here's the one I use, with a few scripts I wrote. It's in Javascript (with Node.js), if you read the API it shouldn't be really complicated.
Not to mention that version isn't fully released yet ;)
I want to program my IRC Bot in C
You might want to lead off with what language you want to work with at the start of the topic next time.

TI Z80 / Re: SPASM-ng, now with eZ80 support!
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:43:50 am »
I should probably add this to Omnimaga's archlinux repo.

Glad to know somebody else is watching those pingdom emails ;P

EDIT: Some more in depth downtime information:

News / Re: More information on the TI-84 Plus CE
« on: January 20, 2015, 07:45:53 pm »
Having to add some wait cycles isn't that terrible of a thing. You could even be smart about it and do some important things in these cycles.
I'd also expect that you'd be able to poll a port on the LCD to see if it's ready, that way you can get things queued up while waiting for it to be ready.

Web Programming and Design / Re: EeeZorBot
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:34:22 pm »
I will when I think it's stable enough (read: properly documented and used in production for my copy of EeeZorBot).
I'll take a peek through your scripts and see if I can see ways to optimize how they work (Since my documentation is behind etc).

EDIT: initial thoughts for optimization. search.js can probably be switched to use db.query() instead of db.querySync() since there is no good reason to pause execution of your hook until the query is done.

News / Re: More information on the TI-84 Plus CE
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:57:12 pm »
And why emulating the OS? It would be cheaper for TI to do so.
This exactly. Since they have already written a z80 emulator for the nspire, development costs for the software is a lot lower then having to rebuild the OS from the ground up to be compatible.

I do agree with DrDnar's theory though, I think that it might just be an upgraded ASIC with a z80-compatible chip. I'm actually hopeful that this is the case. Just using an ARM chip emulating a z80 is fraught with possible issues for standardized testing etc.

News / Re: #Omnimaga on Efnet temporarily invite-only
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:28:30 pm »
If you don't want to go through the rigmarole of getting things working there is always the option of joining #omnimaga on Omninet.

Super Smash Bros. Open / Re: [Axe] Super Smash Bros. Open
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:05:09 pm »
Are you using compression on the character data?
I know that it wont help when it's running and in RAM, but I'm thinking about for space when it's not running.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Unable to send PMs anymore
« on: December 15, 2014, 01:09:04 pm »
As I've mentioned in other threads, this is a known issue that seems to be an issue with SMF that is effecting more sites then ours. Currently there is nothing we can do about it and any googling on the subject has turned up blank. I have decreased the timeout to 2 seconds so if you wait for a bit before taking any action on the site at all and then send your PM it hopefully will work.

From what I understand, SMF treats any action as a post for the action log, which is confusing since they aren't actually posts.

Other Calculators / Re: CodeWalrus
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:38:38 pm »
And you can't really steal what is open source lol.
Ehem, licensing. Lack of license means all rights reserved.

News / Re: Sorry for the down time!
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:52:41 pm »
Its OnApp. I think everybody involved is getting tired of it and can't wait to get rid of it.

News / Re: Sorry for the down time!
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:45:57 pm »
It's in a ticket, so I have an email trail, and a record on their ticketing system.

News / Re: https by default
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:21:14 pm »
The site does load in https, but every link takes me back to the non-https version. Does that happen to anyone else, or is it just on my end?
Should have been fixed when I cleared all the old pretty url cached links. Could it be a chrome caching issue (if you use chrome)?
I use Firefox, but it seems to be fixed now.
It was probably related to the backup resetting the base url.

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