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Messages - Hayleia

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 239
TI Calculators / Re: ndless 3.1 install?
« on: May 31, 2014, 10:37:36 am »
You can follow this tutorial:
If it doesn't appear in English, try hitting the flag in the upper-right corner.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 31, 2014, 06:27:33 am »
The problem is not the resolution, nor is it the anti-aliasing, nor does it come from textures. It's the low number of polygons in models. A cube in 1920x1080 is still a cube.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 31, 2014, 02:42:03 am »
Also, on the PC you only have Melee, Brawl and PM.
You forgot the original.
Well it's not all about graphics but this one is a bit too ugly for my tastes, like the original OoT :P
Plus, I couldn't find it in the retro gaming shop where I found Brawl and Melee -.-

If it was about graphics, I would have bought a Vita instead of a 3DS and would have stopped playing Melee.
Plus, those who only get a console because of graphics seems to not realize that way back then, people had plenty of fun with graphics like this:

Why "way back then" ? We still have fun with this kind of games on calc :D

KnightOS / Re: What do you want the most in future KnightOS ?
« on: May 31, 2014, 02:39:21 am »
Probably. You wouldn't have to worry about using things that would need to be restored when exiting the app. But since that is a choice in the poll, it means that it is possible to make it an app, and if it is possible, why make a dual boot (I don't even know how) if you can just make an app ?

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:11:25 am »
If it was about graphics, I would have bought a Vita instead of a 3DS and would have stopped playing Melee.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:28:37 am »
Yeah, I don't really believe on GC pads on 3DS, but that would be awesome :P
Maybe they could do something like the Circle Pad but with all the GC buttons ?

And yeah, on PC, I have those 3, but PM is still developped, will always be developped and has all the features everybody wants such as wavedashing which is impossible in Brawl and will probably be unavailable in future iterations too so I "only" have the best ones ;)

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:12:55 am »
There will be a GC pad adapter for the U. So the home version is definitely gonna rock ass. :D
This doesn't defeat the "I have my PC for that" argument.
And who says there will be no adapter for the 3DS ? :P

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Variable Help
« on: May 30, 2014, 07:12:10 am »
Yeah, you just say "this variable will use those two bytes" and you give a pointer to two bytes. Whatever that pointer is. You can even do °A→°ThisIsA if you like useless things are using A for two different purposes in two different parts of your code and want it to have two names.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Variable Help
« on: May 30, 2014, 07:08:20 am »
And you can use up to 13 characters in variable names, not just 5 ;)
You're late to the party, I already helped him on IRC. :P Turns out he needed an array.
Also read my post closer.
Sorry, was tired -.-

And how can one use the variable as a variable and not a pointer to something? (use its adress or something like this to avoid using using Lx areas)
That doesn't mean anything. The variable is not a pointer. Its value is pointed by a pointer (no joke!) but once you did "L5+04→°Wattouat", Wattouat is the value, not the pointer which is °Wattouat.
Moreover, A, B, etc also have pointers, which are °A, °B, etc so if you think you are using pointers with Wattouat, you are doing it too with A, B, etc.
Last of all, nothing prevents you from not using Lx ram areas by using other free ram areas.

TI Z80 / Re: xLIB 84C Edition
« on: May 30, 2014, 05:58:14 am »
Same as aeTIos, I recognized them all :D
I just had a hard time seeing them all as their apparitions seem to be random so I was like "where's that rat ?" :P

KnightOS / Re: What do you want the most in future KnightOS ?
« on: May 30, 2014, 03:25:59 am »
There is something that I find weird in that poll.
"TIOS dual boot"
"KnightOS as a TIOS app"
But the second one kind of implies the other, so if you can make KnightOS as a TIOS app, why not just put the option "KnightOS as a TIOS app (allows dual-booting)" and remove the "TIOS dual boot" option ? Except if it is easier to make a dual booting system than to make KnightOS as an app, but that would surprise me.

Anyway, I voted for "TIOS dual boot" because
1) I don't see the point of something that makes my calculator do everything but calculations (yeah, yeah, a CAS is planned, nothing prevents anyone from writing a math program, etc, but see also the second point).
2) I don't really want to see all that work go to waste due to thousands od thousands of programs currently available on ticalc not being compatible with this OS (including the Axe Parser of course).

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 30, 2014, 02:23:29 am »
I agree with the fact SSB4 is going to be better on the Wii U. But I don't have a TV, Wii U+TV is a lot more expensive than just 3DS, a 3DS can be bought without your parents knowing, you can play the 3DS in a train and as I said, for HD games I have my PC. So I'd say that indeed, as 123outerme said, SSB on 3DS is going to be worth it (except if they make it Brawl-like and not Melee like).

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Variable Help
« on: May 29, 2014, 01:53:21 pm »
And you can use up to 13 characters in variable names, not just 5 ;)

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: May 29, 2014, 01:51:50 pm »
Well I was thinking that with a custom program editor like zStart's, it would be easy to add such a menu. I know that there are alternatives but there are a lot of shortcuts in zStart, like opening a program with ON+num, or compiling it, etc, so I thought "why not this one ?" :)

Gaming Discussion / Re: Is the 3DS worth it ?
« on: May 29, 2014, 05:22:36 am »
I just wanted to share my opinion now that I have been playing with a 3DS for some months.

It is indeed great!
After seeing ridiculous DS games (seriously, Pokemon on DS were flat sprites in battle and in Transformers, you have like 20 polygons on the screen and that's all), I was afraid that the 3DS would also have cheap graphics, but it absolutely doesn't. Of course, it's not the same as playing on 1080p on my computer, but that's what my computer is for, while the 3DS is for playing outside or for playing games with interesting gameplay (and not with a keyboard and a mouse all day long), like Ocarina of Time 3D in which you use the gyroscope to aim.

Games that I got and my opinions on it:
  • Pokemon X. Well, Pokemon :P .
  • Super Mario 3D Land: I got it for free with my 3DS and Pokemon X, but I never played it.
  • Kirby Triple Deluxe: I already played previous iterations of Kirby and I was afraid that this one would just be "yet another one", even with better graphics. But no, Nintendo seems to know how to innovate and you now have passages where you have to move Kirby around with the buttons while moving a cube with the gyroscope at the same time for example O.O so it's really interesting. There's also that "Kirby fighters" part (or whatever it's called in English) that I find interesting (because I like Super Smash Bros :P). And of course, all of that with better graphics than in previous iterations.
  • Ocarina of Time 3D: People told me that if I never played OoT, I had to be ashamed :P . I said that I never had any console and they said "you have a PC that can run Wii games and you use that as an excuse ?" so I tried OoT on a n64 emu (just tried, not played so ok it's illegal but I now bought it on 3DS and no longer play on emu) and I found it awful. Mainly because of the graphics. Triangles with dull colors everywhere (you even see triangles on the ground). People then told me "OoT is not about the graphics, it's awesome because of it's story, etc". I know that it was 10 years ago but I couldn't play that. So I bought the remake on my 3DS. And... wow. Graphics are still not PC worth, they don't stun you in awesomeness but they don't stun you in awfulness either as the n64 version did, they are more than good enough. So I could enjoy the game without being annoyed now and I have to agree, it's awesome :D .
  • Lego City Undercover: Don't ask me why I bought that :P. This one is the only bad game I have for now on my 3DS. Graphics are great, but the story is too short (and predictable but it's a Lego video game) and the loading times are too long.
So yeah, I posted that in case someone was wondering what happened to the person who asked for opinions about the 3DS, well that person now has a 3DS and a very good opinion of it :D.

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