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Topics - Empyreal

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself! / Hello
« on: August 14, 2010, 11:22:58 pm »
Hi everybody.

As you can see, this introduction has been a long time coming.  I was surprised I could still log in! ;D

I used to be very interested in TI programming (z80 assembly and BASIC) a couple years back.  Sadly I dropped first calculator, a TI-84+, and cracked its screen.  As you can imagine, that ruined my motivation rather quickly.  Some months later I got a TI-83+.  I was starting to get back into z80 asm when it was stolen or lost...  Not sure which, but my motivation was gone once again.

After a long period of being calculatorless, I finally got a shiny new TI-89 Titanium today. :) I've just started exploring what the community has done on this wonderful little machine, and hopefully I'll find a way to contribute a few programs as time goes on.
I am somewhat involved in the Commodore scene.  In particular I spend a lot of time writing programs for the Commodore Vic-20.  Commitments to said Vic-20 are my main focus right now, but hopefully I'll find time to play with the TI-89.

Other things about myself: I enjoy running, drawing, and in a few days I'll be a freshman in college.

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