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Messages - Iambian

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Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:13:39 pm »
I'm sometimes on #omnimaga, which is what is shown at the top of the page, but I'm usually just stitting around, either idling or chatting with the CaDan dev "team" in #fishtankcity. If you have to use your own IRC client, know that the network is ""

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:04:11 pm »
I made the new source you gave me into a WabbitCode project file but ended up having a couple errors trying to compile, and i just wanted to make sure that i've got it right. Basically, in the statcalc file in p0 there were two undefined addresses (lines 107/120), AddAtoHL and statgetbuf+5. I changed them to AddAtoHL0 and statgetbuf1+5.
You're right, and I'm also kinda embarrassed that I uploaded something without checking to see if it would build at all. Aside from that, I also made another really small revision. You can see that here: (p0/statcalc.z80)

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:03:20 am »
Whoops. Sorry 'bout that. Completely forgot about it after making that post. It ought to be attached to this one.

EDIT: That and you'll want to remove the final three lines of mLLII.bat , since they refer to a setup that is specific to my machine.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:42:12 pm »
I would like you to start working on the battle engine, despite the fact that there's nothing in the current code that even remotely alludes to it working. Most specifically, I would like you to work on the part that performs the battle calculations.

Since not everything is put together, just assume that you will have available calls to routines in the form of "call GetStat<insert_stat_type>" in which you replace the stat type with something such as "STR", "WIS", "Evade", "NumberOfPhysicalAttacks", "DEF", "HitRate", etc. I'll be adjusting the names of the routines that fetches the values to whatever you choose to name that call.

Please ignore the file "battengm.txt" since that is an incomplete document. In batteng.txt, please revise line 23 to read:
Code: [Select]
09.      If have BLIND FIGHTING, %HITRATE = %HITRATE - ( %HITRATE / 4 )
For messing around with the battle system, please refer to this copy of Escheron, complete with source, to see something that might remotely look... decent. It's actually a much more complete version of E:SoR but it was getting to be an absolute pain to work on. To build that software, you'll need to put the extracted contents of that archive in a folder called "LL2" (the project was originally "Lost Legends II" before Zera changed its name) and then put that folder inside the project folder of Dwedit's AppDev kit, then you'll want to replace "asmapp5.bat" with the one I've attached to the bottom of this post. Only then do you go into the LL2 folder and double-click the mLLII.bat file to rebuild the app.

Understand that the source that I linked to you here is completely and radically different from the revision that you are working on (maybe except some of the LCD driver routines. I worked too hard on them to ditch). The difference includes some of the data itself and its structures. In this source file, the entire engine is split between pages 1 and 5 (starting from 1 this time around) with data sitting on page 4.

This version was overall much more complete, and with a few more steps, would've been releasable as the finished product. The problem was with the compilation environment and how everything was arranged together. See, TASM has limits and I was trying to pull together hacks that would overcome *some* of those limits (but not all of them), and I ran into a problem with respect to how the code was arranged. I would not have been able to cram events in there. I had a couple of images that were missing from the source that wouldn't have made it in. Overall, the thing was a complete mess and I felt like I needed to stop that shit and restart the whole thing.

If you think you might be able to cram what needs to be done into the old source and have a pretty complete game, feel free (but I think you'd be wasting your time). So that's why I have a pretty much clean slate that allows me to put together things in a much more sane manner, and allow things to be ... "page-aware". SPASM allows me to do this. Also, SPASM just simply builds faster.

tl;dr: Try to write battle engine calculations. You can test it using the old source if need be, or to use as a reference for the new version should you want to code the whole thing.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:34:45 am »
@Iambian: Yeah, it seems like the best way to understand it all (especially how things are stored in memory, which seems to be one of the more complicated issues) would be looking at the source along with your explanations. Also, thanks for that file, is it the same as the information available on the google code site? Anyway, i'll look through it, thanks. Take your time, there's no rush. And i don't want to take the control of the program (especially the creative control) away from you, i just want to help you finish it the way you envision it, so we'll se what we can do :)

I'm not entirely sure what information is on the Google Code site, since the vast majority of the work was accomplished between me and Zera via IRC. There were some pretty big revisions, so I'm guessing the information is nothing alike.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:37:03 pm »
Okay. Here's the top level bit of the whole project.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth is a FlashAPP that spans (thus far) five pages (16K each). So far, the following are on each page (starting from page zero)

[page 0] (7KB free) Game startup and shutdown, menu system, font renderer, stats calculator, keyboard reading routine, decompressor.
[page 1] (10KB free) Interrupt routine, events, LCD routines, main loop, tilemapper, sprite rendering routine (incomplete)
[page 2] (2KB free) Tile bitmaps and image data. Whoops, forgot the enemy bitmaps >.<
[page 3] (8KB free) In-game descriptions, text data for menus, equipment stats. And more strings.
[page 4] (7KB free) Data used to place warp info. Tilemap data.

Almost all the game data is compressed, so it will use a spare RAM page (3) that is present on the TI-83+SE/TI-84+(SE) calculators to hold some of that data temporarily. The challenge is to make sure that the data is where it should be when it is needed.

During tilemap runs, the tile bit map is a full 8KB and rests at around the $C000 range. The $E000 and higher range is left open for other uses, but they include things such as sprite data and string data.
I'm not entirely sure what happens during menu runs, where description data (which is also compressed) needs to be loaded, but I do remember that data is juggled around practically everywhere.
During the battle system, the whole tile bitmap data can be discarded in favor of other things, such as decompressing and moving around enemy bitmaps. And perhaps double-buffering the screen if you wanted additional effects.

I probably should've said something about this before, but beyond the game startup and shutdown, there are no romcalls. The TI-OS would crash if you tried to do it due to the way memory is rearranged. In shortl, I shuffled stuff around to give me $8000 to $8EFF, all consecutive "free" RAM. There aren't too many free RAM areas that are left for use. Those that still exist will be defined somewhere. Not sure where, tho.

I would want you to work on the battle system, but there just isn't enough information available for that to happen. So in the meantime, you should get familiar with some of the documents that this project revolves around, in addition to how I originally thought the battle system should flow based on what was described.

I suppose I need time to figure out how to explain everything. Here's a little bit of info attached to this post with regards to what I could find. I'm not going to post the entire source quite yet. (gotta make sure the source will actually build)

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: January 29, 2012, 02:19:48 pm »
The problem with that, though is that everything in E:SoR is needlessly complicated and I'm unsure if I'm able to explain everything with the exacting clarity needed to be able to handle everything. I may give it a shot, though.

I suppose the hardest part of working with E:SoR is introducing a new (to the project) coder about the ... stuff... that the project is already made of and in how to work with that. I'm none too keen on rebooting the project *again*, but if it comes to that, it might as well happen.

Also, I'm not too sure how to really delegate the workload. I mean, its main components are all pretty mashed together, and that which can be separated are major things in and of themselves. At the moment, these things are pieces that are identifiable:
(1) Map renderer
(2) Menu system
(3) Object interaction
(4) NPC interaction
(5) Event handler and coordinator
(6) Battle system

As far as this iteration of the project is concerned, most of item (1) is done, bits and pieces of (2) is done, very little of (3) is done, and (6) remains an outline as it relates somewhat to item (1) (stats generation).

If I can verify that chickendude really wants to work on the project, I'll send him a copy of the source thus far, and we can both rediscover what the next task is. Until then...


EDIT: (1) Try to do the IRC thing, please? (2) Delicious cherry flavoured ... uh. Can't say... I know I'll get hit with a newspaper if I do ... >.<

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:52:34 pm »
I could actually use a little help with E:SoR. I haven't thought anyone would've wanted to help out with this project. If you wanna talk about the project, chat with us on IRC, and we'll see what can be done, perhaps exchange a bit of source code.

Just highlight me on IRC (say my name) and wait for a response, since I may be afk at the time.

Other Calculators / Re: TI-84+ On An External Power Supply - Hardwired
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:21:10 am »
After hooking my calc up to the cellphone charger, which ought to be outputting 5V, I was thinking about trying to wire up something that would draw power from the 5V line of the USB port if the power was available. Just scrape off a little bit of the green stuff and solder a wire to it, then right on over to a small circuit board that deals with the batteries.

I did the scrape-y thing before with a Super Gameboy cartridge after some of its smaller contacts corroded right off. My granddaddy bought me that thing from a garage sale once, but it didn't work so yeah. Didn't really know how to repair a PCB at the time, so that was the only logical solution I had at the time. Took my dad a helluva lotta convincing to buy me that soldering iron.

Other Calculators / TI-84+ On An External Power Supply - Hardwired
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:48:34 pm »
Since what I'm doing with my calculator will eat too many batteries across what it's doing (it's a secret), I strapped my calculator down to a breadboard and hooked in a spare stripped cellphone charger to supply it with the juice that it needs for the fraction of the price. And so, I leave this with you:

The tape probably wasn't necessary but I wanted it strapped in good. Also, this makes operating the calc a bit more difficult. Whatever works, I guess. The voltage source is probably 5V. Not sure. Most likely. It's a cellphone charger after all. Doesn't really matter to me. Just as long as the calc powers on and doesn't complain to me about low batteries. Which it did when I had a 5V regulator in the circuit (leftover from a previous project). That's what the capacitors were in for, but I guess they might help keep the calc going long enough to reach a place where it can shut down if the power cuts. I haven't tested that one. Should I?

And no, my calc isn't trying to call out for help... yeah. Let's go with that. I was just... um. Too lazy to shoot another photo? Right, right, exactly! That'll be my story. It's believable, right?

EDIT: Quick 15-30 minute project. Most of that time spent was in locating the supplies.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:01:23 am »
Well, I know for a fact that I will not be working on this project until at least January 22nd (Cemetech contest deadline)

The good news is that the code is still delicious! *nom*

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 08, 2011, 02:56:40 pm »
I don't think you need a cursor to go through the letters. If you choose a letter, the cursor automatically jumps one to the right. Like in most name input screen in Gameboy games or like this: :) .
I would prefer a cursor in the name, especially since the name input screen will be automatically filled out with the name you used the last time (Or "Nameless" if you're starting fresh with a new install). If something is already in the field, it might take more thought than strictly necessary to figure out where you are.

Also, whoever said it on IRC, I stand corrected. The behavior of the DEL key, at least in Perfect Cherry Blossom, is to move the cursor back and then remove the character at that position. The cursor also didn't wrap, so I might want to go ahead and fix that behavior. Also, maybe I ought to have something like an "End" option like in most games to exit out of the name select screen, because I'm not sure it's evident that the "go back" key (MODE) will allow you to exit and still accept the changes made.

EDIT: *nomnomnomnom*

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:37:32 pm »
Well, I've got a little bit of some of the other stuff done. Can't save replay files yet, but at least there will be a placeholder for them. Observe.

Oh, yeah. And an included easter egg in the naming screen.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 05, 2011, 08:08:39 pm »
Does that lowercase "t" have an extra pixel?
Yes. That was intentional and is part of the font.

CaDan SHMUP / Re: Yet another shooter
« on: December 05, 2011, 06:14:07 pm »
Minor update: Working on the menu used to input your name for the high score screen / replay save screen. The screen shot below shows a test condition layered on top of the title screen. Note the small 's' is in black to show that it has been selected. The space below the lowercase 'z' is the space character. You have to back out of the menu by pressing MODE to finalize your selection. The DEL button moves the cursor backwards but does not erase anything. If you go back too far, just keep hitting the DEL key as it wraps around to the other side. Perhaps I can use the Y= button for moving the cursor forward? Now that's an idea...

[post attempt 3; forum attachment system appears to be broken. Using RFG for this.]

EDIT: Will modify this routine later on to make the spacing between the characters more like the rest of the game. Should be prettier.

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