Don'tt get the slim version, there many imcompatabilities with many addins.
So... Veb decided to port the Lua to AFX, trying to increase the AFX's communauty...
Result: 2 only coders, for 2 games and an useless utility...
TOday, i'm working with Veb and Louloux to port TO Fx 98xx, but... to rival with your communaty is impossible! So Lua is the 2nd added language, after the MLC.
Kristaba is thinking about a new Basic interpreter (i talked about this months ago, but today... zero news)
We have a programming contest at Planète-Casio, but the two only games already posted are a Pong and a Tekken. 10 Prizsm to win... There are projects, but I must to see them. mine is a Mario party like game.
The lasts Fx-98xx addins: my metabbals tests, my sokoban [BOXED], souris, thing similar to Pokemon's Ice Cave...
No more great games, like Drug War...
Shit... I want to see news, tutorials, games...
(Moderator of the maybe last alive french site...)