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Messages - Hot_Dog

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News / Help our community by being a good example
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:24:02 am »
I am going to make a long story short, and if you'd like to read my full argument, please read the gray box with the small text further down.

I want to start by reminding everyone that at Omnimaga, we strive to create an environment where people are welcome no matter the programming language/software used or the skill level the programmer has.  We also believe that every calculator site has the right to be respected no matter their mentality or policies, and as such we always do our best to make sure that any form of site bashing is prevented.  We also want people to remember that each site has rules, so it's only fair that by becoming a member of another site you should abide by the site's rules.

With that said, if you're a Omnimaga user who likes to visit #cemetch, please set a good example so that visitors will continue to join our website knowing that we are caring people who welcome all promising contributions.  I think we have generally done a great job with this so far when talking on #cemetech, and there's no reason to quit.  If someone on #cemetech is insulting you or Omnimaga itself, speak softly.  If you don't think you can do that, help us out by just leaving the #cemetech channel.  A bull-fight and counterattack on #cemetech is only going to make things worse for our community.



Discussion can be a wonderful thing on IRC channels.  I speak on IRC all the time to find solutions to problems, help someone write a program and talk with people who need a friend.  If there is a programmer who doesn't like what I do, IRC gives me a chance to ask what went wrong, and how I could do better.  If someone on #omnimaga dislikes Cemetech, a cemetech user has a good chance to defend Cemetech, and the same thing with someone on #cemetech disliking Omnimaga.

But there are people on #cemetech who are just not going to like Omnimaga.  You can make some excellent arguments, talk as wise as an owl and show caring feelings.  Yet these people are not going to change, even if you speak softly.

What's the solution?  Yelling, swearing or calling names is not going to change the person's feelings, nor is it going to help.  In fact, he's going to cling even more to his opinion, because we are only helping to prove his point.  Suppose someone hated me because I lost my temper easily.  What happens when I yell at him for a comment like that?  I just lost my temper again!  He has all the more reason to believe that I lose my temper easily.

So if you kindly defend yourself, your friends or omnimaga to no avail, you don't HAVE to be on #cemetech.  If you're not on #cemetech, you don't hear all these insults and they can only make fun of us to each other.  But fighting is only going to strengthen any bad opinions a person may have about us.

And thus, our insults and fights will only give us a bad name.  Do you not believe it?  I can name an example where it happened to Cemetech, and there's no reason it won't happen to us as well.  

Take a look at me.  I posted projects on Cemetech, with people eager to see more progress and offer constructive critisism.  But as much as I like Cemetech, I have a lot of friends on Omnimaga, and I LOVE Omnimaga.  For goodness sake I'm a manager!  So what happens?  People insult our website and the users.  Furthermore, four good friends of mine are attacked by the same people who want me posting on Cemetech.  (You can hurt me, but leave my friends alone!)  So how likely is it that I'll show up on Cemetech again?  I don't want to have to see or be a part of this kind of thing.  I don't want to give pleasure to those who hurt people I'm fond of.  And thus I avoid the pain by simply not going to Cemetech, whether they like it or not.

If #cemetech can get away with this, it's their website, let them do what they want.  But let's not let Omnimaga turn into this.  IRC is where people will see us for who we are.  Let's give people something that we can be proud of.  If you can't do that, please don't harm us by making things on #cemetech worse.  

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 07, 2011, 10:54:57 pm »
I have a good reason for double posting.

Found two more bugs, possibly 3.  MW mode causes calculation errors in Word Wrap, and Word Wrap makes text hard to read when the run indicator is on.  The possible third one is the calculator crashing with an illegal font, rather than displaying "ERR: INVALID FONT."

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 07, 2011, 10:20:51 pm »
Thanks :) I keep using it on accident and it was just bugging me every time I cleared my RAM. I have gotten into the habit of selecting apps by number, but since Correlation was put on it, I keep forgetting the Graph3 and GrpTool are moved down the list XD

Ouch!  I understand that it can be frustrating

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 07, 2011, 10:16:23 pm »
Yeah, I figured. Either way, it is good practice to let the app exit if it isn't supposed to do anything.

I agree.  I'll fix that in the next release

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 07, 2011, 10:11:24 pm »
I had a good reason for not doing an application install, but at least I can add something such as a splash screen that says "please install from a Ti-Basic program" and then exit

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:20:14 pm »'s a side effect of a bug that I already know exists.  (Which means it is not dependent on the number of lines.)  I'll take care of that.

Btw, nice new avatar, and nice numbers in the font

BatLib / Re: BatLib Demo Programs
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:02:42 pm »
Hehe, Scout, watch this:

Now THAT is awesome

I see, that seems interesting. So basically 6 out of the 9 planets? Also how many units do we have at the start? Do we have to do some choices of unit purchase, saving money, teching up?

I also like the idea of not having army balls, so there's more strategy/tactic involved in general.

5 out of 9 planets.  One of them HAS to be the one in the center.

Humans get around 20 units at the start, Ptaloids about 35, Tosonians about 11.

Every unit is important, including units that don't require titanium.  As you play, you have to pick units carefully.

You're right, DJ.  First post edited.

I normally don't double post like this, but some people didn't get a chance to read this last night, and it means a lot to me to make this a great game.  If you have any comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate!

In creating the S.A.D. spin-off board game called Calsiah, my goal is to create a game in which both large, epic battles and smaller battles (such as harrasment) occur.  I don't want Calsiah to be a game where a player moves every unit in a clumped up ball around and around the board, and I also don't want it to be a game where units are weakly spread all over the place.  So I'll tell you what I've cooked up, please let me know what you think!

Basically, the goal of Calsiah is to control 5 planets.  You defend planets with ground units and control the map (game board) with air units.  Belthium Crystals are recieved from controlling planets, and titanium (a second resource) is recieved by controlling asteroids in the center of the map.  You need belthium crystals and titanium to buy units to help you win the game.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Troll! ++ programming Language
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:17:18 pm »
This topic is now unlocked.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Troll! ++ programming Language
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:07:54 pm »
This topic is locked until further notice.

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:06:43 pm »
I forgot, the APD bug was fixed

Correlation / Re: Correlation Beta Bug Reports
« on: April 04, 2011, 07:57:29 pm »
Okay, geekboy, (I'm joking of course) if you ask for one more feature in Word Wrap, I'm going to scream!

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