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Messages - Galandros

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26] 27 28 ... 84
Web Programming and Design / Re: jBasic
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:42:33 pm »
Keys for JavaScript:
Shift, Ctrl, Space,
arrows keys, W,A,S,D,

This is my choice having in count usual games and emulators.

Web Programming and Design / Re: Help with Html
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:23:26 pm »
HTML 5 has good support by browsers, right now.
If you can use this doctype in the start of the html file, to recognize as html 5.
<!DOCTYPE html>

And use the <audio> tag:

See the autoplay attribute. ;)

Miscellaneous / Re: Rickroll Database: never get rickroll'd again
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:15:43 pm »
I wonder if there is a Firefox extension that blocks rolls just like a ads blocker blocks ads.

We need to add rolls. :P

Miscellaneous / Re: Ran a mile in bare feet
« on: May 06, 2010, 04:12:36 pm »
Murphy's law at work.

Running in a beach for 10 minutes is harsh, too. ::) Specially after when in the day before you did 2 hard exercises (30 minutes each) and another one in the morning. And you still have 1 day of bi-training to go. :P

Project M (Super Mario) / Re: Project M Reboot
« on: May 06, 2010, 08:38:26 am »
It took a while to see that Mario was riding Yoshi. Yoshi animation is faster than Mario, but I don't know about its speed.

I am more used to see Mario throwing things to enemies than the 1up thing. But I only played a Mario for GB or GBC.

The game has an impressive engine, it seems to be able support every Mario feature.

I like the concept of "The Master". It is a curious one.

Only mortal characters should be considered as heroes.
How can you be a hero if you are not sacrificing yourself for others?

You should give more information what are the needs for your collision detection engine. Sometimes, it can be very specific.
The coding you have is not really the best for maintaining and efficiency... The main problem is really maintaining the code.

I will try to give you a more generic code:
Code: [Select]
; store the sprites in a table in memory, because you have various sprites
;     X   Y
 .db 30,30
 .db 10,30
 .db 10,10
 .db 30,10
 .db 0,0
; 5 sprites for now

; routine to get X and Y
; input: A is sprite number (0 to 5)
; output: b is X and c is Y
 ld h,0
 ld l,a
 add hl,hl
 ld de,sprites_position
 add hl,de ;hl has spriteX
 ld b,(hl)    ; b is X
 inc hl     ; skip to SpriteY
 ld c,(hl)   ; c is Y

 ld a,3
 call get_x_y_sprite
 ld a,30
 cp b
 jr z,spriteXis30
 ld a,10
 cp c
 jr z,spriteYis10

ix register can be useful:
Code: [Select]
ld ix,sprites_position
; get XposSprite2 into A
 ld a,(ix+2)
 cp 30
 jr z,Sprite2XisTrue

; to get YposSprite2 into a
 ld A,(ix+3)
 cp 30
 jr z,Sprite2isinX30Y30

; do something when Sprite2 is in X=30 and Y=30

It all depends on what you need.
The code can have bugs, I coded quickly, but can be viewed as an exercise. :)

ASM / Re: ASM Delvar - Clean and free up from BASIC variables
« on: May 06, 2010, 07:46:06 am »
I uploaded to ticalc today, so it is still pending.

The TI-83 build of delete all variables is buggy and causes stability on TI-OS until it crashes. So it is not provided.
All the other builds work, though.

The first post will be edited with the new source code. ;)
EDIT: done.

Humour and Jokes / Re: "Only in Japan" - Omnimaga edition (NSFW)
« on: May 06, 2010, 07:39:48 am »
Hmmm... Japanese have each idea...

And only in Japan new Final Fantasy game release is prohibited from being sold on holidays and weekends, I think.

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: May 05, 2010, 03:42:56 pm »
Yeah, that was actualy ridiculously simple.  When I went into do that, I literaly added a /2 to a single part of the code and it worked ;D it was a real easy fix.  Do you know why the TiOS doesn't let ask program greater than 8126 bytes excecuted tho? It's Little annoying x.x
That is an old issue.
Can be overcome in assembly by relocating some code to some safe to execute ram area. Unfortunately there is no fix because is done in hardware.

Some think it was TI not wanting to let people have APPS in RAM. There are some comments of Michael Vincent notes but I am not really sure if was him giving the theory.

Web Programming and Design / Re: jBasic
« on: May 04, 2010, 04:50:32 pm »
I wonder, in Javascript, are there any possibility of interaction from the user by pressing keys? Otherwise I guess a point and click game could be awesome too when it has more commands
Yes, gladly you can get mouse and keyboard input. I think it is not very cross-browser so it requires some code for each browser.

Generally in assembly games the screen buffer is totally cleared, redrawn and copied to LCD each frame.

I agree with Quigibo, that you should review your knowledge of assembly. I suggest to review tutorials (trying one different help) and stop by the IRC channel for a quick question and answer (you have calcmaniac and tr1pe1a, from memory) and forum for more important questions. And do simple experiments with assembly, for example doing a menu routine or other that you think you can do.
Debugging can be frustrating but you learn to avoid a lot of errors.

I needed lots of hours of practise before starting to be a little productive. You are prepared when you can do progress without many errors.

Maybe we are in a busy month for everyone? Or just students?

6 digits of hits on a website seems a lot to me. (compared to a personal site) It deserves a space or "." every 3 digits for effortless reading, please. ;D Maybe I am too used to Excel tables doing this automatically and in MMORPG writing k for thousands.

RISC was used in personal computers, I think. But I know because I saw Wikipedia articles about CPUs.
It is quite an advanced CPU compared to the z80, it has 32KB of cache. :o
It saw C support somewhere, if it has a good library of functions, I believe it won't be much harder than Axe.

Casio Fx-9860G SD is quite an appealing calculator.

It has C/assembly support, seems to have lots of games, so maybe for math BASIC programs, too.

Axe Parser is not easy to port because you would have to change all the code for another CPU. And there is still the tokens issue but if was done a specific editor to Axe's source code could help a bit.

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