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Messages - Freyaday

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28 29 ... 173
TI Z80 / Re: My Little RPG: Friendship is Magic
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:14:48 am »
Some news: Design work is slow, but the plot is developing.
Also, logo.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:37:02 pm »
In retrospect, maybe it would have been better to make Fix # turn an option on and Fix #r turn the option off. But that would definitely break compatibility now :P

What if the old syntax was left in for compatibility, but a new syntax of Fix LETTER / Fix LETTERr was added? Letters might be easier to remember than numbers anyways.
I like that!

News / Re: An Omni TI book, 7 years in the making
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:36:04 pm »
Spoiler For Spoiler:

Part #3
The man with the iron plan
Looked up yet again
The music was too loud
Yet not loud enough
It just wasn't up to snuff
The man jumped up
But he jumped too high
And fell too far
And now he's a smear on the ground
Waiting to be found
And put back together again.

Elsewhere, an offshoot of the evil team decided to stop research into communications warfare and go into bioengineering. They kidnapped innumerable people, and put fakes in place. They tortured those they took, to see the limits of the mind and the body. But enough was enough. The Stolen rebelled, and won. Now they are free.
Where do they go?
Nobody knows.
All that can be said
is that they are not dead.
Some scattered to the wind
Some went back home
Others had no home to go to
More could not go back at all
So changed were they
So different
So alone
But they weren't
They had each other.
And that was enough.
Enough, for the revolution to begin.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:17:41 pm »
In retrospect, maybe it would have been better to make Fix # turn an option on and Fix #r turn the option off. But that would definitely break compatibility now :P
Now that you mention it, yeah. GAH compatibility. :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:10:56 pm »
2620: You have more things uploaded here than on ticalc

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:10:29 pm »
It's a pain to type it out. I'd go with letting Fix [letter], myself.

Humour and Jokes / Re: The awkward moment when...
« on: March 19, 2012, 07:09:35 pm »
When you realize that, holy crap, you actually know stuff now and people are coming to you for advice, just like you came to others for advice.

TI Z80 / Anisprite v3
« on: March 19, 2012, 06:55:13 pm »
Tada! Here's Anisprite, the 16x16 animated Spriter, now at Version 3!
Spoiler For Anisprite 3 Readme:
New in version 3:
   Copy and Paste!
   Shift your sprites!
   Saner About screen trigger!
   Ability to leave appvSPRITES in RAM upon exit!
   "Lights-out" mode!
   Sprite counter!
   Jump multiple sprites at a time!
   Fixed Readme typos!
New in version 2.1:
   "New in this version:" section of the Readme
   Fixed the bug with not clearing the screen
New in version 2:
   Not this section
   Loop through a selection of the sprites

Anisprite, its associated source code, and this readme Copyright 2013 Giancarlo Saraceni
All artwork produced with Anisprite is the property of its creator

Hello and welcome to Anisprite

What is this thing?
   Anisprite is a spriter

A spriter?
   A thing you can use to make sprites with.

No, no, no. I know what a spriter is, but aren't there almost as many of those as there are quadratic equation solvers?
   It's getting pretty close.

So how is this different?
   Anisprite is designed around makng animated 16x16 sprites to be used with the Axe programming language.

Ok, so how long can these animations be?
   Anisprite allows for up to 64 16x16 sprites.

How do I use Anisprite?
   Glad you asked! First, let's go over the interface.
   The left 2/3 of the screen is devoted to the big representation of the sprite you're working with. It's at a scale of 4:1.
   The actual size sprite is in the top right corner.
   About halfway between the big sprite and the actual-size one there's a black pixel all by its lonesome. This indicates which sprite you're on.
   On either side of that lonly pixel are a pair of black pixels, sitting there, waiting. Why are they there? What is their purpose? You'll find out in a minute.
   In the large sprite, there's a box. This box is the cursor.
   Just below halfway down the screen, on the right side, is a swatch of color.
   This is the color that will be used when you press Enter or 2nd.

Speaking of which, it's time to go over the controls.

   The arrow keys move the cursor around.
   + and - go forward and backward one sprite. Hold [ON] to move in increments of 8 instead.
   * and / do the same thing, but they copy over whatever sprite may already be in the new spot. Be careful, because once you do, you can't get that sprite back.
   Press LOG to change the start sprite to the one you're currently on. The start sprite is indicated by the two pixels on either side of the Position Indicator Pixel

The top row of keys change which color you're using:

   From left to right
       |White|Midgrey/Light grey|Black/Dark grey|Black|Invert|
   Press ENTER or 2ND to change the pixel your cursor is on to the color shown in the swatch

   Press MODE to change between 3scale and 4scale
   Press ALPHA to toggle the grid on and off

Hey, waitaminute! I've seen all this before! What makes Anisprite so special?
   Ah! Yes. Anisprite's unique feature is its ability to animate the sprites.
   Go ahead and press STO>
   You should be seeing a screen that looks like this:
   This selects the delay between each successive frame. Left and right move the arrows, and up and down increase and decrease the number in that place.
   Press enter once you've got the delay you want
   Now look in the top right corner. There is your sprite, animated. Anisprite loops from the Start Sprite to the sprite you're currently on.
   If you want to forgo that, press x^2 instead of STO>, and Anisprite will loop though all 64 frames for you.
   Press LN to stop the animation, and CLEAR to exit Anisprite.

Hey, what about all this "Verson 3" nonsense up there?
   Glad you asked!
   Version 3 adds a ton of features to the editing side of Anisprite to make it more powerful and easier to use!

   Copy & Paste!
      [)] Copies the current sprite to the clipboard, shown below the color swatch.
      [(] Pastes the sprite on the clipboard over the current sprite. Note that the clipboard starts out with a pure white sprite in it.
      Made a mistake?
      Hold [ON] and hit [DEL] and the sprite that was there when you first arrived will be put back!
   Sprite Roll!
      Need to move your sprite over one? Now, Anisprite has you covered!
      Use the numpad to move the sprite on the screen over one pixel up, down, left, or right.
      The row or column bumped off will appear on the other side.
   Leave appvSPRITES in RAM
      Hold [ON] when you exit to leave it in RAM
      Press [APPS] to make the HUD disappear. Any other key will bring it back.
   And the Sprite Counter is in the bottom right corner. It starts at zero.

Well, this is cool and all, but how do I use it in my Axe program?
   Anisprite saves your sprites in a 4116-byte AppVar with the catchy name of SPRITES. Just absorb it into your Axe program, and you're good to go!

4116 bytes? Really?
   Well, yeah. Anisprite can't tell which sprites you want to use and which you don't, so it saves all of them.

I don't really want all that data making my program all huge and all.
   Well, you could copy part of SPRITES to another appvar, and absorb that.

Wait, why doesn't Anisprite export to a string?
   Because that'd be friggin' huge.

Can I give this to my friends?
   Sure! Just let them know who made it! (That'd be me :)

What if I forget who you are?
   Hold [^]

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:14:28 pm »
Hmm... I guess I did have it update twice as often to make it smoother, so I can reduce the updating a little more to be like how it was.  However, I was actually thinking of optimizing the peephole opts into a lookup-table so that it performs significantly faster than the current linear search through all the opts.  It might even be possible to compile at nearly the same speed as the zoom option, in which case I could remove that feature, but that's optimistic, we'll see.

And Darl, I see what you mean now.  Since the size is now computeable during the first pass, I can show the message during the 2nd pass rather than after.  That's a good idea, I'll add this in the next update.
I wouldn't remove the Zoom option. It's useful for checking to see if the bug was caused by the peephole ops.

News / Re: Secret Nspire OS popups!
« on: March 17, 2012, 09:35:46 pm »
Cool! Cue the popup box abuse! :P

Note: Jumping to letter or going from top to bottom gets really slow if you have a lot of programs.

News / Re: Reflash your Nspire Boot2 without RS232!!!
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:38:34 am »
Cool! Ofc, this won't work on CXs.

There are a lot of ways to get around your calculator, and a lot of ways that aren't documented at all, or very well. Let us post them here.

[2nd]+[LEFT] jumps to the beginning of a line
[2nd]+[RIGHT] jumps to the end of a line
Go to the program editor, and select new. Type in the name of an editable program you have in RAM. The program will now open in the program editor. NOTE: Does not work on Archived programs, even in zStart.

Lol :P
It's actually true...
How do I check my ID number?
Click on your name and look at the number in the url.

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your avatar?
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:49:57 pm »
Why are you a supporter of the bridged one, but in your avatar, you are pushed off one? :P
Because he's so supportive, it's scary. So he was pushed off the bridge.

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