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Topics - Han
Pages: [1]
« on: January 14, 2014, 03:20:46 pm »
Anyone here ever heard of Life Force (part of the Gradius, Salamander and Gradius family of shmups)? I am considering making a shmup based on this game. So far I have scrolling background done. We will see if the HP Prime can handle games with complexity on the order of NES games.
« on: January 09, 2014, 12:50:08 pm »
Does anyone know the scoring rules for the game Columns (originally for the Game Gear, perhaps?) or know where I could find such info? Edit: so I made up my own rules (still need to balance it). Beta available at
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:54:12 pm »
Since I cannot upload yet, here is the source. More info here: Graph 3D v2.221 (16-DEC-2013) // by Han Duong
g3D_setdefault(); g3D_getfunc(); g3D_getsettings(); g3D_getwin(); g3D_setgrid(); g3D_getangles(); g3D_rotmatrix(); g3D_compute(); g3D_project(); g3D_draw(); g3D_keys(); xmin3D,xmax3D; ymin3D,ymax3D; zmin3D,zmax3D; grid3D,zoom3D;
rotx,roty,rotz,Rx,Ry,Rz,Rot; xc,yc,zc; Zvals,Points2D,Point,zColor,zClip; redraw3D=1,recompute3D=1,init3D=0; minD,fxy="";
//---------------------------- // START FUNCTION //---------------------------- view "Edit Function",START() begin
if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end; startview(0,1);
//---------------------------- // RESET FUNCTION //---------------------------- View "Reset Plot Settings",RESET() begin g3D_setdefault(); end;
//---------------------------- // Symb FUNCTION //---------------------------- Symb() begin startview(0,1); end;
//---------------------------- // SymbSetup FUNCTION //---------------------------- SymbSetup() begin msgbox("Use X and Y as the input variables.") end;
//---------------------------- // PlotSetup FUNCTION //---------------------------- PlotSetup() begin if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end; g3D_getsettings(); end;
//---------------------------- // Plot FUNCTION //---------------------------- Plot() begin if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end; g3D_draw(); end;
//---------------------------- // Numb FUNCTION //---------------------------- Num() begin local z_Values; if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end; g3D_compute(); z_Values:=Zvals .+ zc; editmat(Zvals); end;
//---------------------------- // NumSetup FUNCTION //---------------------------- NumSetup() begin if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end; g3D_setgrid(); end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_setdefault //---------------------------- g3D_setdefault() begin xmin3D:=-10; xmax3D:=10; ymin3D:=-10; ymax3D:=10; zmin3D:=-10; zmax3D:=10; zoom3D:=10; grid3D:=15; rotx:=105; roty:=0; rotz:=5; xc:=0; yc:=0; zc:=0; redraw3D:=1; recompute3D:=1; init3D:=1; fxy:=""; g3D_getfunc(); end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_getfunc //---------------------------- g3D_getfunc() begin local i, ftot=0, fnew, fsel;
for i from 0 to 9 do if ISCHECK(i) then fsel:=i; ftot:=ftot+1; end; end;
if ftot==0 then msgbox("Please enter/select a function!"); startview(0,1); kill; end;
if ftot>1 then msgbox("Please select only one function!"); startview(0,1); kill; end;
fnew:=expr("STRING(V"+fsel+")"); if fnew<>fxy then fxy:=fnew; recompute3D:=1; end; return(recompute3D);
//---------------------------- // g3d_getsettings //---------------------------- view "Plot Settings (all)",g3D_getsettings() begin if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end; g3D_getwin(); g3D_getangles(); end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_getwin //---------------------------- view "Set Viewing Window",g3D_getwin() begin
local xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax; local zoom;
if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end;
xmin:=xmin3D; xmax:=xmax3D; ymin:=ymin3D; ymax:=ymax3D; zmin:=zmin3D; zmax:=zmax3D; zoom:=zoom3D;
if input( {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,zoom}, "Graph 3D View Window", { "Xmin=", "Xmax=", "Ymin=", "Ymax=", "Zmin=", "Zmax=", "Zoom factor=" }, { "Enter the value of back side of the viewing box", "Enter the value of front side of the viewing box", "Enter the value of left side of the viewing box", "Enter the value of right side of the viewing box", "Enter the value of bottom side of the viewing box", "Enter the value of top side of the viewing box", "Enter the zoom factor (must be > 0)" }, {xmin3D,xmax3D,ymin3D,ymax3D,zmin3D,zmax3D,zoom3D}) then
if xmin>=xmax then msgbox("Warning: Invalid Xmin/Xmax! Setting Xmax:=Xmin+1"); xmax:=xmin+1; end;
if ymin>=ymax then msgbox("Warning: Invalid Ymin/Ymax! Setting Ymax:=Ymin+1"); ymax:=ymin+1; end;
if zmin>=zmax then msgbox("Warning: Invalid Zmin/Zmax! Setting Zmax:=Zmin+1"); zmax:=zmin+1; end;
if zoom3D<1 then msgbox("Warning: zoom must be > 0; reset to 10"); zoom:=10; end;
if (xmin<>xmin3D) or (xmax<>xmax3D) or (ymin<>ymin3D) or (ymax<>ymax3D) or (zmin<>zmin3D) or (zmax<>zmax3D) then recompute3D:=1; xmax3D:=xmax; xmin3D:=xmin; ymax3D:=ymax; ymin3D:=ymin; zmax3D:=zmax; zmin3D:=zmin; xc:=(xmax3D+xmin3D)/2; yc:=(ymax3D+ymin3D)/2; zc:=(zmax3D+zmin3D)/2; end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_setgrid //---------------------------- view "Set Grid Size",g3D_setgrid() begin local grid;
if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end;
grid:=grid3D; if input(grid,"Graph 3D Grid Size","Grid Size=","Enter N for an NxN grid",grid3D) then if grid<1 then msgbox("Warning: grid size must be > 0; reset to 15"); grid:=15; end; end;
if grid<>grid3D then recompute3D:=1; end;
grid3D:=grid; end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_getangles //---------------------------- view "Set Rotation Angles",g3D_getangles() begin local rx,ry,rz;
if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end;
rx:=rotx; ry:=roty; rz:=rotz;
if input({rx,ry,rz}, "Graph 3D Rotation Angles", { "X-angle=", "Y-angle=", "Z-angle=" }, { "Enter the angle (deg) about the x-axis", "Enter the angle (deg) about the y-axis", "Enter the angel (deg) about the z-axis" }, {rotx,roty,rotz}) then if (rx<>rotx) or (ry<>roty) or (rz<>rotz) then rotx:=rx; roty:=ry; rotz:=rz; end; end; end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_rotmatrix //---------------------------- g3D_rotmatrix() begin
A:=rotx; B:=roty; C:=rotz; if HAngle==0 then A:=A*PI/180; B:=B*PI/180; C:=C*PI/180; end;
Rx:=[[1.,0.,0.],[0.,COS(A),-SIN(A)],[0.,SIN(A),COS(A)]]; Ry:=[[COS(B),0.,-SIN(B)],[0.,1.,0.],[SIN(B),0.,COS(B)]]; Rz:=[[COS(C),-SIN(C),0.],[SIN(C),COS(C),0.],[0.,0.,1.]]; Rot:=Rx*Ry*Rz; Rot(3,4):=minD;
//---------------------------- // g3D_compute //---------------------------- g3D_compute() begin
local i,j,dx,dy,xm,ym,func; local m,minZ,maxZ;
if g3D_getfunc() then
iferr func:=STRING(V0); then func:=""; end; V0:=fxy;
if recompute3D then
zColor:=makemat(RGB((grid3D+1-J)/grid3D*255,0,(I-1)/grid3D*255),grid3D+1,grid3D+1); dx:=(xmax3D-xmin3D)/grid3D; dy:=(ymax3D-ymin3D)/grid3D; xm:=xmin3D-dx; ym:=ymin3D-dy; Points2D:=makemat((xm+dx*I-xc,ym+dy*J-yc),grid3D+1,grid3D+1);
// apps currently have terrible bug handling iferr Zvals:=makemat(V0(xm+dx*I,ym+dy*J)-zc,grid3D+1,grid3D+1); then recompute3D:=1; msgbox("Error during evaluation of function!"); V0:=func; kill; end; // end error trap
// get longest distance from center to prevent inversion minZ:=min(Zvals); maxZ:=max(Zvals); minD:=10+(max(abs(minZ),abs(maxZ))^2+(xmax3D-xc)^2+(ymax3D-yc)^2)^(.5);
end; // if recompute3D
end; // if g3D_getfunc
//---------------------------- // g3D_project //---------------------------- g3D_project() begin local clip;
g3D_rotmatrix(); dimgrob_p(G1, 320, 240); clip:=triangle(G1); triangle_p(G1, Points2D, zColor, Zvals, { "N", -160, -120, minD*zoom3D }, Rot, clip); blit_p(G0,G1); end;
//---------------------------- // g3D_draw //---------------------------- g3D_draw() begin
if init3D==0 then g3D_setdefault(); end;
g3D_compute(); g3D_project(); g3D_keys(); freeze;
//---------------------------- // g3D_draw //---------------------------- g3D_keys() begin local key,mousein, dx, dy;
while 1 do key:=wait(-1); if TYPE(key)==6 then break; end; if key==-1 then break; end;
repeat case if key==1 then roty:=(roty+5) MOD 360; end; if key==3 then roty:=(roty-5) MOD 360; end; if key==4 then kill; end; if key==7 then rotz:=(rotz-5) MOD 360; end; if key==8 then rotz:=(rotz+5) MOD 360; end; if key==2 then rotx:=(rotx-5) MOD 360; end; if key==12 then rotx:=(rotx+5) MOD 360; end; if key==45 then zoom3D:=max(zoom3D/1.05,.01); end; if key==50 then zoom3D:=zoom3D*1.05; end; end; g3D_project(); until NOT IsKeyDown(key);
end; // end while
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