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Topics - Geekboy1011

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
CaDan SHMUP / CaDan: CD
« on: February 02, 2011, 11:13:27 pm »
The game returns with a slightly cherrified adaption

more updates coming with some sprites by squidgetx

intensd to include

multiple levels
multiple bosses
a possibly lolified (lol?) story line
hours of rage
Not held liable for broken calcs

Character list:
      Dj Omnimaga

     Sean (captain of my schools fencing team i have a great idea for him)

Woo +2 rep XD

also i need like 2 more players and 2 more bosses so
i think im going to ask you guys
AND i need sprites for the charas listed already except iambian squidgetx did him nicely

make a submission with a 32x32 character for the talking / selection scenes and a 8x8 one for the in game field with a name

lable it as a boss or a player ^_^ and then once i get a few submissions ill make a poll and you can vote on what to have ^_^

(want it to be not just me i only got so many ideas ^_^)

General Calculator Help / rle spiffy binary compressor
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:33:59 pm »
well a while ago i found a program to compress binary strings with rle or spiffy.
well now i cant find it and i want to use it again.

so does any one know a program like this it is for the computer.

if no one knows where it is can some one code one i need it to take in compressed spiffy or rle binary strings and convert them to the other options with like a radio button to choose which then a uncompress and decompress button

thanks in advanced

Other / itouch or pandigital novel
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:58:48 pm »
so guys Itouch


Pandigital novel

tell me what you guys think ^_^

Axe / interrupt help
« on: September 27, 2010, 06:33:34 pm »
ok so i finally started trying to learn axe and well i figured im going to need interupts for a program i want to make and thus went gung ho trying to make a counter that work with interrupts

a couple dozen or so ram clears later im still confused and still dont have a working program :/

any help please ^_^

Code: [Select]
while 1
if getkey(9)=1
goto end

lbl go
Disp a>dec,[i]

lbl end

Miscellaneous / Happy B-day Iambian
« on: September 06, 2010, 12:55:22 am »
our fellow coder of E:SoR and CaDan turned 24 today wahoo

Happy B-day Iambian

TI Z80 / 15 number tile game thing c3 editition
« on: April 10, 2010, 01:23:19 am »
ok well to learn matrices for crimson i took on a hopefully small side project which is a 15 number slider game
but alas im having a few issues most notably with shuffling the board
Code: [Select]
:Disp "SIZE?"
:Input X // Adds a "?" but its your choice
:DelVar ADelVar B{X,X→dim([J]
:X+X/10^(1+int(log(X→l   // Make sure 10^( is one token
:Pause L
:Repeat C≠n
:If C=1 and .1≠fPart(L:Then  // Rearranged second term
:‾1→M:Goto UD:End
:If C=2 and X≠iPart(L:Then
:1→M:Goto LR:End
:If C=3 and (X/10)≠fPart(L:Then
:1→M:Goto UD:End
:If C=4 and 1≠iPart(L:Then
:‾1→M:Goto LR:End
:Lbl UD
:Lbl LR
:Disp [J]
* Geekboy1011 thanks sirCmpwn for optimizations

well my problem with the current code is my shufle routine is  to slow and inaccurate to say the least not always providing a good shuffle :/

so yeah my question is any one know a better shuffle routine ??

restrictions on the routine

1 cant just be randomly placed as it will be a 50 50 chance of a unsolvable puzzle

i need some help please and thank you

Anime and Manga / Poll for a Upcoming Thing of mine
« on: February 27, 2010, 11:55:09 pm »
ok im working on a a project for somthing i think alot of people will like but i need some input on a few things this is one of the things i need input on :P

i need 2 different animes to use in my project
so i want all of you who can think of 1 or 2 to post your to favorite animes/manga     the ones you think might look cool in a "project"

just list them

anime/manga 1

anime/manga 2

as what ever gets the most "votes" in a few days or so is what im going with :)

post away and Thank you :)

my votes


Negima (the manga)

i apologicze for wacky capitalization in the title X.x

TI Z80 / crimson warefare 2010
« on: January 10, 2010, 12:29:56 pm »
ok figured new year new topic and also needed to consoladate my notes as there spread between here and uti and it gets confusing :/

menu prog by Ti-Newb under construction

almost complete optimization is all that remains (i think :/)

attached are the programs run in this screenie XD
this screenie show one of the few possible title screens available ill make screenies of a few other later(only 2 others i think)
it also shows the map select screen with there dificulty in stars and there tiles there as well currently only practice cna be selected(srry for the spaz while selecting it i forgot only second selects)

here is a alternate splashe screen

and teh final alternate(bit more gray flashyness in teh flames as there is a nothere mask thing added)

currently i am rewriting the battle engine which is now based on a matrix field for easier access to troop locations ect.
(the battle map in teh screenie above is old and not going to be used :P)
my old storage idea was well not though out so any good ideas for the storage of 20+ units on a matrx grid is well apriciated

here are teh sprites made by NecroF-_-ckk

the battlefield

the battlefield alternate

the rest of the sprites are located  here!

TI Z80 / text based adventure engine
« on: December 10, 2009, 04:10:37 pm »
ok well after remembering a really cool game i played oh so long ago i spent the better half of last night finding it again so i could play it XD

this game was called photopia   it was a text based adventure game

go to photopia on this page

choose the self contaned exe so you can play it (if your on linux use wine i guess ):)

ok now on to the point

i was wondering if people would like to be able to play games like this on the calc

and also what people think of the style of game play :)

tell me what you think :)

hmm well i have a new site (thanks to genolo) andi was wondering what i should do with it
i am curious about making it a calcdev resource site (eg have some type of online calc emu with login support for saes and stuffs) the hex dissasebler and maby a "modified" version of cemetech source coder all on one site
i am wondering if this is at all posibble as well (mostly like running wabbit one a web page) and if it would be usefull :P

any ideas /suggestions ???

currently me and my friend got bored so there is atually somthing there XD  
the site is      

i hope i can put it to good use XD

Humour and Jokes / my accumulted points on a download site
« on: November 05, 2009, 10:45:52 pm »
really random  pic noticed my point count earlyier to day
and this is not photo shopped i swear i used print screen cropped and put the arrow in all with paint :P

« on: July 26, 2009, 10:10:51 pm »
hello me geekboy i like programming and cookies

omnimaga rules :)

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Necro Was Here

TI Z80 / Crimson warfare the ti game poll thing
« on: July 13, 2009, 02:09:47 pm »
im thinking of doing a iwad thing for crimson allowing customizable sprites and story what do you think?

Site Feedback and Questions / new topics thing
« on: July 10, 2009, 11:21:09 am »
can u make it so it auto updates like ever 5 minutes or give a option in profiles to allow that?

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Crimson warfare the ti game
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:09:40 am »
ever play the flash game no go play than join help is always welcome ;D

it is a rts that you basically go and send troops at each other untill both sides are dead

start screen is under debate
battle engine ........ workin on it smile.gif
so far we have decided(i think) that the enemies will move based on a loop counter when the troop # hits the desired value move else add one so on other than that thats it for the engine

celtic 3 is attached

map done mabey edited for more places

menues just need to be implemented yay

people already included on the credits
just about everyone on this forum

ignore the this and cmenu) horrible not wanted to play number ......wait i dont care until it is truly released( crimson.8xp is missing use the old one (calc crash and stuff need to get back up)
aa.8xp is the new backround for those who care

crimen(3) is the new menu sub routine by ti newb

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