Humour and Jokes / Re: Thousands of free recipes from Ireland!
« on: January 27, 2010, 04:03:02 am »4 blue lobsters, liveWe know one!
Where the hell are those remaining 3?
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 766
Humour and Jokes / Re: Thousands of free recipes from Ireland!« on: January 27, 2010, 04:03:02 am »4 blue lobsters, liveWe know one! Where the hell are those remaining 3? 767
TI Z80 / Re: Hunt z80 port« on: January 26, 2010, 05:30:01 pm »
This topic is full of bugs.
![]() Anyway an ASCII game in assembly is not an idea I didn't have already. Maybe we could explore some new effects in ASCII using ASM. One of the things could be using an custom font 4x4 or other size. I can't get other ideas right now... PS: maybe something massive like lots of enemies moving around... There is an absurd amount of speed to spend on graphics. Maybe even ASCII grayscale? This is getting insane. Weregoose showed a curious picture of possible grayscale with TI font 8x8 font on UTI. 768
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, my name is Ztrumpet. Give me your peanuts!!!« on: January 26, 2010, 04:36:50 pm »Ah, so is it in the version I have? ( think yes. But why don't you give a try? There is no better way to know things. The latest Wabbit build is: http://group.revsoft.org/wabbitemu2.exe Oh and I almost forgot! It now supports group sending. Yay, that is right, rejoice people. 769
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, my name is Ztrumpet. Give me your peanuts!!!« on: January 26, 2010, 04:24:36 pm »
Eeems, have fun. But always remember the past mistakes and especially don't repeat them.
Awesomw! The new Wabbit seems really nice!It is actually an old feature. But few people notice. But the new Wabbit actually has new stuff like the linking between emulated calcs and more usable asm debugger. 770
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: 8-bit sound for DJs« on: January 26, 2010, 04:15:50 pm »Yeah after the DarksunDS incident I think I recall reading a post from him saying he left a year earlier because he didn't have the interest to work on z80 anymore. However, this recently updated Pokémon build (which seems to be based on his 2001-2004 build) in their file folder is kinda mysteriousJim e experiments are mysterious. But I think Jim e and calcmaniac84 have some interesting projects and experiments. Their works are always a surprise to us. Let me remember, Jim has the Real Sound, best so far released source of asm grayscale package, grayscale video, and so on. Calcmaniac84, you, all regulars in Omnimaga know. 771
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, my name is Ztrumpet. Give me your peanuts!!!« on: January 26, 2010, 04:09:56 pm »
In wabbitemu you can drag and drop 8xp files out of the calculator to the pc.
You access by F7. 772
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, my name is Ztrumpet. Give me your peanuts!!!« on: January 26, 2010, 09:42:42 am »Good luck Eeems! I can't wait to be over here while you have a calc. * Galandros suggests using emulator *whistle*
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: TILP: beta-testing...« on: January 26, 2010, 09:24:16 am »
Ubuntu is easy to install and multi boot.
And it deserves applauses of the changes in user friendliness from 8.10 to 9.10. It is easier to get used to most things (like you will not miss the "My Computer" shortcut like before). I should write a complete starter Linux tutorial. Some of the things it would include is getting used to the file system, command line, shell scripting (helps a lot) and getting used to superuser (root), users and make files executable. Surprisingly I think Linux command line is easier and scripts look better than of Windows (XP). It has other great features that once you get used, is a bit hard to get into Windows again. ![]() I think I am practical enough to understand most starters problems (most of them I have to get pass through, too) but good in computers to get enough knowledge to share with tutorials and explanation. I have Ubuntu, Windows 7 and Windows XP in a single computer. It is weird to get into Windows XP, I need to choose in 3 menus. ![]() The only change I need to do after install Ubuntu was getting into BIOS and change the hard drive (not partition) where it boots. I though at first that had screwed the boot. PS: sorry all the things you, possibly, can't understand yet... 774
Web Programming and Design / Re: [Web] Removed From Game« on: January 26, 2010, 09:19:26 am »
My friend is an experienced player but doesn't has the time (has other activities), nor the experience to administrate forums.
Humour and Jokes / Re: Funny #omnimaga quotes« on: January 26, 2010, 09:17:21 am »<miotatsu> lobsteritis symptoms: pink names, blue scaley complexion, a strange urge for lobster food, and occasionally spontanious exploding, call a doctor if these symptoms last more than 24 hoursIt is starting to be documented the disease. Great work miotatsu. It even has a (pseudo-(?))Latin scientific therm. 776
News / Re: New Subforum« on: January 26, 2010, 09:13:24 am »Well, the issue though with the current z80 ASM tutorials is that none were written with visual people in mind, neither people who have some reading comprehension problems like me (example: at school I had 75-90% scoring in everything except french reading comprehension and gym classes. Even in french essays I had higher score). You'll be given examples of code that absolutely have no concrete use at all, and be told to understand these, then have to read a "TL;DR" text about it. Everyone is different. Some people only learn from concrete examples. This is why it took me 1.5 month to get the grasp of most essential TI-BASIC functions: the TI manual barely had any concrete example of useful code and that's all I had access too (no internet and computer at home). The only reason why I managed to learn is is because it's closer to english language than assembly is and the TI manual BASIC doc was written in small sentences, no massive text to read. I also have trouble understanding other people code even in BASIC, so even reading source code doesn't help me much.Interesting. Just an example: When I was learning PHP, I though the PHP documentation and manual was not that great as they say. So I followed w3schools tutorial that is much more oriented to more practical examples. When I revisited the PHP manual that has a more "programmer" and experienced view of the language, I realized it is an excellent tutorial after all (and a superb reference of the language, too), for more experienced people in programming. I think it is a good time for writing a new ASM tutorial because of the renewed interest. Very interesting point... I hadn't thought of that.Something identical of that happened to me, too! After I learned, I though in many experiments I could do to understand the concepts learned. Like using Cabamap (a integer math operations APPS in RPN), to know how to get decimal numbers with integers. I have to do some voting in some replies. This went to a good discussion, even if it is a little offtopic. ![]() 777
Other Calculators / Re: XCOPY utility: A minimalistic approach to temporary programs« on: January 25, 2010, 05:08:47 pm »
Some time back I searched for this but was not easy to find, although some time searching paid off.
Now it should be easy to find. ![]() 778
Web Programming and Design / Re: IDE PHP HTML CSS JS« on: January 25, 2010, 04:44:13 pm »
Some progress...
I have been studying PHP functions (they are a lot but the most recent tutorial has now a useful categorization of them). I implemented a custom error handler and I know what functions I need to use to achieve some of the things I had in mind. I have doing lots of small scripts for interesting (or others not that much) techniques like caching, compressed pages, etc.. I am writing some scripts to help me with some hard stuff to manage like the permissions on the server and files. This can be specially a hassle on Linux Servers (dunno for real Windows Servers, in my computer running PHP it is easy) because of the permissions to read, write, execute, user owner.. When I have finished most of the stuff, I think is time to open my Own Site with php resources. (also calc resources but that stays for other topic) 779
TI-BASIC / Re: Compare getkey to a list« on: January 25, 2010, 04:32:59 pm »
Other things I remembered: I also use theta as a "temporary" variable through all code, this means, it is used once and can be destroyed later for other function.
And I have seen "I" variable used in loops in other languages like JavaScript (but in lowercase). For nested loops, "j" is used next. ![]() Also X and Y are good for position but some graph functions zeroes Y or X. So I use A and B or R and C (row and column). I try to use a variable letter as the starting name for its function. For example, "H" for health, "J" for jump, "M" for menu or magic, etc.. Oh we are offtopic but is interesting to see there is the K variable convention. 780
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: 8-bit sound for DJs« on: January 25, 2010, 04:24:38 pm »This is an awesome idea! Recently I discovered this http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/102/10288.html and have used it a lot. I love making music in class, and I'm pretty sure what you're thinking of would be even better! I say go for it!Nice find, too! I also saw a music editor with sound. (you could put notes with music representation) I am glad you think this is a good idea. I am a bit excited to see what result can anyone come with. |