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Topics - Hot_Dog

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I wanted to offer more advice to help Omnimaga with being a friendly community.

A person writing a game or an application for calculators is not getting paid to do so, he or she is doing it for fun.  But a person has only so many hours in the day for "fun" as opposed to "work," so only so much can go into the game.  For this reason, the programmer has to choose what to put into a game and what to remove.  In my case, I choose what will be fun to program and what will be boring to program, even if the boring part will sweeten the look and feel of the game.  (There can be a boring portion that will take only 2 hours, and a fun portion that will take 10, yet I will still choose the fun part over the boring part ;D)

But with sufficient peer pressure, the programmer will feel obliged to add a feature because "everyone wants it."  At this point, the list of what goes into the game gets larger and larger, until the programmer is either unable to finish the game or loses interest in the game.

Does this mean we shouldn't offer suggestions?  No.  Does this mean we should say that a game with numerous bugs is absolutely outstanding?  No.  What it does mean is we need to be content when a programmer says "That's a good idea, and I understand how you feel, but I don't want to do that."  If there's a really cool side-scrolling space shooter game, and the programmer doesn't feel like going through the trouble of adding triple lasers that fire in different directions, we need to understand that it's the programmer's game, and it will never get done if he feels too pressured to continue making it.

Gaming Discussion / New Heart of the Swarm Multiplayer Units
« on: October 22, 2011, 01:04:39 pm »

What do you think?  I like what I'm reading so far, except that I wish that the carrier would remain and just be "upgraded" to hold the changes that the new Tempest would bring. 

Art / [request] Lightsaber sprites
« on: October 21, 2011, 01:09:29 pm »
For Elimination, I'm replacing the knife with a saber sword.  Is there anyone who could provide 4 sprites, all 24x24: One showing the player holding a lightsaber, and three showing the player attacking with it?

Elimination / Elimination: Vote on Powerups to include
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:26:06 pm »
Elimination will be able to support up to 4 power-ups.  Vote for the ones you would like to see in the game.

Humour and Jokes / Dilbert: "We could only program with 0s"
« on: October 18, 2011, 03:47:33 pm »
This comic is funny, because any program with nothing but 0s does absolutely nothing

Introduce Yourself! / MOVED: KnightOS - A 3rd Party Operating System
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:19:15 pm »
This topic has been moved to KnightOS.

ASM / Duplicating Bits in Register A
« on: October 08, 2011, 03:08:16 pm »
If I have a number stored in Register A, such as %01110010, what's the best way to turn it into %0011111100001100?  Meaning every bit in the register is doubled?  I don't care what the output register (or variable) is :)

ASM / Calculate T-States between breakpoints with WabbitEmu?
« on: October 07, 2011, 08:10:31 pm »
Is there a way in Wabbitemu to set two breakpoints and calculate how many T-States occured in-between the breakpoints?  I know that this number will vary each time the code between the breakpoints runs, but still  ;D

ASM / Cheating on the Z80
« on: October 07, 2011, 12:46:22 am »
Most instructions on the Z80 processor were designed with a purpose, and you can't do anything except what the instruction was created for.  For example, you can't do anything with ld a, imm8 except store a byte value into register A.  Similarily, you can't use ld a, e to pop hl off the stack  :P

However, there are those rare times that you can use an instruction creatively for a purpose that the Z80 designers did not intend!  Please share your stories

Mine deals with LDD.  For a routine I'm working on for Elimination, I always need BC to point to one byte before HL, where HL holds the data from plotsscreen to transfer to a buffer.  This is because I need access to both (HL) and (HL-1) every time a byte is transferred to the buffer.   By using LDD, I can decrease HL and BC at the same time, even though the Z80 designers meant for BC to be decreased as a Byte Counter.

ASM / Scanline Interference by Copying Screen Backwards?
« on: October 06, 2011, 01:53:30 pm »
Let's say that I have a routine that lets a user calibrate their grayscale in an attempt to get rid of the scan line. 

Although unusual, I'm hoping to copy plotsscreen to the screen backwards, that is, from (plotsscreen + 767) to (plotsscreen).  I'm doing this because I want to take advantage of the fact that ldd will decrease BC like it does HL and DE.  (LDI sends HL, DE and BC in opposite directions)  However, will this cause problems with grayscale due to the scanline, even if a person has calibrated the screen?

Gaming Discussion / A Good Bus-System Tycoon?
« on: October 04, 2011, 12:05:36 am »
I've been looking for a game which does a really good job at letting someone design a transit system and then just letting it run--making adjustments from time to time to make money.  Ideas?

I tried Traffic Giant and it doesn't work on my computer.

Elimination / Elimination: Detecting objects as enemies
« on: October 02, 2011, 02:59:14 pm »
I started this topic because I've had some people telling me that enemies are hard to see because they show up as "pixelated blobs."  Sooner or later, we might have to live with that.  But until then, I've been brainstorming ideas, and calc84maniac was a help as well.  I started this topic so that I can show some things I tried out and get opinions on them.

IDEA 1: Stop thickening enemy textures.

I always thickened the lines that I used to draw enemies so that the player could see them.  However, they do make it hard to tell what's an enemy and what's an object, so I plan later on thinning the lines and instead adding more detail.  BUT, enemies still appear defragmented from a distance, same as other objects.  How can you tell one distorted object from another?

IDEA 2: Show a player that the object is an enemy, not a spaceship or a tree

At the moment, this is what I need an opinion of.  You can see in the screenshot below that every enemy has a gray arrow above it.  That way you can see from far away that an object is an enemy instead of something else.  Right now it's a proof of concept, because I have to remove a couple of bugs where the arrow shows an enemy behind a wall

ASM / RAM used by OS on 84+ 2.53
« on: October 01, 2011, 01:18:41 pm »
I found a page on WikiTI that described what areas of RAM (on RAM page $83) were used for MathPrint and other stuff.  I don't remember where that wikiti article is now, can someone post a link?

ASM / A Couple of Technical Questions
« on: September 29, 2011, 03:05:54 pm »
What can I say?  I'm a curious guy :D

1. Do auto-repeat instructions on the Z80, such as LDIR and CPDR, alter PC?  I'm wondering how the calculator knows to repeat whilst allowing interrupts.
2. Since the calculator isn't really "turned off" until all batteries are removed, does the calculator do a constant "halt" until the ON button is pressed?

Elimination / Elimination Screenshots
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:46:19 pm »
To start this topic off: I'll have a better screenshot for Level 3 later, but since I have a few more bugs to fix before Level 3 is finished, I didn't want to keep people waiting.

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