This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 797
Correlation / Re: Correlation Resumed At a Slower Pace« on: May 08, 2011, 12:07:38 am »Yay! Hurrah! And good luck with the rewriting. It's just too easy to lose motivation when you hit the same bugs again Hopefully very little rewriting. Most of the stuff I can disassemble and cut/paste. Otherwise Word Wrap would be toast 798
Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner / Re: Should ASM Lesson 5 be an appendix?« on: May 07, 2011, 08:29:50 pm »Again, these are just my opinions. You can do whatever you want with your lessons. Actually, I'm hoping for opinions Your opinion is valuable and noted. 799
Hot Dog's TI-83+ Z80 ASM for the Absolute Beginner / Should ASM Lesson 5 be an appendix?« on: May 07, 2011, 05:46:36 pm »
As I'm working on finalizing my ASM lessons once and for all, I'm adding some more appendixes. I am wondering if lesson 5 in its current form is necessary...does it really need to talk about how ASM programs translate?
So the question for the vote: Has ASM Lesson 5 made it easier for you to understand jumps, labels and variables, or do you think that you could understand jumps, labels and variables without knowing the "guts" of an asm program? If lesson 5 is made into an appendix, I will write a new, shorter one that covers jumps, labels and variables. 800
General Calculator Help / Mirage OS and Default 6Mhz Speed« on: May 07, 2011, 01:09:05 am »
Normally, on a Ti-83+ SE or Ti-84+, an asm program will run at 6Mhz unless told otherwise. Does MirageOS set this 6Mhz speed as well, or will a program run at 15Mhz on these calculators?
General Calculator Help / Re: Acelgoyobis not working« on: May 07, 2011, 12:44:07 am »
Lol, I forgot to press "left" to launch the ball. Problem solved
General Calculator Help / Acelgoyobis not working« on: May 06, 2011, 08:07:40 pm »
On my Ti-83+ SE, Acelgoyobis stops working whenever a table is loaded. The menu works fine, but after a table is selected, nothing happens...I can't even quit using 2nd or flip the flippers. It's just frozen.
Does anyone know what's wrong? 803
ASM / Re: Why does inc/dec not affect carry flag?« on: May 06, 2011, 04:07:45 pm »
So the reason, then, is to preserve the carry flag?
ASM / Why does inc/dec not affect carry flag?« on: May 06, 2011, 03:36:52 pm »
If Zilog had wanted to, they could have made inc reg8 and dec reg8 affect the carry flag on teh Z80 processor. So I'm assuming there's a good reason they chose not to do so. Does anyone know the reason?
News / Re: Being a Diplomat« on: May 04, 2011, 10:42:27 pm »Quote I think, related to "4. Don't bring other people into the conversation once it starts.", there should be "4.5. Don't bring yourself into conversations, unless you're 100% certain that you can be rational and impartial". It's hard to do, but often times just staying out of other people's fights will keep the fight from getting too huge. Well said. 806
News / Re: Being a Diplomat« on: May 04, 2011, 10:57:32 am »In essence I agree with this post. However, I'm not sure I like the usage of words like "diplomacy", "threaten", and "loyalty"--they make it sounds too much like the sites are countries at war with one another. They seem hyperbolic. I feel that it's this kind of strong mindset that leads to such an us-vs-them not-invented-here mentality, and opens up a rift where there need not be one. That being said, I'm not sure what other words could be used. Maybe "calm rationality", "offended", "fondness for a particular site". I know that I, personally, don't feel any loyalty to any particular site, at least not strictly speaking. Maybe I'm in the minority here when I express this, but they're just websites. I'm here to program and chat with friends, not bicker over trivialities (except maybe which programming language is the best, or which calculator one should buy). It shouldn't be so arduous to remain neutral in a programming community. I think, in general, a big issue is one of synecdoche. Person-From-Site-A will see Person-From-Site-B doing something PFSA doesn't like, and will assume that means the entirety of Site B is a certain way. We all need to keep in mind that, for the most part, everyone acts to their own end, and not always as a representative of the site that they frequent. Great advice, though. I think (like calcdude said) this applies to interpersonal relationships in general. If everyone approached conflict in this manner, there'd be a lot less, well, conflict. You have a very, very good point about word choice. merthsoft++. The advice is very valid in that kind of situation. However, I have friends here that are as valuable to me as my college friends and neigherborhood friends, hence the word "loyalty." And unfortunately, I always think of "diplomacy" and "threaten," since I felt threatened and was a diplomat. Synecdoche is very, very true, ++ again. And this article definitely applies to that. However, I wrote this article because sometimes things go too far. It starts with just two people, but eventually they bring everyone they know into it, and it turns into a site-A attacking a site-B. I wish it didn't happen, but it does. 807
News / Re: Being a Diplomat« on: May 03, 2011, 09:46:06 pm »It doesn't even have to be between websites... It can be between people, too. Very true. 808
News / Being a Diplomat« on: May 03, 2011, 08:25:27 pm »
I know that there are people who like both Omnimaga and Cemetech. For the record, there is nothing wrong with that. However, as a person who likes both websites, you are probably aware that both websites have things they don't like about each other. Because they're not the same! They're not supposed to be the same. People join each website for different reasons.
With that in mind, if you like both websites, you will find that some person--or people--on either website feel(s) threatened by the other website. It doesn't matter which one. It happens. People on Omnimaga will feel attacked by cemetech, even if cemetech is not attacking. Likewise, people on cemetech will feel that we are attacking them, whether we are or not. As a person who likes both websites, perhaps you want both websites to be at peace with each other. And perhaps you want to do something about it. However, I've seen several examples, including recent ones, of the wrong way to handle this. If you act like a policeman/judge instead of a diplomat, you will only end up making things worse for one website, possibly both. And that's not your goal, since you like both websites. If one website or a person (let's say website A) is acting like a threat to website B or wrongly feels threatened by website B, here's some tips for you if you try to fix the situation by confronting the person/website: 1. Remind the person that you are a fan of the person's website, website A. You won't be lying. Remember that you are defending website B, so if you don't remind website A of your loyalties, some people will get angry thinking that you've betrayed website A and gone over fully and permanently to website B. 2. Use words carefully. Two wrongs don't make a right. "Get your act together" or "Why can't you freakin leave them alone" only makes an angry person angrier. 3. Sometimes simply stating a wrong will only make a person feel even more threatened. Instead, have website A describe their problem, and talk them through it, maybe asking questions that they can give thought and honest answers to. At least for only a little bit, let them feel that they're correct. 4. Don't bring other people into the conversation once it starts. (By the way, if a "debate" or a "discussion" of the matter is occuring, don't get involved yourself. It's just as bad as bringing people into your discussion.) 5. Feel for the other person. If they feel threatened, there's a reason. It doesn't matter whether they are correct or not, they have better things to do than pretend they are attacked. 6. If there's no sign of change, drop it. Just drop it. Some people are not going to change their opinions, and there's nothing you can do about it. You will only make things worse by pressing the matter. So if you like both websites, show it. Don't defend one website by hurting the other. 809
News / Re: Raylin Demoted« on: May 03, 2011, 04:08:17 pm »Is he going to be on Riot Control or just a normal member? He's a normal member 810
News / Raylin Demoted« on: May 03, 2011, 03:48:39 pm »
We at Omnimaga are sorry to announce that Raylin is no longer a Coder of Tomorrow. A Coder of Tomorrow is required to have at least one active project that he posts updates to, and Raylin has had no active projects for some time. We regret the situation, and we wish Raylin luck, hoping that he will continue to contribute to our community in the future.