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Messages - FinaleTI

Pages: 1 ... 88 89 [90] 91 92 ... 126
Miscellaneous / Re: Jokes
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:53:04 pm »
Teacher: "You can't do spaces in HTML. If you see spaces on web pages, then they must be using java to override basic HTML. Java saved the Internet, because it removes limitations of HTML, but it's beyond the scope of this course to show you how to do it."

While working on a programming project in highschool with a friend, I mentioned to him that if he really wants to name his variables things like x, xx, and xx2, he should at least put comments saying what they're used for.

The next time I looked over his shoulder, I saw this:

int x; // x is an int

At my previous job, we were porting a UNIX system to Windows NT using Microsoft VC++. A colleague of mine, that was in the process of porting his portion of the code, came to me, looking really upset.

    * Colleague: "Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"

TI Z80 / Re: Blur - It's like fast tunnel, but with Nethams
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:35:47 pm »
Sounds interesting. I wonder how I should implement that into the tunnel gameplay....

I could just have a greyscale scrolling background with you dodging enemies in the foreground...
That sounds pretty cool actually. * FinaleTI goes off to work on that *

TI Z80 / Re: Blur - It's like fast tunnel, but with Nethams
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:25:55 pm »
Oh noes!

TI Z80 / Re: Blur - It's like fast tunnel, but with Nethams
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:23:42 pm »
That's an idea...
I was considering adding multiple modes of play besides fast tunnel style.

TI Z80 / Re: Blur - It's like fast tunnel, but with Nethams
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:21:38 pm »
What do you mean by that? The contest release of Blur already had four different ships.

Axe / Re: Why is this failing?
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:20:21 pm »
I initialized C to 1 and removed the GetCalc() in the player, yet it still doesn't work...

TI Z80 / Re: Blur - It's like fast tunnel, but with Nethams
« on: October 03, 2010, 08:01:28 pm »
I'm reworking the GUI right now, as well as considering adding another ship or two.

Axe / Why is this failing?
« on: October 03, 2010, 07:05:27 pm »
I've been working on Pokemon TI a lot recently, but in my current build of the map engine the music no longer works.
I just can't seem to figure out why it doesn't work.

Here's the code for the engine:
Code: [Select]
:Lbl DG
:Goto MP
:Lbl RND
:If ((B+F)≥({L1+1})) or ((θ+E)≥({L1}-Y
:If ((B+F)≥({L1+1})) or ((θ+E+1)≥({L1}-Y
:Lbl MP
:Repeat getKey(15)
:If getKey(1) and (K=0
:If H≥4
:!If H
:If getKey(4) and (K=0
:If (H≠5) and (H≠7
:If H=5
:If getKey(2) and (K=0
:If H≠10
:If getKey(3) and (K=0
:If H≠13
:Lbl GT
:.If T=2
:Lbl MI
:Return!If GetCalc("vMDATA")
:!If L
:ReturnIf C-1→C
:Lbl I2
:If {L+1}
:If {L+2→L-1}→C=1
:Goto I2

Miscellaneous / Re: [NOVEL] Phantom Sanctuary: Sins of the Savior
« on: October 03, 2010, 05:58:16 pm »
Remember that part where I actually finish a chapter?

Or when I update the Flashbook?

Cuz that's done too.

Edit: Fixed Chapter 10

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon TI
« on: October 02, 2010, 05:40:14 pm »
Well, the real question would be: What wasn't there a glitch for in Pokemon Red and Blue?

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon TI
« on: October 02, 2010, 04:49:23 pm »
The secret is that there isn't collision detection yet.

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon TI
« on: October 02, 2010, 04:41:16 pm »
Now I just gotta fix some problems with the music...

For some reason, it doesn't want to play at all. Would anyone be willing to help me?
Code: [Select]
:Lbl DG
:Goto MP
:Lbl RND
:If ((B+F)≥({L1+1})) or ((θ+E)≥({L1}-Y
:If ((B+F)≥({L1+1})) or ((θ+E+1)≥({L1}-Y
:Lbl MP
:Repeat getKey(15)
:If getKey(1) and (K=0
:If H≥4
:!If H
:If getKey(4) and (K=0
:If (H≠5) and (H≠7
:If H=5
:If getKey(2) and (K=0
:If H≠10
:If getKey(3) and (K=0
:If H≠13
:Lbl GT
:.If T=2
:Lbl MI
:Return!If GetCalc("vMDATA")
:!If L
:ReturnIf C-1→C
:Lbl I2
:If {L+1}
:If {L+2→L-1}→C=1
:Goto I2

News / Re: Axe Contest poll and judging starts
« on: October 01, 2010, 08:12:27 pm »
I should really finish Blur...

Nostalgia / Re: Nostalgia - My Axe Parser Contest Entry
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:48:50 pm »
Ok. I did comment out some stuff that got replaced with data from the appvars or was from an older version, just in case you're wondering why I commented out grabbing 5 pictures at the beginning of the program.

Nostalgia / Re: Nostalgia - My Axe Parser Contest Entry
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:23:51 pm »
Yeah. I've just been working on Pokemon, so this has been on hold for a little.

Attached is a zip containing the menu program in its current state. The subroutines are separate in prgmNOSSUBS. Send all the appvars to the RAM. Archive NosMenus.

Here's the code for the menu with the subroutines as part of the program:
WARNING! Large chunk of code is large. VERY large.
Code: [Select]
:DrawInv r
:{Y1+1536+θ} and {L3+θ}→{L3+θ}
:Lbl MS
:If r1=‾1 or (getKey(48)
:If {θ+70+K}=1
:If {θ+70+K}=2
:If {θ+70+K}
:Lbl MM
:If r1=‾1 or θ>15
:DelVar Str1D
:Goto EXT
:If θ≤15
:Goto CS
:Lbl EXT
:DelVar Str1D
:.Item Screen
:Lbl IT
:!If {θ+58+K}
:Pause 200
:Repeat r1=‾1 or (S≠0) or (r1=‾3
:If r1=‾1
:Goto MM
:If r1≥0
:If r1>200
:Pause 200
:If r1≠65534 or (r1=‾1
:Goto MM
:Goto IT
:Goto MS
:.Character Select
:Lbl CS
:If V≠15 and ({K+71}≠0
:If r1=‾1
:Goto MM
:If V=5
:If {r1/15+70+K}=1
:Goto ST
:If V=0
:If {r1/15+70+K}=1
:Goto EQ
:If V=10
:If {r1/15+70+K}=1
:Goto IT
:If V=15 and ({K+71}≠0
:Goto MS
:Goto MM
:.Status Screen
:Lbl ST
:If r6=38
:Fix 9
:Fix 8
:Pause 200
:Repeat getKey(48) or getKey(1)
:If getKey(1)
:Pause 200
:Repeat getKey(48) or getKey(4)
:If getKey(4)
:Goto ST
:Goto MM
:.Equip Screen
:Lbl EQ
:If V=32
:Fix 8
:Fix 9
:If {K+V+19}=13
:If {K+V+19}=14
:If {K+V+19}=15
:If {K+V+20}=27
:If {K+V+20}=28
:If {K+V+20}=29
:If {K+V+21}=32
:If {K+V+21}=33
:If {K+V+21}=34
:Pause 200
:If r1=15
:Goto MM
:If r1=‾1
:Goto MM
:If θ=0
:If {K+13}
:If {K+14}
:If {K+15}
:If θ=5
:If {K+27}
:If {K+28}
:If {K+29}
:If θ=10
:If {K+32}
:If {K+33}
:If {K+34}
:Pause 200
:Repeat r1=‾1
:If r1=‾1
:Goto EQ
:If pxl-Test(4,r1+38) or (pxl-Test(4,r1+40
:Goto EQ
:Lbl BM
:Repeat getKey(54) or (getKey(48)) or (r1=‾3) or (r1=‾2)
:Repeat getKey
:If getKey(3) and (F≠0
:If getKey(2) and (F=2
:If getKey(4) and (r1≠r4
:Pause 20
:If getKey(1) and (r1≠r3
:Pause 20
:If r1<<0
:If getKey(48)
:While getKey(0)
:.Menu - Grey
:Lbl BMG
:Repeat getKey(54) or (getKey(48)
:Repeat getKey
:If getKey(4) and (r1≠r4
:If getKey(1) and (r1≠r3
:If getKey(48)
:While getKey(0)
:Lbl TX
:Repeat getKey(15) or ({S+C}=42
:If {S+C}=41
:If {S+C}=43
:Repeat getKey(54)
:While {S+C}=32
:If {S+C}=42
:Goto RT
:If {S+C}=41
:If D<65
:If D=48
:If D=46
:If D=44
:If (D=72) or (D=74) or (D=75) or (D=77) or (D=81) or (D=85) or (D=86) or (D=87
:If (D=69) or (D=83) or (D=49) or (D=53) or (D=54) or (D=57) or (D=33
:If D=33
:If D=39
:Lbl RT
:.Draw Numbers
:Lbl DN
:While Z
:.Calculate Numbers
:Lbl CN
:.Draw Numbers
:Lbl DRN
:.Length of Numbers
:Lbl LN
:If r1>9
:If r1>99
:If r1>999
:If r1>9999
:.Item Usage
:Lbl ITM
:If r1=0 and ({K+V}r≠0) and ({K+V}r≠{V+3+K}r) and ({K+58}≠0
:If {K+V}r≥{V+3+K}r
:If r1=3 and ({V+2+K}≠0) and ({V+2+K}≠{V+5+K}) and ({K+61}≠0
:If {V+2+K}≥{V+5+K}
:If r1=6 and ({K+V}r=0) and ({K+61}≠0

Pages: 1 ... 88 89 [90] 91 92 ... 126