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Messages - ISSOtm
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:39:03 am »
A friend of mine (Natch) made a hex decompiler ; he wrote the code, I made the design (the home screen, and two bugfixes)
I gave an example, but it sometimes fails (it seems it's linked with Axe compilation ?) at the step "Name of the hex prgm ?", then quit, shut down, and retry
I gave a pack with the source and two libs needed
Do NOT ask me anything about the code, even Natch doesn't know how it works !
NEVER DECOMPILE : - already decompiled programs (you get a bugged program, and mem losses; - the decompiler itself (RAM clear if you set any split setting to "Yes"
Sometimes, the split settings create glitches (bytes half-cut, or program corruptions), so use them carefully
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:21:19 pm »
Idea, that would be REALLY great : Nested libs. I had an idea, it's : 1st pass, compile and replace all prgmLIBSNAME by its commands, and if, at the 2nd pass, you find another prgmNESTLIB, then repeat 2nd pass ; end program compilation when there's no more lib to add. But if someone creates a lib that includes itself ?
« on: August 03, 2013, 01:54:37 pm »
I think I've had a similar problem a while ago. It happened to me when I wanted to download an OS on my calculator (TI84+ SE) with TI Connect. It always kept failing and I couldn't get any OS on it. eventually, I tried to do it through another pc (a 32-bit laptop instead of a 64-bit desktop, though that has nothing do with it I think) and then suddenly it did work. So, I'd recommend trying to get the OS on your calculator through another pc, or by reinstalling the linking program you use and stuff like that, eventually I think it will work again. also check the status of your cable and the usb port.
I re-installed the linking software (version 4.0, English ; notice : before I was on the French one), and tried to update to 1.18 (the one I already had). I did it !!! Then now, I'm using the 1.19 OS, and thank you very much jo-thijs for this suggestion. I didn't try to re-install CalcSys, because I don't anymore want this... End of the "topic" about my problems and CalcSys, I think there's nothing more to say about it, and if anybody wants to say something more, I think this topic isn't the good one...
« on: August 03, 2013, 10:43:15 am »
Do you happen to have OS 2.53/55MP installed? Those are not as stable as 2.43, although they have more features. Axe is supposed to work fine under any of these OSes, though. What else do you have installed?
No, I had the 1.18 OS, and tried to update 1.19 then I had this...
« on: August 03, 2013, 10:41:59 am »
To edit archived programs, I would highly suggest using thepenguin77's zStart instead of CalcUtil.
Ok thanks for the suggestion I'll try when my calc will work Regarding the unknown error, I'm fairly confident I know what causes that and a fix for it is in the pipeline.
Ok, then I'll check for updates every day (or more)
« on: August 02, 2013, 12:39:47 pm »
Ok if it's not possible, then I'll find something else (but first, I'll try to update a working OS on my calc, at the moment I cannot, even the one that was already installed !!!! ) I think I got a reason to hate TI.
« on: August 02, 2013, 12:24:59 pm »
Ok, to install CalcSys I have to upgrade my calc OS, but it ALWAYS says "error ! please reboot calc". Then it re-tries to install the OS, and some time after, I get this error back ; I cannot anymore use my calc !!!
« on: August 02, 2013, 12:00:05 pm »
Ok, another app on my calculator ; but my archive is *nearly* full... I mean, something included into Axe, because CalcSys does much more and then takes much more ARC than what my calculator can save... Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, I'll try to download it (if not enough ARC I'll delete my new bank program )
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:51:05 am »
No, I meant that it would be nice to EDIT the code generated by Axe
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:16:57 am »
Something nice would be an option to get the hexa code created by Axe after compilation ; I already created a program (using Axe ) to "decompile", but if Axe could do this it would be REALLY cool... Thanks... I'm thinking to this because sometimes we can try to optimise the hexa by ourselves, and if Axe lets us edit the compiled code, we could do...
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:36:28 am »
Well, I use an application named CalcUtil, and I found two bugs ; one is that, because I'm able to edit archived programs (using CalcUtil), I often compile archived programs, and I (also) get often an ERROR:UNKNOWN, and my calc freezes. The other bug is that when I get an error, I unarchive the program to find the error (using the [prgm] button), but if I edit the program, the calc freezes and I lose the data... I know this is related to my using of CalcUtil, but if you could fix this, it would be great !