Umm, why would I need a second list.
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Axe / Re: What am I doing wrong here?« on: March 02, 2011, 01:00:55 am »
I took another look at my code, and I realized that I can have up to 255 drawing commands. I'm reserving command #0 for an undo feature. And as for a paint bucket, I'd like to have two: an 8-way flood fill and a 4-way flood fill, and any tips on either would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, ok. I'll try to explain it better.
There are 4 variables: V, which is the command number X, the current X coord theta, the current Y coord L, a flag that indicates which pair of coords is being entered. It is used for all of the two coord commands And L1, which stores the first pair of coords when a 2 coord command is being entered. Elucidification: coord=coordinate 2529
Axe / Re: What am I doing wrong here?« on: March 01, 2011, 12:35:22 am »
Filled circles...now that's a good idea! Paint Bucket would only be one command because there's only two colors, and it would thus essentially be a Bucket of Inverse.
Edit: I have eaten my words. The circles were weird because I forgot the way order of operations works in Axe. Edit 2: Does anyone have an idea on how to implement a flood fill? I read the Wikipedia page, but I can't figure out a method of implementation that would work on the calculator. 2530
Axe / Re: What am I doing wrong here?« on: March 01, 2011, 12:21:44 am »
What's flood fill? And do you have any suggestions for another command?
Um, gee, I appreciate the effort, but I already have code. I have 3 vars, V,X,theta (because ClrDraw screws up Y). They're compressed into one list element at the end of the loop, and a single var, L, is used as a flag denoting which set of coords the program is on for LineOn/Off and Circle, and the First set of coords is stored in L1. V is the command number, in order from 1 to 8: Pt-On/Off/Change Line(On/Off) Circle Horizontal Vertical.
And that's the most documentation on this program ever. 2532
Axe / Re: What am I doing wrong here?« on: February 28, 2011, 03:09:52 pm »
So, after adding 6k bytes to program memory with Zeros(6000), how do I find the start of all those zeros? And then, at the end of the program, how do I create an AppVar with the appropriate length in Archive and copy all the used bytes to the AppVar?
Edit: Anybody got any suggestions for additional drawing commands? I have Pxl-change, Line on/off, Circle on/off, and RectI. I can put in two more. |