The idea of giving calculator help and support in the native language seems attractive. Omnimaga was really complete back then.
Even there aren't enough users for a full sub-forum it could exist an international one where any language is permitted and you indicate the language by an English tag indicating the language. For example, for a German topic the title has to start with "[German]". The only problem is we can't assure support to every language so better make a sticky that tells if there is a regular user than can help in some language.
It would be fun to me start learning French.
Do you know any good website for that? I will use google translate for a while but I will really need a good website/ebook to learn French.
I could definitely be the "responsible" for Portuguese topics. I could try to write Spanish, although I warn it may sometimes decay to "Portuguesish" (Portuguese+Spanish). I know basic German but is very very rusty.
I learned one thing of Dutch, I think, "wereld" is today. xD