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Messages - Halifax

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« on: September 06, 2007, 02:40:00 pm »
Oh yeah, lol, it is best to quote a post when it is from that long ago. ;)wink.gif Thanks for clarifying though!

Also just noticing something about Goplat's post.


I strongly doubt that a C compiler could ever produce z80 code anywhere near as well as a person...

Haven't you checked lately...GCC, or any other compiler you can think up, can't do that either. :)smile.gif Oh and by the way Goplat. For one thing, the C language can't even do rotations, which I plan to put in this compiler. I don't know why it wasn't included in C...or any other language for that matter. o.oblink.gif

News / Gba library v1.0 for TI-83+/TI-84+
« on: September 06, 2007, 02:10:00 pm »
Can someone please tell me what necroposting is??

« on: September 06, 2007, 02:08:00 pm »
calc84maniac: Ummm...what? Dude I am talking about implementing it as a macro for compilers, not assembly.

News / Some forum traffic statistics
« on: September 06, 2007, 02:00:00 pm »
DJ_O: Actually yeah can you move HACC to my projects please. Thanks in advance.

Miscellaneous / The Happy Birthday Thread
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:55:00 pm »
Iambian == The Man!! :ninja:ninja.gif

TI Z80 / Long Term Project's
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:55:00 pm »
@SS: Lol. I used to just bring my laptop to school and program :Ptongue.gif That was before I noticed my GPA slipping down to 3.0 o.oblink.gif

TI Z80 / The Lord of the Rings for 83+
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:53:00 pm »
Wow...I thought this was dead a long time ago. I am so glad it got revived! And yeah I agree with DJ_O that it only has to run fine on an SE if that's all you can do.


Pokémon Purple / [PP] Progress, Starting in '07
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:51:00 pm »

 THE POST 13401121
Any size maps?! Only limited by memory!!!

Screenies!!! This map engine is really starting to shape up nice!  

TI 68K / Doom89!
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:49:00 pm »
Wow that is, as fast, and faster than, the FAT engine examples run at o.oblink.gif


News / GBA lib and RPG Starter kit added
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:48:00 pm »
Sweetness. That GBA library looks really sweet! I just wish I could read the Castlevania code, but I can't. :(sad.gif

Other / I need your processor!
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:45:00 pm »
rivereye: Sorry I haven't. Usually when I view topics I click the link that takes you to the last post which just happened to be on page 2 when I checked. I will check your post now!


rivereye: Oh yeaaa I want to test on your system too!
JincS: You too!

So I think that is really all I need.


so you all up to it still?

« on: September 06, 2007, 01:44:00 pm »
darkfire: I thought that was covered. I guess I didn't specify. Either way contrary to popular belief TIGCC was not just another backend, but it was in fact derived from the GCC grammar files. But way more work was done than just adding a simple backed.

Secondly, G++, just like its brother GCC, provides a great interface, and a hand written parser for C++ since Bison pretty much sucks in generating parser files from complicated grammars, which is also the reason since 3.x the GCC parser was hand written. Either way the language is never bloated because of the language. The language is bloated because of the compiler. cout << could be compiled into bytes too, and it is. Just check out the code generated. And if it isn't tight then are you even using parameters to the compiler?

Also a C++ compiler is deadly hard to make. Making a C++ grammar file is deadly hard to make, let alone actually creating the parser. If you don't believe this, then I recommend you try it sometime ;)wink.gif

Really C does *do* the job...I guess...unless you try to make your own abs() macro. Try it :Ptongue.gif Oh and by the way take into account that a person could pass the value abs(x++) which means in your macro you can only use the parameter once, or it will expand to 3 adds. ;)wink.gif

Either way, I am just planning out still a little. One of the other developers is working on the lexer currently so soon I *should* have an example of the lexer. As long as no one gets lazy.

I am just planning, and still working on the trees. Changing from binary tree to a N tree is no joke man...but once I get out of school tommorow I will have the weekend to finish up all the tree crap.

Other / I need your processor!
« on: September 05, 2007, 02:00:00 pm »
DJ_Omnimaga: I am not sure. It should be generally faster on a regular single core CPU, but loads faster on a dual-core CPU.

« on: September 05, 2007, 01:56:00 pm »
Yeah, it is going to support Applications natively since no SMC will ever be present in any code generated.

@bfr: Yeah D looks alright. Some people have made some OpenGL tutorials with D, but overall I think it just looks stupid. Like which do you think looks better?

int a[100];


int[100] a;


int *a;


int a[~] = void;

@Liazon: I figured heh.

Other / I need your processor!
« on: September 04, 2007, 12:45:00 pm »
@Liazon: No this is my experiment with the difference between optimizing C for a dual-core/quad-core processor and optimizing it for a single core. I want to put the ideas that I have gained from STI. The Basics:

Test one piece of code(optimized for dual-core) on a dual-core processor.
Test the same piece of code(optimized for dual-core) on a single-core processor.
Test one piece of code(optimized for single-core) on a dual-core processor.
Test the same piece of code(optimized for single-core) on a single-core processor.

My hypothesis is that the respective pieces of code will run faster on the computer they were made for. This is moderately dependent though on how the dual-core handles scheduling. I want to see if it is worth my time making separate builds for a single-core and dual-core processor. According to all the companies out there(Blitz Games, Insomniac Games, Epic Games, etc.) it is crucial to optimize for the CELL, but I want to know if the same applies for a market CPU.

I hope that all cleared everything up for you. ;)wink.gif

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