Hello Guys,
I was planning to post this for a while, but I found I simply didn't have the time to do so.
So well, here goes:
A few months/weeks earlier I created a topic concerning I was going to be absent for a 2/3 weeks due to my exams/vacation.
Usually, after every vacation, my urge to program games returns because I still have a project to finish.
This time was no difference.
So after my vacation, I resumed my zelda project, still having some bugs to fix in the engine I had so far and stuff.
Basically, I started by creating a backup of the entire project by creating a group.
However, the downside of creating a group is that all of the files have to be in RAM.
As some of you might know, OS 2.53MP is a little unstable, and that fact hit me at right the wrong moment.
I had a ramclear during the grouping, losing all graphics and a major part of the engine.
Since then, I did not have the urge to pick up the game again.
I might pick the project up again someday, but so far, my priorities have been blocking me.
Such as,
there are new exams coming up (yes, again).
I recently got into a relationship, which I have to maintain, which is also a big priority for me
So basically, as things look now. I will not continue any major projects on the calculator anymore for a while.
I might release some small games, but nothing really big.
I hope you guys will understand this, and I really do regret the fact that I can not contribute to the community.
I will try to remain active here, but I won't make any promises...
Yours, Ikkerens