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Messages - Eeems

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 370
It will run slower due to emulation running slower then it actually would on a gameboy. It will be especially slow on a CSE due to the display drivers being rather slow for the colour screen. That is a hardware limitation that frame skipping will help, but it wont be perfect.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: eZ8 IRC bot
« on: November 24, 2014, 03:59:15 pm »
As I mentioned on IRC, feel free to pull from :)

Miscellaneous / Re: Post your game library (digital or not)
« on: November 23, 2014, 02:08:38 am »

That's just my steam library and what I've included in it that's not steam games. Probably got another 20 games outside of it and then all the games I have on my WiiU and Android. You could also include all the games I give away on IRC for free at random, but they aren't really mine anymore are they :P

Super Smash Bros. Open / Re: Problems when sending files to device
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:04:17 pm »
Next time that happens, copy down the code you're given and tell Eeems about it at; he should be able to get you sorted out.
One of us admins will at the very least!
Unrelated issue, already resolved.

That said, when you encounter issues with the site, please report it via

Super Smash Bros. Open / Re: Problems when sending files to device
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:45:53 pm »
Another option if TI-Connect still refuses to work is to uninstall it and install TiLP instead.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, I'm André! :D
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:33:37 pm »
1: please don't double post, you can edit your first post with the edit button in the upper right corner
2: the smash brothers game for the ti84 has reached fame on the smosh website (look it up, smosh is awesome)
3: peanuts are a tradition to welcome newcomers ;)

1: I know you can edit posts, didn't really realize I shouldn't double-post >-< Pardon me.
2: I know it did, and I know Smosh is awesome, how would I've found the article if I didn't know them? :P
3: Oh okay ^^ Glad I love peanuts!
I'd suggest you go give a read over :)

General Calculator Help / Re: Battery status
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:24:50 pm »
Could you elaborate more on what is happening. I'm confused by what you mean.

Art / Re: General purpose art thread
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:00:52 pm »
c-c-c-combo breaker ;)

I think I'm seeing steady improvement in your art style :)

TI Z80 / Re: Sign Finder CSE
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:43:55 pm »
Obligatory ++ and bump.

News / Short bit of downtime
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:47:17 pm »
There will be a little bit of downtime tonight as I reboot the VPS and perform some maintenance on the database. I don't expect it to last longer then an hour at most. Keep an eye on twitter or IRC during the downtime for information on if the downtime will take longer then expected or not.

EDIT: Downtime over

KnightOS / Re: KnightOS
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:28:32 pm »
Just tried playing around with the sdk on a fresh Arch VM and pulling the sdk from the AUR. I'm getting this error when I'm trying to create a new project to play around with:

I just installed Arch from the VM so everything is up to date. It looks like there is an issue with some of the python scripts. I'll also report this issue on the github, but since it's me, SirCmpwn probably will just ignore it.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Praise the SunFish
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:03:21 pm »
Too much Not enough praising!

I agree

Super Smash Bros. Open / Re: How to install
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:43:13 pm »
Split to make installation instructions more visible.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Dear Omnimaga
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:05:14 pm »
There have been many reported issues that were literally ignored. Part of the issue is That thing is in no way a proper issue tracker. This subforum is a much better place to be heard, but you guys are encouraging the use of an unusable feature instead.
You are correct, that is not a proper issue tracker, we could be more transparent on our issue managment. I can tell you though that there are only eight issues currently on the issue queue, of them only three haven't been touched yet. Some "issues" reported with are not concidered an issue but a request (Which should use and have been moved to that queue instead. That queue is much larger currently, but since it's not a break in functionality, implementing it has a lower priority then the issue log.
If you feel that there are many issues that have been ignored, could you compile a list of them and bring them to us so we can let you know what has happened with them and why?

In response to the fact that you called unusable, could you let me know how it is unusable? As far as I can see people have been able to submit issues and we have been able to resolve them. While yes, the public can't see what is going on in the issue tracker behind the scenes, things are being done. There is also a plan in place to replace it with a proper issue tracker that will have email notifications and more for users. The issue with the subforum is that it also is not a proper issue tracker. Things reported there are easily lost and forgotten about. With the tool we are currently using, it is rather easy to see how many issues there are, who is working on them, what their priority is and if anything

In my experience, Eeems can come across as over-bearing, but my disagreements with him are almost certainly not the ones you have. People never see 90+% of administrative discussions because we deliberately keep them out of public.
I'm just use to being very direct with people I feel comfortable with :(

Tell us. Pull someone aside in a PM and say "what he did was not cool, here are the logs". I have personally called other admins out for being arses before and I'll have no problem either doing it again or explaining why it was not as it may seem. We're here to listen to you, but we can do our job much more effectively if you talk to us.
Thank you for calling me out when you do btw. I quite appreciate it.
So we were saying "we feel that Eeems is not perfect".
And you answered "he's the most perfect of all our admins, he does everything".
That is not what they are saying, and that is not how you have come across with this. When a public "petition" is posted about a specific person without first talking to that person about your grievances and trying to resolve them. When you have also not talked with the other authorities and brought your grievances forward. Then no matter what your intentions are the person brought into question, and the authorities who you have also spurned will see this as an attack against the person in question.
What was said was also not that I was the most perfect of all the admins, it was only that I am the most publicly facing of all admins and that I'm not acting on my own whims.
Well maybe what this means is that since Eeems has to do everything on his own, he's getting stressed out and gets bitter sometimes when some of us complain about almost nothing when he made so much work.
I do not have to do everything on my own, but quite often I have to go out of my way to make sure that the other admins get involved in things in a timely manner. This is something we are working on for our internal process. It's understandable that they are quite busy with their schooling/work. I'm one of the lucky ones who works on a computer all day long and thus able to see things almost as they happen and react (Unless I'm busy in meetings).
I do get stress though and sometimes a little bitter about people complaining about things that I'm working hard on implementing. Thus is the life of a sysadmin.
So maybe we were actually not targetting at the right problem, but that doesn't mean there is no problem.
I agree
There's a reason why we didn't talk of it with other admins, it's because we never see them. Maybe they come once a day and do things but we never hear of them, we only see Eeems, we can only talk to Eeems.
I'm pretty sure geekboy is on a lot, and shmibs is on in the evening every day or so.
So maybe admins should be more present, or more numerous, or both, so that Eeems doesn't have to do everything on his own, and he'll be less stressed out and nicer, and we would feel better. Plus, work would be done faster.
I would like for them to be more active and to help with the issue/request logs, I prod them about it almost daily. I usually am nicer when I have no stress :)
Sorry Eeems if we have hurt you if it wasn't your fault. But since you were the only one present and bitter (probably due to being tired), we felt like you were the problem even though probably not.
I wouldn't say I was all that bitter at the time. Thank you for the apology though, it's greatly appreciated :)
In disagreement with the OP, is not ineffective. If you prod an admin about something you put in the issue form, they will tell you the result, BUT in my experience, only after you prod them. I think communication with the user who sent in the issue should be mandatory through email or PM, so the user does not feel ignored, even when they aren't.
We are perfectly willing to tell you guys things, but since we are busy we don't activly prod you about issues unless we need your help in resolving it. I am working on a replacement for the issue system that will have full transparency in the process and have email notifications.
Also your the best Lobster Pimath <3
Almost as good as Netham, but he's not just a normal loberster

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