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Topics - JWinslow23

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Axe / Axe 2048 help?
« on: April 03, 2014, 02:02:53 pm »
This code apparently has an error, in sliding. I don't know what's wrong, and I hope anyone can extract the bad code and replace it with good code.
Code: [Select]
Fix 5
While 1
If getKey->K?<5
!If {X+(K=1?4)-(K=2?1)+(K=3?1)-(K=4?4)+GDB1->Z}^{X+GDB1}
+{X+GDB1}->{Z} and 0->{X+GDB1}
EndIf getKey(15)
Fix 4
 and 0->r2
If {r1/16*4+(r2/19)+GDB1}->r3
Anyone, help?

TI Z80 / Factorials in TI-BASIC
« on: March 14, 2014, 12:04:50 pm »
This program calculates and displays the factorial of any given integer from 1 to 171 (can calculate higher, but can't display higher  :/ ). It also shows your progress, in case it takes a while (as it does for large numbers).

Download attached.

TheCoder, I know you've been waiting for this... ;)

Axe / Axe Pseudo-physics help?
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:21:19 pm »
I need help with calculations for bouncing a ball off of a moving, curved surface (and one static, straight one). I know that trig is involved, but I don't know exactly what calculations to make (and since articles are still being ported through SMFs, that's no help)!

Help? :-\

TI Z80 / Flappy Bird by Josiah W
« on: February 20, 2014, 06:54:24 pm »
Everyone, here it is...MY OWN FLAPPY BIRD!

This started out as a demo I made in a day, and it has since expanded into something a little bit extra. ;)
If you live in a modern era, you don't need to be explained to about what this game is. :P
UP: Fly
2nd: (at GAME OVER): Restart
Del (at GAME OVER): Delete highscore (no confirmation!)

v1.10 download attached (one of my latest posts should have the lastest version). Source is AFLPBIRD, No-Shell compiled game is FLPYBIRD.

Together, we can all get more of OUR Flappy Bird calculator downloads than the ORIGINAL... :evillaugh:
Spoiler For Changelog:
v1.0: First public release
v1.1: Made minutes afterwards; heavy optimization thanks to Runer112 :)
v1.2: More eyecandy, optimizations thanks to Hayleia, and HIGHSCORES due to Matrefeytontias :D
Thanks, all of you! ;D
v1.3: Parallax!!!!!! ;D
v1.4: Added clouds, added "highscore delete" feature, and made some minor optimizations
Please don't blame me if your highscore gets deleted. :/
v1.5: Changed graphics due to suggestions by DJ Omnimaga and LDStudios (surprised it still beats ClrDraw's version in terms of bytes, but optimizations are still welcome ;) )
v1.6: Changed pipe graphics as suggested by LDStudios and Hayleia, and added GAME OVER debounce from Streetwalrus :)
v1.7: Made some minor optimizations, updated bird graphic at request of nobody, and added MEDALS! ;D
Thanks to Matrefeytontias for explaining strGet() to me! :D
v1.8: Made a LOTLOTLOT of optimizations, including optimization of the point increment routine, AND made my code unreadable to any human :P
v1.9: Optimization FRENZY!!!!!!!! Size: 2,524 bytes, which is mainly due to me eliminating the need for the flying/falling flag F.
Thanks to Runer for pointing it out to me!!! :D
v1.10: Optimization FRENZY 2!!!!!!!!!!! Size: 2,372 bytes!!!!!!!!! ;D ClrDraw, you have just met your maker.
(thank you, Runer XD )
v2.0: Thanks to willrandship for explaining Bitmap() to me (and Kerm Martian's SourceCoder for converting), I have bitmapped my way to new eyecandy. :D
v2.1: Optimized, and added a tasty Easter egg...see if you can find it. ;)
v2.2: Optimized, and added another Easter egg...find it, too... >:D
Oh, and some more optimization/feature suggestions are welcomed!

P.S. ClrDraw, you have met your match. This program is it.

Axe / Graphics Help?
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:59:40 pm »
I've heard somewhere that you can absorb actual picture variables from the calc for use on buffers (only needed for compilation). Is this true, and if so, how do I do so?

TI Z80 / Easter Calculator
« on: January 31, 2014, 05:08:11 pm »
Here is code in TI-BASIC to calculate the day of Easter Sunday.
Code: [Select]
Input "YEAR?           ",Y
int(Y/E2             //Scientific E, not the variable E
If Ans=50 or Ans=49 and 10<19fPart(Y/19
Disp sub("MARCHAPRIL",1+5(Ans>31),5

Whaddaya think? Any improvements?

TI Z80 / Snow Demo
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:22:52 pm »
This is a demo of snow falling that I made. Basically, press any key to exit.

There is no melting yet. I'm still working on it.

If you want more information, ask me.

TI Z80 / Is a QR Code Generator/Reader possible on the 84+?
« on: January 24, 2014, 05:47:47 pm »
Everyone knows what QR codes are, right? Like this:

Well, is it possible to generate and/or read them on the 84+?

Art / Font Contest CSE
« on: January 09, 2014, 11:42:43 am »

Tired of the same old boring font on the 84+CSE? Wish there was something new? Well, now you have a chance to make one!

This is a contest in which you must make the best stylized font for the TI84+CSE. The rules are as follows:
  • The font must only have the colors available in BASIC (sorry, Asm-huggers!).
  • The font must include all printable TI-84+CSE characters.
  • Each character must be the same size as (or smaller than) the corresponding character in the default font.
  • Do not steal anyone's font (especially TI's) or simply recolor it and claim it as your own.
  • The fonts shall be submitted as a .png file showing the name of your font and all of it's characters.
  • I shall then make a mockup of the font using a "Lorem ipsum" placeholder text, and edit the first post with all of the fonts.
  • By February (or when there are 10 entries, whichever comes first), I shall choose the winner based on legibility and stylishness. I will also upload a BASIC program simulating your font and upload it.
  • Above all, have fun!

Rules are not set in stone. There could possibly be a rule change in between now and the end of the contest

TI Z80 / Cookie Clicker for the +C
« on: December 27, 2013, 05:25:22 pm »
I made a Cookie Clicker game for the TI-84+ Color Silver Edition!

I'm lazy, so I'll copy-paste the readme.

Code: [Select]
<-- Your text editor must be able to display this on one line -->
   _____            _    _          _____ _ _      _
  / ____|          | |  (_)        / ____| (_)    | |
 | |     ___   ___ | | ___  ___   | |    | |_  ___| | _____ _ __
 | |    / _ \ / _ \| |/ / |/ _ \  | |    | | |/ __| |/ / _ \ '__|
 | |___| (_) | (_) |   <| |  __/  | |____| | | (__|   <  __/ |
  \_____\___/_\___/|_|\_\_|\___|   \_____|_|_|\___|_|\_\___|_|
                           _    / ____|
                         _| |_ | |
                        |_   _|| |
                          |_|  | |____

                          by Josiah W.


* A TI-84+ C Silver Edition.
* 5,065 bytes of RAM for the program AND variable usage.
* (recommended, but not required)
No content is B, C, D, K, T, S, Y, Z, L1, L2, L3, L4, Str1,
OR a custom list "CLICK". These are used by the game.
* This program is ALSO DoorsCSE compatible, so you CAN run it
with DoorsCSE.


* Transfer COOKIE.8xp to your TI-84+ C Silver Edition. Then. run
as a BASIC program on the homescreen OR on DoorsCSE.

#How to Play#

* Cookie Clicker +C is a port of Cookie Clicker, the game that
has taken the Internet by storm, on the +C.
* When you start, you will continue your save file (reset if you
don't have one).
* Press ENTER to click on the cookie. When you do that, you will
get 1 cookie.
* Press LEFT and RIGHT to cycle through the buildings.
* When you get enough cookies to buy the selected building, press
PLUS to buy. Press MINUS to sell.
* When you buy buildings, you will notice that every second, you
will get cookies automatically. These are the buildings and their

|   Building   | Initial Price | CpS/building |
| Cursor       |             15|            .1|
| Grandma      |            100|            .5|
| Farm         |            500|             4|
| Factory      |           3000|            10|
| Mine         |          10000|            40|
| Shipment     |          40000|           100|
| Alchemy Lab  |         200000|           400|
| Portal       |        1666666|          6666|
| Time Machine |      123456789|         98765|
| Antimatter   |     3999999999|        999999|

Press CLEAR to save your game and quit.

#Legal Information#

* This program is freeware, it shall be distributed freely. I do
not claim ownership of Cookie Clicker, all rights go to Orteil
for making the original ( ). If
this program is distributed, credit me for making it, and Orteil
for the idea.


* Orteil for making the original Cookie Clicker.
( )
* Texas Instruments for making the TI-84+ C Silver Edition.
* Everyone who supported me all the way.

#Version History#

* v1.0: Initial release (size: 4,197)

The .zip is attached.

If anyone can help me optimize, that would be awesome! O.O I should warn runs a bit slow.

Whaddaya think? Is there potential?

TI Z80 / Shutdown Mini
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:42:48 pm »
I made a new game called "Shutdown Mini".

I'm lazy, so I'll copy-paste my custom readme.

Code: [Select]
<-- Your text editor must be able to display this entire sentence on one line of text -->
     ______. __    __  __    __ .__________. _______   ______ ____    __    ____.__   __.
    /      ||  |  |  ||  |  |  ||          ||       \ /  __  \\   \  /  \  /   /|  \ |  |
   |   (---`|  |__|  ||  |  |  |`---|  |---`|  .--.  |  |  |  |\   \/    \/   / |   \|  |
    \   \   |   __   ||  |  |  |    |  |    |  |  |  |  |  |  | \            /  |  . `  |
.----)   |  |  |  |  ||  `--'  |    |  |    |  '--'  |  `--'  |  \    /\    /   |  |\   |
|_______/   |__|  |__| \______/     |__|    |_______/ \______/    \__/  \__/    |__| \__|

                                      by Josiah W.


* This game has been tested FURIOUSLY before release. It should work, but if it doesn't,
I am NOT responsible for any loss of data or sanity due to installation and/or gameplay.


* 1,674 bytes of RAM for the game.
* If the source is needed, 759 bytes of RAM for the source, and 32,875 bytes of Flash mem
(the archive) for Axe Parser AND the appvar. This is not needed, though. This is only for
those who want to tamper with the source.


* Transfer SHUTDWN2.8xp to your calculator. Then, run using Asm( on the homescreen.
* If you want to see the source, transfer AMINILIT.8xp to your calculator (provided you
have the latest version of Axe Parser installed). Then, open it in the program editor.

#How to Play#
* Shutdown Mini is the smallest game of Lights Out ever (13 by 13 pixels).
* You start with a randomized board. White lights are "on", black lights are "off".
* Use the ARROW KEYS to move the box around the grid, and 2ND to toggle a light.
* Careful, though...if you toggle a light, you also toggle its neighbors! This makes it a
lot more challenging.
* Press CLEAR at any time to quit.
* If you put all of the lights out, you win!

#Tips and Tricks#

* If you are stuck, then there is a way to solve Shutdown Mini called "Chasing the Lights".
This is that method.

1. Number the rows 1 - 6, and the columns A - F.
Row 1 is the top row, column A is the leftmost column.
2. For each light on row 1, press the button beneath in on row 2 to turn the light off.
This way, row 1 has been turned off.
3. Repeat for rows 2 - 5. End here if row 6 is unlit. If not, continue.
4. If the light at A6 is on, press A1 and C1.
   If B6 is on, press D1.
   If C6 is on, press A1 and E1.
   If D6 is on, press B1 and F1.
   If E6 is on, press C1.
   If F6 is on, press D1 and F1.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3, and the board will be solved.
* Remember, there are NO unsolvable boards!

#Legal Information#

* This program is freeware, it shall be distributed freely. If you distribute this game,
credit me for designing it. Don't sell this game, or claim it as your own. You can
tamper with the source code if you want, but credit me for making the original. Also, don't
code my name out (e.g. replace "by Josiah W." with someone else).


* Tiger Toys for making the original Lights Out game, and Lights Out Deluxe.
* for having a bunch of information about Lights
Out (including the solution) that I used for reference.
* Kevin Horowitz ([email protected]) for "bridging the gap between BASIC and Asm" with
Axe Parser. It wouldn't have been possible without Axe Parser, I have NO experience in Asm.
* Alan Outten, creator of, for partly inspiring the game.

#Version History#

* v1.0: Initial release

The file is attached, as a .zip. Tell me what you think!

EDIT: Check out the latest post for an update!

Axe / Lights Out help?
« on: November 29, 2013, 02:01:21 pm »
I need help with adding a selection box to this code (basically, I want a white box around the square selected). I know what I want, but try as I might, I can't do it! And the fact that the keys are so sensitive (and repeat) don't help, either.

The tries I did for adding it in either have it not move, have it be black and not moving right, or having it (apparently) go out of bounds. I thought I did it right, but it just doesn't work! What can I add to this code to make that? I can probably figure out the ENTER pressing light change afterwards.

Code: [Select]
ClrDraw rr
DrawInv r
Repeat C
If rand^2
Repeat getKey(15)
DispGraph rr

TI Z80 / Mad Libs
« on: November 27, 2013, 12:48:12 pm »
My Mad Libs game is finally here!

I'll just copy-paste the readme now.

Code: [Select]
< You must be able to display this on one line >
                   _      _         _
/'\_/`\           ( )    ( )     _ ( )
|     |   _ _    _| |    | |    (_)| |_     ___
| (_) | /'_` ) /'_` |    | |  _ | || '_`\ /',__)
| | | |( (_| |( (_| |    | |_( )| || |_) )\__, \
(_) (_)`\__,_)`\__,_)    (____/'(_)(_,__/'(____/

                  by Josiah W


* 4,152 bytes of RAM for the game AND var usage.

* (recommended, but not required)
No content in Pic1, Pic2, Str0, Str1, Str2 A, B,
N, X, or Y. These variables are overwritten by


* Transfer MADLIBS.8xp to your calculator. Then,
run it as a BASIC program on the homescreen.

#How to Play#

* Mad Libs is a fill-in-the-blank game.
* Press ENTER to get past the title screen.
* The story is "(adjective) WEATHER AHEAD!".
* There are 28 words you must enter (preferably
without a colon). Those will be words you fill
in for the blanks.
* Afterwards, press ENTER to read the story.
Press ENTER to move forward in the story.

#Legal Information#

* This program is freeware, please distribute it
freely. Do not sell this game, or claim it as
your own. Credit me for writing it.


* Nickelodeon Magazine for the Mad Libs story in
* The user mountain100 on TI-BASIC Developer (he
is now Nicoskiy) for providing support along the
* Xeda Elnara (from the same site) for providing
a string-extraction routine in use in the game.
This is it:

:DelVar B1
:While N and Ans
:If not(Ans

For different values of N, this would output
* Whoever created the concept of "Mad Libs".

#Version History#

v1.0: Initial release

The file is here! How would you rate it?

TI Z80 / Barebones Mastermind Game
« on: November 24, 2013, 03:17:57 pm »
This isn't TI|BD's [tibd]Mastermind[/tibd] game!

I made a version of Mastermind in 439 bytes (including the name, MSTRMIND). It uses numbers 0-9, keypresses instead of Input for inputting numbers, and it shows red and white pegs instead of right/part-right/wrong numbers.

I got the white peg formula from Wolfram Mathworld. This is it, as used in the program:

ci is how many times color i was in the code, and gi is how many times it was in the guess. r, of course, is how many red pegs thrown out.

The file is attached. You press the number pad to input numbers, ENTER to guess it, and CLEAR anytime to quit. A half-second after guessing, you will see the change in red and white pegs. You get 14 guesses.

Give tips for even more optimization, if possible!

Introduce Yourself! / Hey, what's up?
« on: November 23, 2013, 08:41:03 pm »

I am an intermediate TI-BASIC programmer, hoping to learn Axe (I have the syntax guide at hand). You have probably seen my Cookie Clicker thread, my Shutdown game, and my recent Candy Wars game. I hope to learn more advanced techniques. I also have a small 500-byte Mastermind program (doesn't use Input, uses keypresses). Code coming soon!

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