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Messages - Geekboy1011

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 122
Miscellaneous / Re: End of activity peak?
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:31:50 pm »
@dj @JustCause

he is still like under mega lock down i fear. i heard from him the other day but life still seems hectic for him :/ (one text to me in a month... which is ALOT less than normal)

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:56:20 pm »
Ok, I'm working on the player movement and physics, and on scrolling. I'll post a first code around Wednesday.
But I need a help for the level storage and conception. It would be nice if someone could code a sort of level editor that will store levels in an appvar.
Here is the system I use for levels :
 - the screen is cut into 8*12 tiles (so 96 tiles) and each tile is one byte in L1. The levels will be 8 tiles height and 89 tiles widht wich makes 712 bytes.
 - the first bit of a byte is 0 for background or 1 for platform. The backgrounds tiles will be gray and light gray, and the platforms and obstacles gray and black. The others 7 bits are the number of the tile (so 128 possible tiles, wich should be enough :P )

BTW great sprites saintrunner, now can you save the hexcodes to an Axe file ? So I could use them.
* Geekboy1011 points to the pucrunch axiom

help cut down on size in the long run for all data needed :P

Just for shitz in giggles. Based on this bill. Just the song remix section in OUR download library is enough to get omnimaga blocked. not to mention all of the ports of games we have which is "infringing on intellectual rights".

just figured i would pass that out

I dont understand?

OK i will do a quick rundown. January 24th our goverment votes on a bill that will break what we know as the internet. It basically makes them overly Inforce copyright acts. We are opposed to this and this is our advertising to it.

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:20:45 pm »
you are going to need a fast greyscale tile mapper as well it looks like...

and tiles to populate that...

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:31:47 pm »
well i dont have much time for coding lately but i will continue to help plan :P seeing as from working with cadan i kinda know the limits of what we can achieve with out some insane logic xD

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:12:44 pm »
How about Steel Snail? lol

anyways here are the sprites I have so far, I apologize if any of it looks messy, but I had to re design a lot of it because the originals were big and when I made this in 16x16 (a little big, but if you can make it look good smaller, go ahead) it looked weird. so let me know what you think :)

Thats not bad. but that is also assuming we have enough clock cycles to do 4 level greyscale, control 4+ enemies at a time. scroll the background (which is not a standard thing greyscale routines like) and keep up with all the collision detection of the player moving there bullets and the enemies bullets.

just throwing that out there for a game that will probably be 6mhz :P

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 13, 2012, 03:30:48 pm »
OK lets put that script thing into a more solidified idea instead of my mid morning ramblings xD

basically when the engine inits it loads a pointer with a segment of memory that has a data table on it. on the table it stores information about everything the level contains and when and where it is displayed etc.

the data table can look like this

.dw <level name>
.dw other info for the level intro/stats
;after this we put the map pointer here and such
.dw <address to map info>
; start enemy info here
.db <ptr to enemy info>
.db <ptr to next enemy info>
.db ... ... ... you get the idea

at the enemy pointer info we can have the position on the map that the enemies are loaded into what kind of enemy etc


.db <enemy identifier>
.db x
.db y
.db health

this is kinda space intensive but it allows for easy modifications down the road which will help test each aspect of the main engine indivisually.

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 13, 2012, 08:30:01 am »
eventually yes but for now we can just make the levels by hand for testing its easier that way. and you can leave items out with a null value (0?) to help debug each indivisual item

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 13, 2012, 08:08:27 am »
kind of like that, i mean store all of the level elements in an appvar and have the ending load it based on each item. i will make up an example after work this after noon but here is a quick one.

.dw ADDR ; adress of the background
.db 1 ; this byte tells the engine to make a grenade man
.db X ; at these locations on the map
.db y ;

ect this way it can make its way threw that on init/execution and it reuses some modular code.

along with this programming the ai in a similar fashion may be useful. idk still waking up :P

News / Re: TotKotM released on Amazon, iTunes, eMusic & Zune!
« on: January 12, 2012, 10:43:26 pm »
it is $9.49 on google music for the whole album and $0.99 per song.
and yay!

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 12, 2012, 08:29:02 pm »
well like i said i strongly recommend scripting it. and building the engine around that. will take a lot of preplanning but will make it so much easier in the end (and easier to debug as well :P)

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 12, 2012, 08:12:35 pm »
ok i will say one thing really fast. for a metal slug style game you will want some kind of scripting. calc or not it is doable. and if done properly will make the whole project insanely easier to manage in group format. how you ask simple

by scripting it you can have each person work on different aspects of the script system. one person works on the drawing commands one works on the players  attacks ect
by using a good interupt scheme you can work threw the whole mess while keeping up on collision detections and achieve good quality graphics.
also if you hard code it it will be to large to fit a decent amount of levels/content. with scripting and compression it will take a lot less space i belive

also from experiance i say use 3 level greyscale if at all possible will allow you to have a background for detail/professional look but still keep everything easy to see.

(keep in mind tho im asm which is a bit more optimized than axe and alot of the stuff i have worked on is very take my thoughts with a grain of salt i havent used axe parser in ages :/)

TI Z80 / Re: 2-3 person project?
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:40:05 pm »
oh also if you need anything done in asm let me know i might be willing to help depending on how my free time changes ^^

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