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Messages - Hot_Dog

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40 41 ... 194
Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:00:43 am »
Wait, did you just walk through trees?

Lol, maybe some collision detection couldn't hurt.  Question, though, could one walk through objects in Wolfenstein 3D?  If so, I don't see any reason to make this any different :)

Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 29, 2011, 10:38:16 am »
I corrected a rather serious bug, and that took care of the "better object system."  That said, it's a huge possibility that I'll be able to have an entire level ready to screenshot by the end of this week.

ASM / Re: Stripes instead of flickerless
« on: August 28, 2011, 11:59:05 pm »
I guess what you're saying is it doesn't work if I have two buffers where pixels alternate in a checkboard pattern?

EDIT: Oh, it's because no matter how fast or how slow you refresh the screen RAM, it displays 60 times a second.  I missed that part.
You can keep the buffers how they are, but you should combine them in such a way that it takes 2 pixels from the dark buffer, 1 pixel from the light buffer, 2 pixels from the dark buffer, 1 pixel from the light buffer, etc. This can be done with some clever bitmasking. You'll have to do 3 screen updates before the pattern repeats itself.

I'm only doing 3-color grayscale.  I think my problem is the screen refresh.

ASM / Re: Stripes instead of flickerless
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:59:24 pm »
I guess what you're saying is it doesn't work if I have two buffers where pixels alternate in a checkboard pattern?

EDIT: Oh, it's because no matter how fast or how slow you refresh the screen RAM, it displays 60 times a second.  I missed that part.

ASM / Re: Stripes instead of flickerless
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:34:30 pm »
It looks like you're trying to do grayscale like this (warning epilepsy :P), but usually we do grayscale like this, which blends together much better. We can't reliably synchronize with the LCD on the TI-83+, plus we usually can't update the screen quickly enough to keep up anyway.

Actually the first one is how I drew grayscale.  So you're saying that grayscale blends much better if I use a checkerboard pattern?

ASM / Stripes instead of flickerless
« on: August 28, 2011, 05:58:57 pm »
In my topic on the game "Elimination," I mentioned that my grayscale was "almost" flickerless.  However, no matter what I attempt (fixed timings for the LCD delay, never using di, etc.)  I see wierd gray stripes starting from the bottom and working their way to the top, like a barbership pole.  Any ideas as to why?  (Note: when you select this program from applications, press 2nd even if nothing appears.  Also, YOU WILL NEED TO START YOUR CALCULATOR FRESH when using this program, as entrances and exits are unstable.)

EDIT: Here's the interrupt routine I'm using.

Code: [Select]



push af
push de
push bc
push hl

ld a, (frameage)
inc a
ld (frameage),a
cp 1
jr z, doregular
cp 3
jr z, dogray
cp 4
jr nz, EndInterrupt
xor a
ld (frameage), a
jr EndInterrupt

ld hl, regularbuffer
call safecopy2
jr EndInterrupt

ld hl, grayscalebuffer
call safecopy2


pop hl
pop bc
pop de

ld a, %00001000
out (3), a
ld a, %00001010
out (3), a
pop af

;ld hl, plotsscreen

ld c,$10
ld a,$80
in b,(c)
rl b
jp c,setrow
out ($10),a
ld de,12
ld a,$20
in b,(c)
rl b
jp c,col

out ($10),a
push af
inc c
ld b,64

in a,($10)
jp c,rowwait
ld a, (hl)
out (c), a
add hl,de
dec b
jp nz, rowwait
pop af
dec h
dec h
dec h
dec c
inc hl
inc a
cp $2c
jp nz,col


ASM / Re: Problems with Port $2A
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:13:49 am »
Oh, gotcha.  My problem was I thought the upper six bits was the number of clock cycles (1 cycle = 4 T-States) rather than the number of T-states

ASM / Problems with Port $2A
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:11:19 am »
I'm trying to use this SafeCopy routine with port $2A when port $20 is set to 1.  However, I get problems that normally occur when one doesn't delay long enough for the LCD.  In other words, the delay port doesn't seem to be working.  Any suggestions?

Code: [Select]

ld a, $87
out ($2A), a
ld c,$10
ld a,$80
;in b,(c)
;rl b
;jp c,setrow
out ($10),a
ld de,12
ld a,$20
;in b,(c)
;rl b
;jp c,col
out ($10),a
push af
inc c
ld b,64

;in a,($10)
;jp c,rowwait
ld a, (hl)
out (c), a
add hl,de
djnz rowwait
pop af
dec h
dec h
dec h
dec c
inc hl
inc a
cp $2c
jp nz,col


Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 10:38:55 pm »
Yeah, I probably should.  Just remember, Wabbitemu doesn't do well at grayscale.

Also, the game has weapons, but I turned them off temporarily to work with other stuff without being distracted.

Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:32:55 pm »
It looks like you need to optimize your code to do grayscale, but it should be doable.

Like I said, don't trust the screenshot.  Wabbitemu is not good at emulating grayscale.

Another feature I forgot to mention: A well-developed story.  I don't think it's required for a FPS to have a quick plot.

Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 04:59:45 pm »
All 15 Mhz calculators have at least one extra ram page, 16 KB.  Elimination requires just that one.  (Out of 48 KB of RAM, Elimination needs 24 KB)

Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 12:20:46 pm » this using crabcake or something? You said it was mostly data but there must be some code here and there..

It's an application that copies data and the main program to RAM.

Elimination / Re: Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:24:46 am »
Are there a lot of levels needed to be done so far or are they mostly done?

I've barely started the levels.  But the nice thing is I can simply use the level editor.  The hard part is keeping the levels from being too easy or too hard.

By the way will the grayscale be checkered patterns like F-Zero?

It will be like what you did with Reuben Quest, where gray is used as a third color as opposed to checkered patterns.  (The brick wall here is the exception)  For example, I have a stone wall where the rocks are painted gray.

Unfortunately, my calc does not have the missing ram pages.

Oh, a Ti-83+ BE?

Elimination / Elimination: A New FPS
« on: August 27, 2011, 01:25:33 am »
Before I talk about "Elimination," I should probably answer a question that will be on everyone's mind: "Hot_Dog, why are you starting yet another big project when you canceled S.A.D. and haven't finished Correlation?"

Spoiler For Spoiler:
Because I'm modifying another game, not creating an entirely new one.  Modifying a game requires relatively less ASM programming and relies mostly on creating data.  While ASM proves tedious, I find creating data to be both easy and fun.

Anyways, Elimination is a modification of the FPS Gemini.  (  It will, of course, be bigger and better than the original game, and you can look at the spoiler for features new from Gemini.

Spoiler For Spoiler:

A background sky with 360 degree rotation
Almost flickerless grayscale walls  (Don't believe what you see in the screenshots  ;D)
Requires less than 9 KB RAM!  (Sorry, it does require the extra RAM page found on 15 Mhz calculators)
A map that reveals itself as you explore the level
Many, many different worlds (terrains, walls, enemies, etc.)

Coming Shortly: A better object system so that you can see objects and enemies that are far, far away

Features yet to add (NOT hard):

Better map revealing
Secrets revealed by means other than pushing blocks
Status Messages
HUD toggling (On/Off)
Changing the plasma gun to be a small-damage, area-of-effect weapon

The game will be available for 15 Mhz calculators, as well as Nspires with 84+ keypads.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Message to the entire Omnimaga staff
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:35:59 pm »
Make sure that your games released under Omnimaga CoT/admin position are included in this download section as soon as possible:;cat=1

I am grabbing all available screenshots in there for the 10th anniversary Omnimaga video and your game might be missed if it was never uploaded there or if it's not uploaded in time.

Thanks in advance.

NOTE: THis applies to the CoT and managers user group. Also the users' contributed section is being ignored. Make sure you uploaded in the right section.

Are you doing only released games?  I wanted to include a screenie of my latest project, because I promise it's going to be delicious

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