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Messages - Halifax

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Other / NDS development
« on: October 20, 2007, 04:25:00 am »
ClosedGL anyone? Haha, but on a serious note. I will have to cut some things out of SDL to get it working on the 68k.

btw ClosedGL is pretty fast since the author implemented that floating point library. The only thing I wish is that he released the source before leaving the community so that someone could improve it by writing it in assembly, and possibly optimizing his library. :/confused.gif

Gaming Discussion / For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« on: October 19, 2007, 08:41:00 am »
QuoteBegin-spengo+19 Oct, 2007, 0:16-->
QUOTE (spengo @ 19 Oct, 2007, 0:16)
Why is UT3 an exclusive? It's mainly PC but they are making a PS3 version too, even though they will be slower on the updates there or so they say.  

 Could this possibly be the deal that Sony was talking about that would take the place of GTA IV release exclusivity?

Anyways that is exactly why I don't believe in releasing betas. People are always over critical of betas. They don't have time to polish it up, so they throw in a low res texture, and all of a sudden the graphics aren't impressive? Either way I would never judge my like for games off of a beta because it simply isn't anywhere near complete. The Gears of War beta showing wasn't complete either. Marcus looked totally different, some textures on things were low res, the physics system for blood wasn't exactly polished yet, etc.

Either way I think it is safe to say that console games will always be behind PCs in the graphics area. Epic suggests reducing texture sizes by 2X. ;)wink.gif

The good thing about consoles though is there is no need for the portability issues which means you can focus on the game making, and not how many systems it will be able to run on.

Oh yeah and the 60 GB PS3 dropped $125 here.

Also UT3 PS3 will get all the special little nick naks that the PC version has, and a little more. It will feature mods with maps, gameplay, and all things UnrealScript, with SIXAXIS support, and all the other little dressings.

Also to be honest I see no reason why you should be over critical on games just because of graphics. I will tell you for certain that if they wanted UT3 to look like GoW they could. There is nothing special done in GoW that can't be done in any other game with the UE3.

Other / NDS development
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:52:00 pm »

Other / NDS development
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:07:00 pm »
Oh I don't use online vendors. I get it straight from the stores at EB Games since it is right down the street from me(more like 1 mile, which is a fairly short bike ride).

Gaming Discussion / For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:05:00 pm »
Yes Haze is PS3 exclusive now, and I don't blame them.

Quite frankly porting is a bi*** now more than it ever has been. To push to most out of your games you need to get platform specific. Even going down into the CAssembly field.

This is one reason why Insomniac Games sticks to PS3 because it helps you focus on making the games better.

Games that are available for PC and Console platforms generally are much crappier than games made specifically for PC. Crysis proves this point by far.

@spengo: Yes, but really how many more games does 360 have that PS3 doesn't aside from Gears of War, and Halo 3? Really if you are looking for sports games, and RPGs then PS3 is for you. Square Enix has about 8 RPGs lined up for the PS3(no lie).

I can say for certain that UT3 will be fairly similar to GoW save that cover system.

Gaming Discussion / For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« on: October 17, 2007, 03:44:00 pm »
Haze isn't coming out for the PS3. It has been announced as a PS3 exclusive.

And also I am sorry to say. I don't think there will be a Halo 4 DJ_Omnimaga. Microsoft has released Bungie from under their management.  :w00t:woot.gif

Spengo: Alright, if you feel that strongly.

Either way I am looking forward to Juiced 2, Dark Sector, UT3, and Haze.

Other / NDS development
« on: October 17, 2007, 03:42:00 pm »
I was considering getting the DSX, why do you recommend something else?

Gaming Discussion / For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:19:00 pm »
Yeah, same here, I just want a DS.

Other / NDS development
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:18:00 pm »
Liazon: What do you mean hardware?

Gaming Discussion / For those planning to get an Xbox 360 Elite
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:24:00 am »
Yes PS3 does have overheating problems which really should be expected when running 9 CPUs on 1 chip. Has anyone seen the PS3 grill on Youtube? :Ptongue.gif Also some games you might want to check out for the PS3:

Heavenly Sword
Unreal Tournament 3
Killzone 1 and 2
Resistance: FOM and Resistance: ROM(soon to come)
Ratchet and Clank

among others.

8 Reasons not the get the Xbox 360 Elite

Also right now I would also just go with the regular 360 also. Even though it is known to have problems too.


TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: October 16, 2007, 02:34:00 pm »
No I am not going to ditch this. I am currently just waiting for sprites. A lot has been written down, so I am pretty much ready to jump into this.

TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: October 16, 2007, 01:42:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+15 Oct, 2007, 20:49-->
QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 15 Oct, 2007, 20:49)
what is a GPU and what does it do and what does it make it different than a CPU? (since acronyms looks almost similar)

and halifax i think you missed madskillz sprites and the rest of the posts before the one you quoted x.x  

 No I didn't miss his sprites. I have talked to him in private about matters with the sprites(nothing bad ;)wink.gif all good)

And yes basically a GPU is no different from a CPU except that it is meant to take the load off of the CPU, and it is multicore. This is why the CELL is generally compared to being a GPU. Speaking of that, check out this cool link. *Halifax

Other / NDS development
« on: October 16, 2007, 01:33:00 pm »
Yes I would venture to say that the limit is 64x64.

Also I wouldn't say that colors would make spriting harder. For example, it would use the same basis as gs spriting where you stick with basically 4 reds for clothing instead of being restricted to dark or bright gray clothing, etc. So you can make more variations on clothing like yellow, blue, red, green, etc.

Either way I think that DS development would be very cool, but a group project unless small is kind of unrealistic for many reasons.

TI 68K / Ultima V: General Discussion
« on: October 15, 2007, 01:13:00 pm »

 THE POST 13473798
Wow very great job Ranman. I love coding marathons! :)smile.gif

TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: October 15, 2007, 01:11:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-art_of_camelot+15 Oct, 2007, 18:17-->
QUOTE (art_of_camelot @ 15 Oct, 2007, 18:17)
You know, it's kind of funny that the original game ran on 3.58 MHZ Z80, although I would assume that the game gear had some sort of gpu to supplement the cpu.  

 Yes it had a "GPU" that was more like just hardware aided graphics helpers and stuff. Such as memory to keep the sprites, and a memory mapped LCD plus other things that are more suited for games. Also it had a bigger resolution than the TI 83+.

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