Are you going to make the label menu support up to 13 characters, as the new Axe version allows it ?
I don't know if it is a good idea or a bad one, since there won't be a lot of label columns on the screen if you support 13 chars, and I don't know if people will really use more than 5 chars In fact, I think I'll only use 13 characters in my label if zStart supports it
And I would join this contest... but I forgot most of Axe and I just started asm
I'd say, go into the contest: You started ASM ? Well, you can't learn without practice, and what better than a contest for practising ? And if you prefer not trying with ASM, Axe is like bike. You never forget it. Even when you think you don't know anything anymore, it is still there
Yay ! I managed to get a potable round-shaped snowman and an acceptable square-shaped one I attach images to this post so you can understand what the first post says with examples: there are three 12x12 sprites, and once stacked, I have a snowman
Still one left to do -.-° Nevermind, with the idea I had (written below), I have enough snowmans Anyone willing to help ?
idea Instead of having 3 different sorts of snowman, have 4 by only making 2, the remaining 2 being the first ones in negative.
Yay ! triple post (but it is for an update, so I guess it is right)
Greyscale can work if there is no Text command in the loop, here is the proof To "display text" below the icons, I had to have them as part of the icons.
While 1 If T++^2 getKey(3)-getKey(2)+X+3^3->X If getKey(1) B++ !If -2 B-- A<3+A->A End End If getKey(4) B-- !If +1 ->B A--+1??->A End End End .of T^ RecallPic TIME() Lbl FOR2 For(Z,0,5) A*3+Z->r1*46+Str1->r2 Z/3*26->r4*3+(Z^3->r5)*2*2+L6+133->r3 65535->theta For(23) {theta++*2+r2}^^r ->{theta*12+r3}^^r End .Text(r5*2*2*2*2*2+1,r4+27,stdDev(GDB1,r1) End RectI(X*2*2*2*2*2,B*26+9,32,26) Text(32,0,stdDev(GDB1,A+B*3+X) DispGraph(L6,°BG)^^r EndIf getKey(15)
Lbl RET Return
Lbl TIME °YEAR GetDT() Text(77,0,HOUR/10>Dec) Text(81,0,HOUR^10>Dec) Text(85,0,":") Text(87,0,MIN/10>Dec) Text(91,0,MIN^10>Dec) Return
Helloes, I am making a game with snowmans, and I need help with sprites -.-°
I'll try to be clear in my explanations (feel free to ask if you didn't understand something). First of all, greyscale is allowed. 4 or 3 levels of grey, not more of course
I need each snowman to be in 3 parts, each part being a 12x12 sprite. Note that those 12x12 parts can encroach each others to make a perfect snowman. For example, the first sprite would be a big snowball, the second one, a less big snowball, and the third one a snowhead, and putting each of those on top of the other would make a snowman.
Now that it is clear how to make a snowman, in fact I need 3 of those I don't ask for specific designs, I just would like to have 3 very different snowmans. The first one can be a normal, round-shaped snowman for example, the second one can be a square-shaped snowman for example (instead of being composed of snowballs, it would be snowcubes) and the third one, I have no idea, you are free to make it as you wish, just make it different from the others
Thanks in advance for those who make even one part of those (of course you'll get credits and +1s).
Yay, double post ! Update, now with the time displayed on the top right corner, thanks to Jacobly's librairy The current choice is also displayed on top of the screen (not very useful but there is that on the 89 T so I've put it here too). I added an icon (that does nothing, like the others ) that will lead to an option to set the clock (note that the "F1:Menu" doesn't mean anything, pressing F1 will do nothing, it is just that the 89 T has it too )
I also tried if the program was fast enough to handle greyscale, to have a custom background, but seems like there are too many Text commands As usual, source in spoiler and in download, and screenie
While 1 getKey(3)-getKey(2)+X+3^3->X If getKey(1) B++ !If -2 B-- A<3+A->A End End If getKey(4) B-- !If +1 ->B A--+1??->A End End RecallPic TIME() Lbl FOR2 For(Z,0,5) A*3+Z->r1*32+Str1->r2 Z/3*26->r4*3+(Z^3->r5)*4+L6+133->r3 For(theta,0,15) {theta*2+r2}^^r->{theta*12+r3}^^r End Text(r5*32+1,r4+27,stdDev(GDB1,r1) End RectI(X*32,B*26+9,32,25) Text(32,0,stdDev(GDB1,A+B*3+X) .DispGraph(L6,°BG)^^r DispGraph EndIf getKey(15)
Lbl RET Return
Lbl TIME °YEAR GetDT() Text(77,0,HOUR/10>Dec) Text(81,0,HOUR^10>Dec) Text(85,0,":") Text(87,0,MIN/10>Dec) Text(91,0,MIN^10>Dec) Return
Have them all here. Don't forget to download the OS according to your calculator (don't try to send a CX OS to a non CX, that won't bring you colors ).