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Messages - Halifax

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 [85] 86 87 ... 90
TI Z80 / TI Network
« on: August 18, 2006, 05:48:00 pm »
O yea I have another idea to mayb speed up TI games. Ok so you have the game running on one calculator but you have the AI running on another calculator that is connected to the one running the program and you store the AI things in a list than can be accesed by the main program at anytime. This is like running two processors at once

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Image Updates
« on: August 18, 2006, 05:25:00 pm »
That's what im working on now im not sure how battles will work yet im just testing ideas. Im open for ideas  :)smile.gif

TI Z80 / TI Network
« on: August 18, 2006, 04:49:00 pm »
Yea i meant I/0 port and USB port because TI-84 can use both at the same time

Pokémon Purple / PokePurple, progress
« on: August 18, 2006, 08:55:00 am »
Great job tifreak and I hate all nighters cause then I just end up missing a day of programming but you get a lot done because you have no

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Image Updates
« on: August 18, 2006, 08:50:00 am »
No a map is ten of those levels with NPC's bosses and enemies and other stuff. Also today I implemented Spellshapers idea of motion and it works also i put an option into the pause menu so you can change to cruise motion or to one block per button press if you get that.
@elfprince: Yea thats what I was thinking about doing

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / CIB
« on: August 18, 2006, 08:44:00 am »
YO that rocks Ooooooommmmmggggg dude

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Xlib Guru
« on: August 18, 2006, 08:38:00 am »
yea lol and yes what do you want like an animated screenshot

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Xlib Guru
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:27:00 pm »
@Cure777:This is the four way scrolling code in library form
Variable C equals first matrix to start scrolling from and D is the matrix to scroll to. The syntax is below and it will scroll from matrix A to B going up.

If Ans=1:Then
Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Image Updates
« on: August 17, 2006, 02:14:00 pm »
@xlibman yea ur right it works better i tried it

@spellshaper Yes for the game because I have to uncompress matrices and setup lists and strings and variables but I will also be realesing a Galactic that comes with uncompressed matrices that are in programs

Art / Animated screenshots
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:52:00 pm »
@Liazon I think you just input what program ur using then define the screen variables and it will show a blue square around the part you select. That's how I did it

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Xlib Guru
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:45:00 pm »
Yea ill get it up tommorow im just rele rele tired now sorry

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Image Updates
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:45:00 pm »
Thicking more closely about wat u were saying spellshaper I found out that it would be hard for me to implement this into the fighting engine without slowing it down significantly because I need to run the AI. O and btw what do you guys think about a 45 sec. loading time.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Image Updates
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:37:00 pm »
Yea spellshaper thats a great idea ill try to implement that into the game but umm xlibman i don't understand what ur saying??

EDIT: O wait nvm i get it you mean dont use real(2,etc. and just use real(1,etc. so the sprite is not overwritten by the map right?

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Xlib Guru
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:34:00 pm »
I have a four way scrolling thing that uses an Xlib to scroll from the user defined first matrix to the second

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / CIB
« on: August 15, 2006, 05:43:00 pm »
That compressor looks soooooo sweeeet I want it so badly  :banghead:banghead.gif:paf:tripaf.gif

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