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Topics - Hot_Dog

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As many of you know, I started a series of ASM Tutorials for those who had difficulty learning ASM.  So far, these tutorials have been met with great success, with some of the lessons being downloaded over 60 times in the past two months!

And its all because of your support, your guidance, and your encouragement.  I wish to thank you all, because as a result, I am all the more eager now to finish what I have begun, as well as continuing to make these lessons as fun, as simple, and as high in quality as I have done so far.

Look forward to lesson 13, and possibly lesson 14, next week.  And thanks again for helping to make this project the best it can be.

The download link includes, for your convience, the first twelve files, as well as WabbitEmu, spasm and the proper

Download link copy (as attachments won't show up on front page):;topic=3355.0;attach=1397

Separate files for each lessons, also available in .doc and HTML format, can be found here:

Link to the tutorial discussion forum:

Miscellaneous / What is your favorite Star Trek television series?
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:45:04 am »
Any trekkie fans?  After your vote, you can feel free to explain why you chose what you voted.  My favorite series is Deep Space Nine, because of the cast, the crew diversity, and the darker/continuous story line.

TI Z80 / If you could modify S.A.D...
« on: May 23, 2010, 03:48:07 pm »
We're making S.A.D. easy to program, and not easy to modify.  However, we are releasing the source code under GPL.  Reminding everyone that the idea of S.A.D. is using a single unit with a single purpose, do you have a version of S.A.D. you would make if you could? 

For me, I would create either a Star Trek S.A.D. or a Starcraft S.A.D. if I had the chance.

ASM / Flickerless Grayscale
« on: May 17, 2010, 01:32:34 pm »
I don't think I'll end up using flickerless grayscale, but what's the idea behind it?  I'm used to the idea of flicker, so I'm curious as to how flickerless is accomplished on the Ti-83+.

ASM / Using the Toshiba RAM directly
« on: May 17, 2010, 12:30:45 pm »
I understand that when working with the LCD drive on the Ti-83+ directly, you get immediate updates.  Is there a way to control when these updates occur (meaning the screen doesn't update everytime you draw a single point)?  If not, what's the advantage to using the RAM over plotsscreen?

Hi, guys,

Apparently the link to the file I gave you provides you a file that doesn't work with SPASM.  Here's a new file that works with SPASM.  Just make sure to change the file name in your code, or change the name of the file itself.

Also, in the example programs, TABS ARE REQUIRED.  In other words, if a line is indented, please indent it.  If it isn't indented, DON'T indent it.

ASM / ASM Sound Routine
« on: April 29, 2010, 11:17:53 pm »
I'll let the question speak for there a routine to play sound in ASM programs?

TI Z80 / ASM Qbasic Gorillas
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:43:12 pm »
Anyone play this game?

This is a game program in a Basic language for MS-DOS 5.  Very fun game, but so far everybody's only done it for pure basic, even though it's not hard for ASM.  So as part of the tutorials for TI-83+ Z80 for the absolute beginner, the reader will little by little put together this game for ASM.

You can feel free to download these lessons if you want.  These lessons have errors in them, so read at your own risk.

Please feel free to use this forum for any questions, feedback or discussion concerning the tutorials on "Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner".  I welcome all forms of feedback.

Hi, guys,

So I understand that many people wanting to learn ASM have a hard time doing so.  I'm willing to attempt to teach the language in an easier way, with the idea being the lessons taking a long time (much longer than 28 days), but easy to work through.  But I need a lot of people wanting to learn it, or it's not worth my time.  Please consider that I won't be able to teach everything on ASM, as I've only begun using it myself, but at least it will be enough so that you can start using "Learn ASM in 28 days" or a similar language.

Let me know if you guys want to learn, and just remember, you're learning from someone who took three years before he could understand the language, so I will make sure that it's easy for the average ti-basic programmer to understand.

As much as everyone is excited about the Real-Time Strategy Game S.A.D., we know it's going to take a while since it's being programmed in pure asm by people who have big schedules.  So even though we will make sure the game is well worth the wait, I feel that you guys should have a treat to make it easier to wait.  I am also wanting to make sure I keep myself on this project so I don't just give up all of a sudden.  Finally, I want some experience working on the AI so that I can implement it in asm format.

So, as mentioned in the title, I'm thinking about a side project of a turn-based version of S.A.D, which will be Ti-Basic with Xlib.  I definitely won't be able to do it all by myself, considering I'm also occupied with the asm S.A.D., but if people pitch in, I don't expect the game to take more than three-four months to work on (if that long), since I already have a lot of the graphics and ideas ready.

Here's the idea:

The game will be strictly multiplayer or against a single AI
It will use the graphics the real-time version of S.A.D. uses
There will be, oh, probably 7-8 maps, with about 3-4 tilesets
This will be turn-based, not real-time
Battles will be handled automatically, simulated rather than displayed
Gameplay will be similar to the real-time game: Using one unit and changing it to fit your strategy, constructing bases, teleporting via transformation gateways and operation centers, using special abilities, etc.

But like I said, I won't be able to do this alone, so I have some benefits to offer if you decide to pitch in:

* Access to pre-alpha, alpha and beta versions of S.A.D. (the real-time version)
* Mention in the credits in both the turn-based and real-time versions of S.A.D.
* Autographed copies of both the turn-based and real-time based manuals (Don't get my attitude wrong, please.  It's just some people really enjoy receiving autographs)
* You can name a character or a station in the campaign, if you want to
* The feeling of actually putting some work into S.A.D. besides testing...after all, the work going into this will help us further improve the real-time version of S.A.D.

Let me know if you like the idea and want to help.  And remember, this is NOT assembly, it's pure Ti-Basic with some Xlib to help with graphics.

I've reconsidered holding information of the S.A.D. universe, so although I won't give any information of the campaign itself, I'm now more than happy to share the setting and characters involved.  This is my treat to everyone on Omnimaga, it will not be posted on UnitedTi.  However, I'm not going to be able to give all the information at once, as the title implies.  The S.A.D. manual will include all this information.

There will be three types of information on this topic: Characters, Universe, and Timeline.

After playing Starcraft last week, I noticed that there's a point in the game where you could still have a chance of winning if only you had enough resources for a Nexus, Hatchery or Command Center.  But because you didn't have that chance of winning, you basically had to give up, even if you had all sorts of buildings left.  And this happens in a lot of RTS games.

BUT, in Supreme Commander, the game doesn't end until your commander is killed, so as long as your commander is still alive, you can still keep playing because the Commander generates its own resources, so your opponent could wipe out all your resource means and you could still catch up.  I saw a video of one player who started getting back in the game because his Commander was still alive.

In S.A.D., I've been trying to think of how to keep a player (who doesn't want to give up) in the game until all Operation Centers are destroyed (game over).  A Scouter is free for no other reason than if you're out of resources, you still have a ship you can use.  It's versatility is partly due to this goal of mine.  However, if you're out of resources, you could have cloak, air/ground attack and jet pack, but not very much you could do with it.  I'm inspired by the idea of a Scouter generating 60 crystals a minute like a refinery that can't be upgraded, but I'm wondering what other people think of the idea.  Please vote!

EDIT: We're changing the idea slightly...whatever you vote(d), the Scouter won't generate these resources "all the time", but rather it will mine them when near a resource patch.  You can still do things like attacking and building when mining these.  Also, the resource rate is fixed, you cannot upgrade a Scouter to mine more like you can a refinery

General Calculator Help / Kirk Meyer's Graph3--Easter Eggs
« on: February 04, 2010, 05:56:52 pm »
So, on Detached Solutions's 3D graphing program for Ti-83+, I found the easter egg where Kirk's name is displayed.  How do you get the platypus?  And are there any other easter eggs?

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