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Messages - Goplat

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News / Re: First non-TI-BASIC game on TI-Nspire OS 3.0
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:44:44 pm »
Here's how I made the .tns file:

  • Create a blank document
  • Create a Problem1.xml file, containing the following (without any line breaks, except in the script itself):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><prob xmlns="urn:TI.Problem" ver="1.0" pbname=""><sym></sym><card clay="0" h1="10000" h2="10000" w1="10000" w2="10000"><isDummyCard>0</isDummyCard><flag>0</flag><wdgt xmlns:sc="urn:TI.ScriptApp" type="TI.ScriptApp" ver="1.0"><sc:mFlags>0</sc:mFlags><sc:value>-1</sc:value><sc:script>Lua script goes here (with appropriate character entities replacing the five characters < > " ' &)</sc:script></wdgt></card></prob>
  • Use 7-zip to create a zip file containing Problem1.xml
  • Concatenate the beginning of the blank document, up to the end of Document.xml (at offset 0x170), with the zip file. (OS 3.0 requires Document.xml to be encrypted, but thankfully Problem*.xml can still be unencrypted.)

Yes, cracking RSA has gone from impossible to impossible.

Lua / Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.0 Released: Nleash no longer working
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:09:50 am »
First Lua game on the TI-Nspire ;D

I'm really happy, this is a great achievement!
This works both for the CX and non-CX, right?
For the CX, there are no older OSes to go back to.

Note that the reason boot2 3.0 doesn't load older OSes isn't exactly "anti-downgrade protection". boot2 3.0 requires that the OS have 2048-bit RSA signatures. Older OSes had only 1024-bit RSA signatures, OS 3.0 for the non-CX has both 1024-bit and 2048-bit, and OS 3.0 for the CX has only 2048-bit.

The SMRPG cartridge doesn't work in fake SNESes because of they lack the CIC lockout chip.

News / Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.0 Released: Nleash no longer working
« on: April 09, 2011, 02:31:55 pm »
3.0 TNC/TNO must be different than previous ones.

- it's impossible to install them on OSes 1.1-1.3
- it's impossible to install them on an Os-less boot2 1.1

You get in both cases:
Code: [Select]
IMAGE: verifying file "/tmp/TI-Nspire.nosamples.tno"
IMAGE: header mismatch
Deleting file [/tmp/TI-Nspire.nosamples.tno]

- it's impossible to install them on 1.4-2.1 oses running over a 1.1 boot2:
Code: [Select]
IMAGE: verifying file "/tmp/TI-Nspire.nosamples.tno"
IMAGE: BOOT2 upgrade required
Based on reverse engineering the two versions of boot2, here's the explanation of this:

In 1.4, TI realized that they might one day want to prevent new OSes from installing on old versions of boot2. They added a new field type: the 8220 field contains a version string indicating the minimum allowed version of boot2 to use. If the 8220 field is too high, you get "IMAGE: BOOT2 upgrade required". But boot2 1.1.xxxx didn't recognize the field yet and would just ignore it! So to deal specifically with boot2 1.1, they added a second new field type: the 0010 field. If its value is nonzero, then the first byte of the 80F0 field is the complement of what it ought to be, which will cause boot2 1.1 to fail validation ("IMAGE: header mismatch").

OS 3.0 contains an 8220 field containing the string "1.4.0", and an 0010 field containing an 01 byte. They really should have done this with 2.1, but I guess by this time they had forgotten about the bug in boot2 1.1 preventing it from loading large OSes, and they didn't bother to test with it.

So, it seems the work that hasn't been done with OS 2.1, has finally been done with OS 3.0. Instead of permanently freezing your calculator like OS 2.1, OS 3.0 just doesn't install. Note this major bug was reported by TI-Bank in july 2010. It took them 9 months, and many TI-Nspire calculators were bricked during that time...
I wouldn't call that "bricking"; it was easily fixed using the maintenance menu and OS 1.7 or 2.0.

News / Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.0 Released: Nleash no longer working
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:18:10 pm »
A permanent root exploit for Nucleus RTOS? That would rock.
The only way you can call Nucleus functions is if you're already running code, so this doesn't make much sense.

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire emulator
« on: April 08, 2011, 03:29:35 am »
Here is a version compatible with OS 3.0.1, made possible by returning the correct values from addresses 900A0000, 90110xxx, and CC000008. (Boot2 3.01 still doesn't work)

News / Re: TI-Nspire OS 3.0 Released!
« on: April 07, 2011, 05:11:29 pm »
Anybody analysing the new downgrade protection?

It's not in the TNC/TNO header anymore...

Hard-coded in the OS?

They probably did it this way to avoid the following scenario:
  • person installs OS 3.0 on his ancient clickpad TI-Nspire made in 2007 (which still has boot2 1.1.8981)
  • during installation, downgrade protection from TNC/TNO header written to bootdata
  • OS 3.0 won't boot because of the bug in old boot2 versions that prevent them from launching large OSes
  • person reads about bug, deletes OS 3.0 with maintenance menu, tries to install OS 1.7, but...
  • OS 1.7 won't install because of downgrade protection
  • TI forced to fix calc at their own expense to avoid lawsuit

Other Calculators / Re: a video about the cx or something
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:45:09 pm »
I don't think that's a sensible comparison to make. The only time price/computing power ratio is a good metric to use when deciding what to buy is if you're putting together a supercomputing cluster. For game systems, the value you get is not linear with CPU power or memory - if you buy ten XBoxes, you have ten times the computing power, but can you really have ten times the fun with them?

News / Re: Bypassing TI-Nspire RSA signatures now possible?
« on: April 05, 2011, 04:15:22 pm »
I suppose in theory if you could replace the flash chip with a larger one, then you could use the space beyond the filesystem (current boot2's and OSes have hard-coded the filesystem area to end at 32MB, although this may change when OS 3.0 comes out because the CX will have a 128MB flash chip). I don't think there are many of us who could do that, though :p

News / Re: Bypassing TI-Nspire RSA signatures now possible?
« on: April 05, 2011, 04:09:01 pm »
Sorry if this a stupid question. But couldn't we just reformat a section of the flash memory(or whatever the correct term is)?
The vast majority of the flash memory is used by the filesystem. If you reformat part of that, you'll screw up the filesystem, and boot2 will just reformat it back.

News / Re: Bypassing TI-Nspire RSA signatures now possible?
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:42:25 pm »
Out of curiosity, has anyone taken a look at the filesystem formats yet?
I looked into it a little bit a while back.

The first thing you need to know is that there are two layers involved. FlashFX Pro does bad block management and wear leveling, essentially presenting a "hard-disk" abstraction to the code above it. (You can repeatedly tell FlashFX Pro to write to the same page, but it will actually cycle through many different pages, to avoid wearing out the flash with repeated erase/program cycles; it remembers which logical page corresponds to which physical page so you will always get the right data back on a read.) On top of FlashFX Pro is Reliance, the actual filesystem.

FlashFX Pro divides the physical space into 937 "units" of 64 pages (0x8000 bytes) each, and the logical space into 59 "regions" of 976 pages (0x7A000 bytes) each. Each unit has a header page (I don't know the exact meaning of all these fields; the names are from some code in the command shell)

Bytes 00-0F: signature (CC DD "DL_FS4.00" FF FF FF FF FF)
Bytes 10-13: "clientAddress" (logical address of which region this unit is holding data for; always a multiple of 0x7A000)
Bytes 14-17: "eraseCount"
Bytes 18-1B: "lnuTag"
Bytes 1C-1F: "ulSequenceNumber"
Bytes 20-23: "serialNumber"
Bytes 24-27: "lnuTotal"
Bytes 28-2B: "numSpareUnits"
Bytes 2C-2D: "blockSize"
Bytes 2E-2F: "lnuPerRegion"
Bytes 30-31: "partitionStartUnit"
Bytes 32-33: "unitTotalBlocks"
Bytes 34-35: "unitClientBlocks"
Bytes 36-37: "unitDataBlocks"
Bytes 38-39: "checksum"

The extra 16 bytes that the flash chip has for every page are also used to hold information:
Bytes 0-1: tells which logical page this is within the region; ranges from 0x4000 to 0x43CF. (All unit header pages have this field set to 0x48E2.) Sometimes the same page of the same region will appear multiple times in different units; I don't know yet how to tell which one is the latest version of the page.
Byte 2: ones-complement of byte 0 XOR byte 1
Byte 3: error-correcting Hamming code of bytes 0-2
Bytes 4-7: seems to always be FF FF FF 0F for used pages, FF FF FF FF for unused
Bytes 8-B: error-correcting code of second half of page data
Bytes C-F: error-correcting code of first half of page data

Reliance seems to be a fairly conventional filesystem, in terms of data layout. Here's the inode structure, used to describe a file or directory:
Bytes 00-03: "INOD"
Bytes 04-07: inode number
Bytes 08-0B: size of data
Bytes 10-17: some kind of timestamp (in microseconds since 1970)
Bytes 18-1F: some kind of timestamp (in microseconds since 1970)
Bytes 20-27: some kind of timestamp (in microseconds since 1970)
Bytes 28-2B: flags
Bytes 2C-3F: always zero?
Bytes 40+: data - format depends on low bits of flags:
  If 0: contains data directly (can be up to 448 bytes)
  If 1: contains pointers to data pages (up to 56 kB)
  If 2: contains pointers to "INDI" (indirect) pages containing pointers to data pages (up to 6272 kB)
  If 3: contains pointers to "DBLI" (double indirect) pages containing pointers to "INDI" pages (up to 686 MB)

You find an inode by looking it up in inode 1's data (inode 1 is a table of inode pointers). Not sure how you find inode 1, though :p

The best thing would be to have an image with the linux rootfs, and just point the kernel to the raw location of the file on the nand. This way you would not need to know how the filesystem works.
The problem with this is the filesystem won't keep your image file contiguous.

General Discussion / Re: I vi IV V7 Chord Progression Song List
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:10:29 pm »
Wikipedia calls this the "50s progression".

Computer Programming / Re: Diversity of languages
« on: April 04, 2011, 07:39:55 pm »
Hexadecimal (I'm not aware of anyone who programs in Binary) is often regarded as impossibly complex and unwieldy to program in. This is, at least in my experience, no the case.

It depends on the program. If you have a program that is just a single chain of actions, each of which is individually simple, then you only ever need short relative jumps ("jr" instructions on the Z80), and programming in hex will work just fine. But large programs usually end up frequently needing to call subroutines or jump to far away code. Keeping track of addresses becomes a big problem - if you add just a single byte to one piece of code, everything after it now has its address shifted by 1. Now you have to go through the whole program and adjust all the calls/jumps... a very tedious (and error-prone!) process.
Of course, an alternative would be to never change the size of any code once it's written, and just 'patch' it to jump somewhere else, do something, and jump back. But this would turn your program into a bloated and convoluted mess after a while.

The big benefit that an assembler gives the programmer isn't instruction mnemonics, it's labels.

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