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Messages - Halifax

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TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: September 24, 2007, 12:29:00 pm »
Yeah, I wanted to put a basketball in, but didn't know how to. Plus I haven't yet found out how to use GIMP to do strictly 4 level grayscale even with filters and things, but eh I am not complaining with his either.

I bet you will flip out when you see the final title screen :Ptongue.gif , it will most definitely not be static, that's for sure.

EDIT: Sadly it has come to my knowledge that his basketball is not 4 level grayscale either.

TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:28:00 am »
o.oblink.gif Oh my freaking God! I think I threw up when I saw ATG's title screen!!!

(and yes it was missing because I had to get off the computer, and finish my homework)

News / Well, So long...
« on: September 22, 2007, 05:32:00 pm »
I agree, which is also why I have cut back during the week, and only divulge on the weekend.

News / Well, So long...
« on: September 22, 2007, 04:51:00 pm »
No Netham don't go :(sad.gif:(sad.gif  Please at least stay active on the weekends???

If not then.  :hi:coucou.gif

TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: September 20, 2007, 01:55:00 pm »
Remember it is just a rumor. ;)wink.gif

Liazon: Have you ever played NBA 07: The Life or NBA 08: The Life vol. 2?? It is basically all just a career mode, with stats keeping, and many other aspects that are undisclosed currently.

Thing is. You will have to choose between one or the other. :/confused.gif
Season was striped because it just simply wouldn't fit, and I think it is right for now.

TI 68K / Ultima V: General Discussion
« on: September 20, 2007, 08:59:00 am »

 THE POST 13429333
Geez the special features in this game are too many to even count. I am sure I will love this game once it is released.  

TI 68K / NBA 68K
« on: September 20, 2007, 08:57:00 am »
MAJOR UPDATE: The season play mode will be stripped from NBA 68K, for further plans with it.

If you want career or season play, then you will have to wait until after the NBA 68K release. I can't disclose many details, but rumors have it a NBA 68K: The Life will be coming. :)smile.gif

Pokémon Purple / [PP] Progress, Starting in '07
« on: September 19, 2007, 02:43:00 pm »

 THE POST 13427873
Yeah, that is one thing I have to say. Learning, and programming, games in BASIC actually sometimes does help your organization skills. :)smile.gif I know programming has helped mines.  

« on: September 19, 2007, 02:38:00 pm »
No the thing is. TI doesn't want to support game programming directly they make Assembly available, but with an 8 KB limit. This means that no one assembly program that is over 8 KB can be run with Asm().

Yes the workaround is MOS(and others), which perform the highly standard algorithm(now) of ram swapping which allows for those huge games like gemini and stuff.

The other workaround is to just put all the code you can in 8 KB, and once you run out you can put graphics in external files, and maybe even make a DLL or two to hold some code, or turn to applications(as a last resort).

Now of course HACC will only support the latter because it is senseless to try the former. Adding support for Ion, MOS, Crunchy, DCS, and whatever shells come on down the road is hard work to build directly into the linker. So what needs to be done to get support for shells? Make your own C "API" to access the Assembly "API" of these shells, and distribute them.


Update: I am working out hash tables right now. Updates down the road on how this works out later. And also maybe some documents of my notes on compilation to get some input.

Only thing that sucks is MinGW is broken for some odd reason.  :gah:fou.gif

« on: September 18, 2007, 08:56:00 am »
HACC progress through stages, and the things said earlier aren't exactly true. It will be able to produce a Flash App, and also the limit is 8KB. You can get around the 8KB limit by making external files and other things, or using shared libraries, or you can build an application/

Computer Programming / GIMP plugins
« on: September 17, 2007, 12:09:00 pm »

Heh, I guess I didn't think of checking, thanks bfr.

Computer Programming / GIMP plugins
« on: September 17, 2007, 10:37:00 am »
I just want to know how to write them, not looking for anything in particular.

General Discussion / Prog Rock
« on: September 17, 2007, 08:43:00 am »


Miscellaneous / Day of Silence
« on: September 17, 2007, 08:16:00 am »
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+17 Sep, 2007, 6:35-->
QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 17 Sep, 2007, 6:35)
QuoteBegin-Halifax+16 Sep, 2007, 19:39-->
QUOTE (Halifax @ 16 Sep, 2007, 19:39)
The government shouldn't deal with a lot of things, but it is total bulls**t if you think a country could survive without a government so personally I don't give a f**k. The government is hot on Rockstar's tail for the Manhunt 2 release, because as you have heard they had to cut a majority of their game due to "violations". The thing is that Rockstar just tells the truth about life. So with that...

Are people scared of seeing, and admitting what really happens in life? You can't post pictures about 9/11 without people tell you that you are a f**king idiot, and you are insulting the families.

Telling the truth is an insult?

Point is, people don't like to deal with life in actuality. We can't make a game about sex, and not have it banned, although that same 13 year old who plays the game is probably going to go out and have sex either way.

Defending things with the bible really isn't something that should be done.

How can you protest Resistance Fall of Man with the bible? and say it is immoral and insensitive to the future.

My point being, religion/church should be separated from anything that doesn't explicitly have to deal with religion/church.


Don't say a f**king debate won't change anything. If that was what the whole world thought, then what happened at Jena Six?

i didnt say that... i said it wont really have any effect on this issue because people's points of views on this issue are so innately built into them. there is no logic that those who believe gays are evil can throw at you because they are going on bible and what thier parents/society have taught them. others who feel that they are just different and judge them by what they do and who they are and who dont clump all gays into one big bin get nothing but crap thrown at them in the form of debate. i do not however believe that debating is useless just that its better to avoid flamewars and the like (which is my experiance) in this one case.

also i think family needs to be referenced here (satire about society):

also how did this convo switch to videogames, ive read the posts and i still dont know what that guy is saying  

 Oh, my bad then, I apologize dinhotheone.

News / RPGSK2 released!!
« on: September 17, 2007, 08:13:00 am »
Wow great job tifreak8x. RPGSK2 is like the Unreal Engine of the TI community. :Ptongue.gif

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