Lolnope, no AI for now I need to get that new key system working, then reorganize the "object" data (to have all the data of one object on a contiguous space) and I'll probably release the source, which will allow linuxgeek96 to add his AI if he still wants to Then I'll probably have to add missing attacks, the percent system and fix hitboxes.
Prepare for the most awesome UPDATE of all times ! No new features ! Isn't that awesome ?
Seriously, I have not been doing nothing. Here's what's new (even though there is really no new features):
you can choose between local play and link play
the map is loaded from an appvar so you can have both maps but only one executable
the character is loaded from an appvar too, both players have to press "2nd" when they see the weird menu with resized icons (don't try to make characters yet though (if you guess how to do that with heavy reverse engineering ) because even though they might display in the character selection menu (I don't even know if that menu works since I only have one character -.-), the end of the routine always loads Fox )
the executable is now an app, thanks to Matref compiling the scaled sprite routine in L3, to free enough RAM to load both characters and the map
If linking initialisation doesn't go well after you both chose "Link" (like you wait for an hour without anything being displayed, or both calcs say "Waiting" during an hour, or I don't know what else), repeatedly press Clear until you get to the homescreen and try again.
I think they even had an iPod-like device once that was actually just a flash light.
This can be useful when someone tries to steal your phone in the bus or something, just give the iPod-like flashlight It depends on the price they sell it though. If it's the same price as an iPod, maybe you'd rather buy a real iPod -.-
The only problem is that it is not free You have a 14 days trial but then you need an unlocker.
What you can do otherwise is install Appsales, put GoneMad on your watchlist and get it while it's on sale (I was lucky, I got it on sale without even using Appsales yet o.o).
I use the stock music player on my Samsung Galaxy Ace II and it's still the best one I've found: lightweight and can play all audio formats (even tried with non-standard formats like m4a, which many players don't support). Best thing about the player, tho, is the colors. I don't like the bright look of many new google apps, I prefer dark.
1) Can it play 96KHz sampled ogg files ? Because most players I tried can play "regular" ogg files but only JetAudio and GoneMad were able to open 96KHz sampled ogg files among the list I posted. 2) GoneMad's interface is mostly dark.
It doesn't waste anything if I add an constant to another constant, but it does waste if I add a constant to a calculation that doesn't end with a constant addition.
Yes, indeed. But in your case (°CST1-°CST2→°CST3), it only wastes some bytes in the source program.
The thing is that I won't do "°CST1-°CST2→°CST3" because then this would require one more constant (the °CST1) and one more line for each [] I have (instead of []-°CST1→°CST3 I'd have to do []→°CST2:°CST1-°CST2→°CST3), which would be very annoying. A []-°CST1→°CST2 would be a lot less annoying. A .org would be even less annoying.
Actually, I see a lot of potential for that .org command That would help me with my data, and this would also allow people to write ramcodes very easily, even ones using absolute jumps. edit the token used could be the same as #Realloc but with a r.
It doesn't waste anything if I add an constant to another constant, but it does waste if I add a constant to a calculation that doesn't end with a constant addition.
For a music player, I'd recommend GoneMad. I don't remember what were the limitations of the free versions but it was so awesome I bought the paid version. I tried all players you can think of, Poweramp, JetAudio, n7, Player Pro, VLC, NRG, I don't remember if I tried Rocket Player but only two players among the ones I tried could play all the musics in my librairy: JetAudio and GoneMad. And what's great with that choice is that JetAudio was the one with the worst interface of all players I tried while GoneMad was the one with the best interface
Well yeah, I could theoretically rewrite that in assembly and use spasm... but given the size of the file already, you understand why I ask if there's an "easy" solution Actually, I could maybe add the "-°CST1" in my code since it is always the same constant for everyone. It would just waste an addition.
[]->°AirIllusion Data(°FoxLandSprR^^r,°FoxLandSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°Piv+°AbsX+°AbsY+°AirNull) .WARNING cet état ne sert qu'à être pivoté, il passe sans plus de tests à AirIllusion2 Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°AirIllusion2^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(0)
[]->°Shine .seul état qui a une hitbox active TODO Data(°GShine2SprR^^r,°GShine2Spr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°AbsY+°AirNull) Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°AShine1^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(pi00010100) .set chrono,4 Data(pi00000100,°GShine1^^r) .OnGround Data(0)
[]->°GShine1 Data(°GShine1SprR^^r,°GShine1Spr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°Piv+°GroundOK) .WARNING Pas Null pour le Jump cancel Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°GShineEND^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(pi00000011,°GShine2^^r).djz Data(pi10000010,°GShine1^^r).si touche B Data(0)
[]->°GShine2 Data(°GShine2SprR^^r,°GShine2Spr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°Piv+°GroundOK) .WARNING Pas Null pour le Jump cancel Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°GShineEND^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(pi01100100,°GShine1^^r).ijx 4 Data(pi10000010,°GShine2^^r).si touche B Data(0)
[]->°FireFoxDU .diagonal up Data(°FireDUSprR^^r,°FireDUSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°Piv+°AbsX+°AbsY+°AirNull) Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°FireFoxDU2^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(0)
[]->°FireFoxDU2 .diagonal up Data(°FireDUSprR^^r,°FireDUSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°AbsX+°AbsY+°AirNull) Data(181^^r,~181^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°FireFoxS3^^r) .sert à ne pas sortir du Fire avec une vitesse X excessive Data(pi00111111).Repeat 31 frames Data(0)
[]->°FireFoxDD .diagonal down Data(°FireDDSprR^^r,°FireDDSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°Piv+°AbsX+°AbsY+°AirNull) Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°FireFoxDD2^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(0)
[]->°FireFoxDD2 .diagonal down Data(°FireDDSprR^^r,°FireDDSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°AbsX+°AbsY+°AirNull) Data(181^^r,181^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°FireFoxS3^^r) .sert à ne pas sortir du Fire avec une vitesse X excessive Data(pi00111111).Repeat 31 frames Data(0)
[]->°FireFoxS3 .sert à ne pas sortir de FireFox avec une vitesse X excessive Data(°FireSideSprR^^r,°FireSideSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°AbsX+°AbsY+°AirNull) Data(128^^r,~2^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°Helpless^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(0)
[]->°FoxStand .état debout normal Data(°FoxStandSprR^^r,°FoxStandSpr^^r) .sprite Data(0,0) .téléportation Data(°Piv+°GroundOK) Data(0^^r,0^^r) .V Data(0) .arrowkeys influence Data(°FoxStand^^r) .état suivant par défaut Data(0)
Thanks And no, I have absolutely no idea. The problem is not even that I am not sure everything will work the same, it's that I am even sure that everything will not work the same. I planned for example on changing the key system to support more keys than just eight.