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Messages - Halifax

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57] 58 59 ... 90
General Calculator Help / overclocking ti-84+
« on: February 11, 2007, 09:02:00 am »
First off like rivereye said they are already overclocked and second with ASM you can turn them into 15 Mhz

Computer Programming / Win32 API Programming
« on: February 11, 2007, 07:05:00 am »
No I don't have the official compiler but I don't know what you are getting at. It seems as though you are saying it doesn't compile win32 sources. Well try this with Dev-C++

#define IDI_ICON   101

#define ID_MENU 501

TI Z80 / Galactic ENHANCED
« on: February 11, 2007, 05:48:00 am »
Super_Speler I could add grayscale and I am adding grayscale with but the bg will not be able to be grayscale unless I write my own routine and I don't really feel like doing that although it may be possible. But to scroll the background it takes 30000 tstates (estimate) to run so I don't know if it will be fast enough for grayscale. Oh well worth a try maybe I will get to that today and test some stuff out. Screenshots are a must if I get it working :)smile.gif

Computer Programming / Win32 API Programming
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:13:00 pm »
I don't need cross-platform I am just making a database for my dad that he is using for his business.

EDIT: also I have seen that site before too. I searched "Win32 API C++ Programming" it gets the same results

TI Z80 / Galactic ENHANCED
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:10:00 pm »
thanks man

TI Z80 / Galactic ENHANCED
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:00:00 pm »
You guys have noticed a lot about Galactic but this is serious and I have the screenshots to prove it. It is an asm shoot-em up game and I have the engine down. All I need now is menus,optimizations,options selcet, and hit detection, then cosmetics fixes. Anyways  :gah:fou.gif at this images while you are waiting for the release. Grayscale port down the road too.

Note: All the following screenshots are of options that will be changeable thorugh options in the final release

White Background with AI fast synchronization

user posted image

White background with a slower synchronized AI

user posted image

Black star scrolling background with fast synchronization and AI with fast synchronization

user posted image

Black star scrolling background with slow synchronization and AI with slightly slower synchronization at +4

user posted image

Whew! Now what do you think?

Computer Programming / Win32 API Programming
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:11:00 pm »
No I have not found any good tutorials but I use Dev-C++ for everything cause it's perfect for everything. Also Dev-C++ holds a cache of your last compile so say you only change one thing then it will only take .1 second to compile because it uses a type of "smart" compiler.

EDIT: I have read that tutorial that you posted :/confused.gif and it is not really a tutorial because when you get to Text boxes and things he explains nothing so it doesn't help much thanks anyways though

Computer Programming / Win32 API Programming
« on: February 10, 2007, 02:32:00 pm »
Does anybody know Win32 API programming here. I got the basics down and I have the menu toolbar, and I handle all the messages and I know how to use resources. I just need to know how to make fine tuned stuff like textbox with scrolling and getting info from textboxes and then printing and all that good stuff

News / Contests are back!
« on: February 08, 2007, 12:45:00 pm »
Not trying to be rude but I though it was pixel ART contest not BASIC programming contest??

Art / Halifax's anime drawings
« on: February 07, 2007, 03:55:00 pm »
yea I just didn't have a pencil I was sitting in the principal's office and I'm like can I have a pencil and he was acting stupid so I just used the pen in my backpack

Art / Halifax's anime drawings
« on: February 07, 2007, 02:33:00 pm »
Jon it just came out like that I didn't mean for him to be emo but I was using pen so it was permanet

Art / Halifax's anime drawings
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:53:00 pm »
if anyone had any advice *cough* cure *cough* on how to get realism into this pciture with some color I would definetly want it cause I know I need help and I like Arex's hair

TI Z80 / Tetris
« on: February 06, 2007, 07:58:00 am »

TI Z80 / Tetris
« on: February 06, 2007, 05:34:00 am »
yea dude this has to be your best project yet by far i am blown out of the water


It makes me want to go and program some ASM right now

TI Z80 / Tetris
« on: February 05, 2007, 03:47:00 pm »
wow is that scrolling smooth grayscale. Nice

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