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Messages - Hayleia

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Art / Re: [Request] Sprites based on Ikaruga ships
« on: July 28, 2014, 04:04:36 pm »
Wooo O.O I'll sure use these ! Wait for them :D
And my Fox ? :P

Also, it's not visible on that image but the balls on each side are actual separate enemies. Would it be possible to have a sprite for them as well as a sprite for the big ship without those ball-enemies ?
Ah. Getting the balls sprite is probably easy but I'd most likely need to know what the ship looks like without those balls to have its sprite.

edit After watching a video again, I also noticed another problem: I thought that those sprites had their "territories" but in fact no, they go to the right and the left so they needed to be symetrical, right ?

Miscellaneous / Re: Calc Wars
« on: July 28, 2014, 03:54:59 pm »
I'd suggest the CP400 for the Death Star, not the CSE.
And in my opinion the V200 could play the Millenium Falcon with the shape it has.

Art / Re: [Request] Sprites based on Ikaruga ships
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:59:58 pm »
Double posting for an update.
I don't know how you like this sprite, I don't even know how I like it in fact :P

edit made dark/red version as well.

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:07:04 pm »

6994: You find learning ASM was easier than learning Axe
I am not saying that Axe is easier then Asm (even though I think it is the case), but at least, I think that learning Asm first makes it a lot easier to understand Axe, no ? So if you already learnt Asm, what's hard in Axe ?

Honestly, for me it was the real lack of a good tutorial. Thinks like how to implement arrays and such aren't covered very well. Sure there's the reference for commands, but when I was attempting Axe there was no real indepth tutorial. ASM, on the other hand, had ASM in 28 Days and Hotdog's tutorial. Both are excellent.
You have as many ways to make arrays in Axe as you want :P
Maybe there's no doc, but since you know how they work in ASM and since they work the same way in Axe, there's just the problem of the syntax to declare static arrays which is solved in the Documentation.pdf ;)

(once again, I am not saying "Axe is easy" but "it is easy once you learnt ASM", don't make me say what I didn't).

Art / Re: [Request] Sprites based on Ikaruga ships
« on: July 28, 2014, 07:06:54 am »
note that Hayleia already did the light version of the first enemy, but never posted the shadow version. If anyone wants to do it, you'd rather want to download its light version earlier in this thread and make it more red.
Oops :P

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: July 28, 2014, 06:25:08 am »
6994: You find learning ASM was easier than learning Axe
I am not saying that Axe is easier then Asm (even though I think it is the case), but at least, I think that learning Asm first makes it a lot easier to understand Axe, no ? So if you already learnt Asm, what's hard in Axe ?

Now that I think of it, I don't even need two Nspires to test that, I can trade Pokémons from two different versions on one calc (or twice the same version too in fact).

That is sweet :D
I can't test it since among my Nspires only one can run gpSP but I still approve the idea ;D

I am trying to make a file to add support for syntax highlighting for Axe code in vim, and in the list of tokens I'd like to support is for example "[|a] [|b]".
However, when I try to open an "Axe file" with this syntax file, it says an error (can't tell exactly which error, I have two PCs, one with internet (this one) and the other one without (the one I am experiencing issues with vim)) about "a]" and "[", as if every "|" character broke the line or something and then what it saw was "[" followed with "a]" followed with "[".

So any idea what this character does ?
And most of all, any idea how I could get vim to highlight "[|a]" without getting an error when opening my files ?

TI Z80 / Re: tok8x: a very simple on-computer tokeniser/detokeniser
« on: July 25, 2014, 08:36:24 am »
I am having problems with this (sorry for necroposting btw).

I can't compile what I get from GitHub:
─┐  ╔[ asuka @ Luna : ~/Bureau/tok8x-master ]
 ╘══╩═[ make
ghc --make tok8x
target `tok8x' is not a module name or a source file
make: *** [all] Erreur 1

And when I download the old version, it is a bit better since I can compile it and it works in one way, but not the other way (unfortunately, it's the less interesting way that works):
─┐  ╔[ asuka @ Luna : ~/CALC/SBO ]
 ╘══╩═[ vim TEST.8xp.txt && ./tok8x -t axe -i TEST.8xp.txt -o OUTPUT.8xp -n SBOS -f && tilem2 --help
tok8x: malloc.c:2372: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == (((mbinptr) (((char *) &((av)->bins[((1) - 1) * 2])) - __builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd)))) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= (unsigned long)((((__builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd_nextsize))+((2 *(sizeof(size_t))) - 1)) & ~((2 *(sizeof(size_t))) - 1))) && ((old_top)->size & 0x1) && ((unsigned long) old_end & pagemask) == 0)' failed.
Abandon (core dumped)

Am I doing something wrong ? Maybe that the old version needs a bit more than just the "tok8x" in the folder to convert (edit indeed, I can get this one to work when I don't move only the executable) ? But what about the "new" version ?

ON is F12 in tilem as well iirc. I can't test this right now though as I don't have an F12 on my desktop's keyboard.
Ah ? Weird, I pressed F12 to turn the calc on but it didn't work O.O
Or maybe it was not F12 that I try even though I thought it was -.-

Also, here's what I found on the PDF on TilEm's website:
"The keybindings are defined in a keybindings.ini file (usually copied into /.config/tilem2/keybindings.ini).
There's currently no tool to interactively edit this file, but you can edit it by hand if you do this carefully"

Wabbitemu does the same for "alphanumerical" keys, but what is the ON key for example on TilEm ? There can't be a logical key for this one but at least there's an option menu in Wabbitemu telling you that this key is F12 and that you can change it if you don't like it :P


I can't manage to install tilem. When I do "./configure && make && sudo make install", it says "undefined reference to <<pow@@GLIBC_2.0>>". Some Googling told me to add "-lm", but even after I added -lm to every CFLAGS in every Makefile with a CFLAGS, it still gave me that error (when I ran the previous command without the "./configure &&" part).
i posted about this just a few days ago:

The important part is to put -lm on LIBS in gui/Makefile, because -lm has to come after all the other library loads.

As for editors, I'm planning to make IES work while offline ;) Might be a few weeks though.
Wow, never saw that topic o.o
And yeah,  I did not put it on LIBS -.-
And great to hear about IES :D

I know that Ubuntu has some sort of store (that I used two or three times on my other laptop) but if it's on Lubuntu too, I don't know where.
Pretty sure you need to install it on Lubuntu. It's in the repos though.
By the way, Synaptic > all when messing with an apt based system.
Well as I said, I did not use it that much on my Ubuntu laptop so I don't think I'll install it on my Lubuntu :P

Is there a way to edit keybindings on tilem ? Because they don't match Wabbit's and I am used to Wabbit's.
Any ideas about that or is it impossible ?

Depending on what version of linux you use, there may be a software center application (which is basically the linux version of the appstore). You can easily install tilem from there.
Lubuntu. I know that Ubuntu has some sort of store (that I used two or three times on my other laptop) but if it's on Lubuntu too, I don't know where.
Anyway, I installed it from the Omnimaga PPA :)

Keypresses don't have latency if you turn the skin off ;)
Ah, good to know (especially since I don't use the skin).

Is there a way to edit keybindings on tilem ? Because they don't match Wabbit's and I am used to Wabbit's.

So, I tried to try tilem and wxwabbitemu...

I can't manage to install tilem. When I do "./configure && make && sudo make install", it says "undefined reference to <<pow@@GLIBC_2.0>>". Some Googling told me to add "-lm", but even after I added -lm to every CFLAGS in every Makefile with a CFLAGS, it still gave me that error (when I ran the previous command without the "./configure &&" part).

For wxwabbitemu, it is a bit better. I can install it, launch it with a 84+SE rom, send programs with drag and drop... but File, View, Calculator, Debug and Help don't do anything so I can't put a skin (if supported) and can't change keybindings, which is not very convenient for example for the "+" key...

Probably will try Wabbitemu in wine if there's nothing better.
edit Seems like it mostly works. Drag and drop doesn't work, and keypresses have some latency, but apart from that I don't have a lot of problems.

Now I'll test "editors".

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